Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 440

"Furuhashi, you misunderstood." Asakawa Naoki said with a headache, "Let me explain."


Rizu Ogata continued to look around.

"No, you don't need to explain it to me." Fumina Guqiao covered his ears, turned and ran, "Since Asakawa-san has made a choice, then I will..."

Naoki Asakawa's face sank, and he ordered, "Stop."


Gu Qiao Wennai stopped and looked aggrieved.

"Ogata's eyes are fierce because she changed spare glasses with the wrong degree." Naoki Asakawa reached out and took off the glasses from Ogata's face. "You can see clearly before talking."


Fumino Fumihashi was startled, and looked at the legitimate loli in surprise, and found that the'fierce look' Rizuki Ogata had disappeared, and the blank look in his eyes looked a little unexpectedly cute.


Naoki Asakawa put the glasses on Ogata Rizuki again.


Rizu Ogata raised her small face, and her fierce gaze emerged again.

"It turned out to be like this." Guqiao Fumino sighed in relief, holding his chest. "It's really blurry to see without glasses. When I swapped my body for the first time, it was like a piece of frosted glass was blocked in front of my eyes, and everything was blurry. , Was so scared..."

"Wait, wait a minute."

Fumino Furuhashi suddenly remembered, and bit her lip: "Even if there is a problem with the glasses, why should Riju-chan lie in your arms?"

"Could it be that you..."

"We are not making each other." Naoki Asakawa said expressionlessly, "This is on the street, so I don't want to be arrested and put in jail by the police. Will you send me a meal at that time!"

"Huh?" Guqiao Fumino was startled, and quickly realized that Asakawa was complaining about something. The corners of his lips couldn't help but gently cocked, turning his face away and said, "There is no prison food. The prison provides food."

"Prison fan?" Ogata Rizuki tilted her head and said in a dazed tone, "What are you talking about? Why don't you understand?"

"Cough cough." Fumino Guhashi clenched his right hand and coughed slightly on his lips, changing the subject without a trace. "Why did Rizuma-chan lay on Asakawa's chest just now?"

"Asakawa said he has a bad heart." Ogata Rizuki said seriously, "I'm listening to see if there is any problem with his heartbeat."

"Huh?" Gu Qiao Wennai looked nervously, "Heart, heart disease?"

"It's a joke." Naoki Asakawa raised his hand to cover his forehead, "Ogata took it seriously."

Too serious will cause trouble for others. After graduating from university and entering society, Ogata Risa is definitely not suitable for jobs that require all-round work such as personnel director and president secretary. If you accidentally enter the bank in the future, it will happen that the bank will perform a simulated robbery act. , This legal loli might be able to commit a terrible robbery with her own power!

"You can't take it lightly if you feel unwell." Rizuki Ogata pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, giving another example, "For example, the grandfather of the neighbor..."

"Ah...well, what Riju-chan said makes sense."

Fumino Furuhashi nodded in agreement, then put his hands behind his back and smiled and looked at Naoki Asakawa.

The smile is terrible.

He was smiling clearly, and there was a small cross-string beating slightly in the upper right corner of his forehead.

"To play with Li Zhujiang's feelings, Asakawa-san is too much."

"I do not have."

"I haven't said that, if it's someone else, you think Lizhujiang will..."

Halfway through, Guqiao Wennai suddenly bit her pink lips and turned her head away.

"What's wrong with you?" Asakawa Naoki asked subconsciously.

Guqiao Wennai puffed up his bun's face, turned his head and said, "It's okay."

I was still talking to you just now, and in a blink of an eye I was awkward for no reason, so girls are really troublesome creatures.

"Funnai, listen to it too."

"Okay... eh, wait, wait a minute." Fumino Furuhashi quickly turned around, looked at Rizuki Ogata, and said in surprise, "Let me listen to what?"

"Listen to Asakawa's heartbeat." Rizuki Ogata pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose. "If the rhythm of the heartbeat is disordered, and there are symptoms of three short and one long, or two short and one long symptoms, go to the hospital to recite a twenty-hour cardiogram. , A comprehensive inspection has been carried out."

"No, no need." Guqiao Wennai hurriedly waved his hand, "This kind of thing can be done alone."

Rizu Ogata said, "You just agreed."

"That, that's a misunderstanding!" Guqiao Wennai stubbornly said, "Moreover, this is on the street, if anyone sees it..."

"The doctor examines the patient, why should I be afraid of being seen?" Ogata Rizuki grasped the shoulder strap of the backpack with both hands, with a puzzled expression. "When every semester starts the physical examination, don't everyone help each other?"


Gu Qiaowen was speechless, and could only agree to grievances, "Well, then I will listen..."

After two steps, Fumina Guhashi reached out and grabbed Qianchuan's sleeves, his pretty face flushed, and his eyes erratic: "Don't, don't be on the street, go into the alley over there."

"Got it."

Asakawa Naoki sighed, the girl who was too serious was really troublesome.

The three walked into the alley.

"Funno, let's start quickly." Rizuki Ogata stopped and looked carefully. "After listening, let's talk about the situation."

"……I know."

Fumino Furuhashi took a breath, looked at Asakawa Naoki, and said, "Asakawa-san... raise your hands."


Naoki Asakawa raised his hands, always feeling that it was not like a doctor giving a patient a body, but a policewoman who wanted the criminal to come to justice.

Guqiao continued: "Close your eyes."

Naoki Asakawa was speechless: "Why close your eyes when listening to the heartbeat?"

"Because, because every doctor has his own rules." Gu Qiao Wennai blushed and came over, "Don't ask so much, close your eyes quickly."

Asakawa Naoki closed his eyes.

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