Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 403

Sure enough, forget it.

The consequences of bullying and crying in May are very dangerous. A punch in the chest may really break five ribs.

"I just say it is possible, but I don't guarantee it will be possible."

Looking at May with both hands on his chest like a cat, looking forward to May, Asakawa couldn't help but stretch out his right hand and land on May's head, gently smoothing his hair: "Recall the dreams before. In fact, they are all things we have experienced in reality before they become dreams."

"Things experienced together..."

May subconsciously rubbed Asagawa's palm and hesitated: "How can the zombie crisis happen in reality?"

"In fact, I saw a passing film crew..."

"It turned out to be like this... wait!" Wu Yue pursed her pink lips suddenly, "Asakawa-san was with whom of the five of us yesterday?"

Asakawa Naoki: "...I won't tell you."

"If you don't tell me, I can reason it out." Wuyue puffed up her cheeks and came over, "Is it Nina?"

"No, it's not Nino." Without waiting for Naoki Asakawa to answer, May shook his head first. "Nino went shopping with friends yesterday afternoon. After coming back, I am in a good mood. If I meet you, I will definitely not be so in my mood. it is good……"

Asakawa Naoki: "I was so good?"

May: "Who makes you always bully Nino."

Asakawa Naoki: "I don't have one."

"I haven't said yet." Wuyue groaned over and said the charges, "Nina was almost bullied and cried by you this morning. We are all witnesses."

Naoki Asakawa's expression remained unchanged: "Fair playing, and willing to bet to lose, how can it be regarded as bullying?"

When I was bombed on my forehead, I didn't even hide, I blame Nino Taicai, e-sports, cooking is the original sin!

"Sanjiu's shouldn't be." Wuyue pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and continued to analyze and reason. "When everyone was discussing dreams this morning, Sanjiu's expression was very surprised."

"If Yotsuba sees a movie lined up by the crew, she will definitely be eager to share it with us."

"Speaking like that..." Wuyue raised her eyes, "Is it Yihua?"

The other suspects have been ruled out by you with the exclusion method. Who else can anyone besides Yihua!

I usually look dumb and dumb, but when I am unexpectedly sharp, it is really gratifying.

Naoki Asakawa waved his hand and drove people away: " are useless, you can go out."

May's face was puffed up with anger: "Bulling me again!"

Before leaving, Maye put her hair down first, and didn't want to be complained by Sanjiu and the others after going out, "Mrs., your hairstyle is dangerous."

Putting down her hair, Wu Yue lightly breathed a sigh of relief, "This hairstyle will not be tied in the future...Well, I will not tie it when we are married in the future."

Thinking of getting married, Wu Yueqiao's face suddenly flushed, and she glanced at Asakawa Naoki with some guilty conscience.

Sunlight came in from outside the window, and it happened to fall on Asakawa Naoki's face.

Calm eyes.

Fine bangs.

Slender eyebrows.

There are thin corners of lips that show confidence.

May was startled, and remembered the kiss in the dream last night. Although it was just a dream, I still remember everything that happened in the dream.

(Asakawa-san’s lips are also very hot in reality...)

As soon as he thought of this, Wuyue suddenly became guilty, and his heart began to beat quickly.

"What do you see me doing?" Asakawa Naoki turned his head and looked.

"I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!" Wu Yue Qiao blushed, turned her head to look away with a guilty conscience, hesitated, "I didn't look at you!"

Naoki Asakawa waved to drove people away: "Then go out quickly and don't get in the kitchen."


(Wh, what! I just helped you so much just now, so I turned around and said that I was in the way, a rude person!) May puffed up his bun's face and hummed and went to untie the apron.

(I actually had that strange thought just now... it was all hallucinations!)

One minute later.

"Asa, Asakawa students..."

The voice of shame and grievance sounded low.


Wu Yue bit her lower lip and turned her head to look away, her voice ashamed: "I can't untie the apron."

Naoki Asakawa put down the stainless steel spoon and looked behind Wu Yue with a blank expression on his face: "It's all in a knot, of course you can't solve it."

"A set of aprons for household use is fine." Maye's face flushed, obviously a shame, and he stubbornly said, "I won't use this lace-up apron..."

If the apron is not fastened, the shoelaces will always be fastened?

This thing is exactly the same as the shoelace method, there is no difference at all. Let Ogata Rizuki come over and close your eyes to tie you a bow!

"Turn around." Asakawa Naoki ordered.


Wuyue obediently turned around and turned her back to Asakawa.



The girl's shy low cry suddenly sounded.

Hey, don't make such a misleading cry!I just accidentally touched your waist. I didn't know I thought I touched your butt!

It’s said that it’s quintessential. I bullied Yihua in a dream last night without a hum. You are too weak!

"Apart from Roubao, May there are other weaknesses?"

Naoki Asakawa, holding out the research spirit of knowing himself and the enemy, stretched out his index finger, and poked at May's waist easily.

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