Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 384


Naoki Asakawa did the same, and threw Kazuno Nino on the wall, leaving the last four leaves holding his head and squatting on defense.

At this time, the zombie dog turned into a husky has stuck his tongue out and ran to the front. It was clearly the standard plot of a horror movie. Unfortunately, under the aura of Husky's appearance, Naoki Asakawa could not feel scared at all, only a word of complexity was inexhaustible.

Asakawa Naoki emptied his right hand, as if holding something in his palm.

The Erha zombie dog that rushed over suddenly stopped, sticking out his tongue, staring at a pair of dog eyes, and looked at Asakawa Naoki blankly.


Naoki Asakawa raised his hand and made a throwing motion.

The Erha zombie dog immediately lowered its head, looking for non-existent food on the ground.

"Sure enough, becoming a zombie dog can't improve the Husky's IQ."

Naoki Asakawa clapped his hands and bowed his head and said, "Yoshiba, get up."

"I, my legs are soft, I can't run..."

Yotsuba looked up, tears in her eyes, pitiful, weak and helpless.

Reluctantly, Naoki Asakawa bent over and hugged Yotsuba, and then jumped onto the wall with Yotsuba in his arms with the ease of breaking the world record.

"Huh?" Yotsuba's face was flushed, and he hurriedly grabbed Naoki Asakawa by the collar and whispered, "Why, why did I become a princess when I hug?"

"If your legs were not soft, who would hold you!"

Naoki Asakawa looked at the Erha zombie dog who was still smelling on the grass, and asked in a deep voice, "Siba, are you afraid of dogs?"

Yotsuba glanced at the zombie dog below and hurriedly closed his eyes: "I was almost bitten by a dog when I was a child. Since then, I have been very afraid of dogs."

Sure enough.

Naoki Asakawa had had horrible dreams before, and he knew that there was a hidden rule in this kind of dreams—whatever he was afraid of would come.

In other words, these five fools now have crow beaks of the big prophecy level, good and bad spirits, but they are still unconscious.

"I'm too difficult." Naoki Asakawa sighed, extremely tired, "So when will this campus survival dream end?"

After successfully clearing the campus copy, Asakawa Naoki and five fools came to the street.

Yihua raised her hand to cover her forehead and muttered to herself: "It feels a bit familiar..."

Nonsense, of course I'm familiar with it. This street is where you filmed the movie in the afternoon. The plants and trees are almost restored in a panoramic view!

Did you see the aunt zombie on the side of the road who was sorting garbage?

You two had a chat while putting on makeup!


The street is much more chaotic than the campus. The orderly vehicles of the past have crashed into a ball, blocking the road directly, there are shaking zombies everywhere, and pedestrians holding their heads, and a lot of planes hovering in the distant sky. Pass, then crashed into high-rise buildings, bursting into bright fireworks.

The movie scene is restored in a dream, and even if you know it is a dream, it is still a bit shocking when you are on the scene.

The five fools who were immersed in their dreams were only nervous and scared. The five held hands and looked around vigilantly.

"Asakawa-kun, where are we going now? Should we go back to the apartment first?" Yihua said nervously, "It's going to get dark soon..."

As Yihua spoke, the sky darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

your sister!A word can turn day into night, you are actually a real boss who speaks the law freely!

"Once it gets dark, there will be..."

Naoki Asakawa quickly stretched out his hand and covered Yihua's mouth.

I didn't say anything behind Yihua, but it was a pity that monsters still appeared in the dim twilight.

"It's useless to cover your mouth."

Asakawa Naoki silently analyzed: "It should be related to will."

"In other words, if you want to avoid the use of the big prophecy, you must conquer the mind and body of these fools..."

Chapter 282 The Exorcist Darwin

On the telephone pole of the dimly yellow street lamp, stood a patient with pale skin, thin body, two canine teeth exposed at the corners of his mouth, and eyes with vertical pupils like cats.

"Sucking, sucking blood..."

With her eyes wide open, her pretty face pale, and she faced the fear in her heart, her eyes were almost as tearful as Yotsuba, and she hugged her head and squatted.

Naoki Asakawa's expression is serious: "Scientific research has shown that it is just a juggling patient with pink eyes."

Nina couldn't help but vomit: "Then why did you turn around and run?"

Asakawa Naoki ran and said, "It's a bit cold, and I'm running to keep warm."

"Bah, you are obviously afraid, right?"

"This is called a strategic retreat. It's fine to read more books and talk less."

"You two don't talk about it." Wu Yue's panicked voice sounded, "That vampire is chasing you!"

Naoki Asakawa turned his head and looked. The pink eye patient who was standing on the telephone pole just now flew with his arms open, but the speed was a little slow, and it felt like a real kite.

Seeing Kazuka's legs and feet were weak, and panting, Naoki Asakawa carried Kazuka on his shoulders.

"Huh eh eh?"

Ichihan hugged Asakawa’s neck quickly and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Thank you Asakawa-kun."

"I want to do an experiment with you." Asakawa Naoki said as he ran.


A low cry of embarrassment suddenly sounded.

"Yihua, are you okay?" Sanjiu looked nervously.

"No, nothing..."

Yihua stretched out her hand to cover the skirt, her pretty face flushed, and hurriedly shook her head.

It's nothing more than carrying yourself on your shoulders, so you actually reach into your skirt and touch your ass?

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