Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 390

Sanjiu tilted his head, "Perhaps... the five of us are in the same dream?"

May's eyes were blank, "How can such a thing happen?"

"It must have something to do with that bastard Asakawa!"

Nina clenched her silver teeth, remembering everything in her dream clearly, and the black swallowtail butterfly on the temples trembled.


What a shame!

I actually fell in love at first sight when I saw you. It turned out to be a lie from beginning to end. Not only that, but I also bullied Sanjiu in front of my own face and wrote positive words on my lap with a pen... Exhausted!

"Asshole Asakawa! I can never spare you!"


"It's amazing. It turns out that everyone had the same dream last night." Yotsuba exclaimed, and suddenly turned his head to look at May.


"What do you see me doing?"

An unpleasant premonition surged in my heart, and May took a half step back quietly.

Yotsuba clenched a fist with his right hand, tapped the sofa lightly, and opened the interrogation mode: "Finally, at the convenience store, why did you kiss Asakawa-san in May?"

"It's not a kiss, it's obviously that Asakawa-san forced me to kiss me..." May Qiao's face was flushed, her right hand was on her chest, her eyes were erratic, "Furthermore, the things in the dream are simply unacceptable. Really?"

That's right, that's it.

Although the dream is super clear, and the touch of the lips is particularly real, but the first kiss is taken away in the dream, it will not accept it!

Sanjiu bulged his bun's face: "Idiot Asakawa, guilty, let him cut his belly."

Nina: "Call the police directly."

"Just call the police..." A drop of cold sweat fell on May's head, "And, what happened in the dream, the police won't believe it."

"Speaking of it." Yihua supported her powder cheek with her right hand, "Do you think Asakawa-kun's behavior in his dream is strange?"

San Jiu whispered: "I feel a little out of place."

"I feel that way too." Yotsuba nodded in agreement, "It's if Asakawa-san knew he was dreaming."


The five sisters looked at each other silently.

"Let's go."

"Go together."

"Going to Asakawa's apartment to eat and drink... No, it's an interrogation crime!"

Chapter 286

"Bang bang bang."

Just after having breakfast, there was a knock on the door.

"Asakawa opened the door, your business has happened."

Listening to the familiar voice outside the door, Naoki Asakawa suddenly got a headache: "There is no one in the room."

"No one is who is talking?"

"This is automatic recording, please leave a message after hearing the beep..."

"Stop talking nonsense, open the door quickly." Another angry voice sounded, "You have the courage to play with May, but you have the courage to open the door!"

"Two, Nino!" Wu Yue's panicked voice sounded, "Don't say such misleading words in the corridor!"

"You've been bullied by the bastard Asakawa, and you are still facing him?"

"I am not, I don't... the things in the dream, Ken, surely can't be taken seriously?"

"Ahhh, Asakawa-san open the door quickly, a neighbor is upstairs."


"I knew it would become like this."

Naoki Asakawa sighed and stretched out his hand to open the door. There must have been so many messy things that happened in his dream last night.

The door opened and the five sisters walked in in line.

A flower made a pretty face with a serious expression: "From now on, every word spoken by Asakawa-kun will become evidence in court."

Nino put her hands on her chest, his eyes were murderous: "Asshole Asakawa."

Sanjiu's bun face was bulging, and when he passed by, he whispered: "Guilty, cut your belly."

Yotsuba raised his right hand, as always full of vitality: "Asakawa-san, good morning, let's come and play again."

The last person to come in was May.

"Morning, good morning."

Wu Yue, who has always been serious and only has food in his eyes, is now blushing, head down, and his expression is timid and panicked, and the usual meaty monsters are different.

Naoki Asakawa had a headache.

If it wasn't for saving the world, who would kiss a foolish girl like you!



"Asakawa Naoki."




"Do you want to play role-playing?" Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but said, "Well, come back in a uniform!"

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