Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 422

Kirisu Masuu was startled slightly, she hadn't really thought about this question.

So many teachers say that two people have no talents and suggest that they go back to the right path. If they were replaced by someone else, they would have given up already, right?

Even if it was himself, it might have been shaken long ago.

The so-called right and desired life are nothing more than expectations imposed on others by oneself. Who can prove that it must be correct?

Confusion flashed in his eyes.

"Do you know the reason for their persistence?" Kirisu Masuu asked.

Naoki Asakawa nodded, "I know."

"What is it?"

"No, don't say it!"

Fumino Furuhashi hurriedly covered Asagawa's mouth, and liked the stars. It would be too shameful to tell others about things like astronomers in the future!

"I can't tell." Ogata Rizu pressed the top of Asakawa's head. "After you say, you must keep a secret."

Hey, let go!If you don't let go, you will be strangled to death by the two of you!

Naoki Asakawa slapped the hands of the two of them, coughed twice, and continued: "Haruki Murakami only started writing at the age of 29. Van Gogh used to be an unemployed vagrant and he started painting at the age of 27. If Guqiao had a name Passing on the talents of the great writers through the ages, Ogata has the talents to change the world as a scientist. Could his talents be easily buried?"

"It's not good to deny others' dreams because of talent."


Mr. Kirisu took a breath and looked at:

"As an educator, I still think we must guide students on the right path of talent."

"If you have a certain talent, you should work hard on the talent. If you waste your talent now, you will only regret it in the future."

"If one day in the future, they regret their current choice, can you bear the regret?"


Naoki Asakawa shook his head, then calmly said, "But I will be responsible for their lives to the end."


"Yes, responsible for life or something... People who say such things are stupid."

Gu Qiao Wennai stepped back half a step, her teeth bit her pink lips, a flush on the side of her ears quietly surged, and quickly smudged the entire cheek.

"Heartbeat...faster again."

Rizu Ogata put her hands behind her back and silently turned her head to look away.

"I roughly understand the situation." The principal father finally finished drinking the wolfberry tea in the thermos, put down the cup, and went on the line again, "Then the education guidance of Furuhashi and Ogata will continue to ask you."

"This is over?" Asakawa Naoki was surprised.

So much rhetoric is useless, but you can ask it again!

"As long as you can ensure that the future test results of Furuhashi and Ogata are stable, other things are not important." The principal crossed his fingers, "Seeing that my student dreams and talents are combined, I will be enough. "

I'm sorry, this kind of military order can't guarantee you, I don't know when the body will be exchanged next time!

"But..." The principal's face suddenly showed a meaningful smile, "You are not allowed to use improper teaching methods, understand?"

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

I don't know what an "improper" teaching method is, but you can make it clear!


Get out of the principal's office.

"Scared me."

Fumina Guhashi patted his chest, and said in fear, "I thought I was going to be locked up in a small black room for various interrogations."

The principal who kept the female students in the small black room, that is the crumb of the world only in the book!Once you find such a creature, remember to call the police as soon as possible!

"Me and Fumano have become stronger." Ogata Rizuki clenched her small fist.

Five fools can pass, and Furuhashi and Ogata are no exception.

Prior to this, two people who were good at subjects could easily get full marks, and the scores of subjects who were not good at only had single digits, which can be said to be two extremes.

But in this mid-term exam, the two can only take single-digit subjects and successfully broke the passing line. It was just that the shock caused by the exchange of arts and sciences made people overlook this point.

"Asakawa, do you have time at night?" Ogata Rizuki looked forward to it.

"No, I have to go to work in the library." Naoki Asakawa decisively refused, "Farewell."

I also want to ride a bicycle to take you to deliver food, so I like to ride a bicycle, but I practice cycling by myself!

Chapter 309 Loli Drops


A single ponytail girl in a white coat sticks out half of her cheek from the corner, quietly staring at the backs of Naoki Asakawa, with a serious expression:

"Rizu Ogata has only taken forty points in mathematics... he is not the enemy of my life!"

"Think about it carefully. On the day of the mid-term exam, Ogata has been very wrong. He has a frown and a rich expression. He was still sleeping on the table during the exam. It was like a different person."

"All the changes are related to that boy."

"Wait, Ogata Rizuki!" The girl in the white coat clenched her fists and took a deep breath: "I, Sekisaya Kazuko, will definitely save you!"


Naoki Asakawa walked to the library alone and began the duty of the library committee.

After the mid-term exams, the library was extremely deserted and hardly saw anyone. It was said that it was on duty. Most of the time, it was sitting behind the reading desk for an afternoon. Boredom is the first reflection of most people, so Nanjo was particularly wronged at that time.

Asakawa Naoki doesn't hate this desertedness, it is better to say that it is best to read a book quietly.

"Asakawa-kun, good afternoon."

A super rustic girl with a book in her arms walked over.

Naoki Asakawa looked up and said hello: "Sansei Academy."

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