Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 444


May subconsciously replied, and quickly reacted, and hurriedly said, "Asakawa and I are just ordinary friends, we will definitely not be dating."

Because it is a transfer student, while May's IQ is not high, her EQ is not high. There are always no friends in the class. At the moment, she has become a popular girl, but she just doesn't want this popularity in May.

"Classmate Asakawa is cold and withdrawn. He actually chose to answer the questions for you under the gaze of so many people. It must be no ordinary friend."

"that is because……"

In May, he faltered, his pretty face flushed, and he turned his head guilty and said, "I didn't understand a topic in class. I was asking Asakawa for advice...that's it.

There was a gossip girl who hit the nail on the head and picked out May's clumsy lie: "The question should be after class. You shouldn't ask in class."


May was speechless, and subconsciously cast a glance at Asakawa Naoki for help.


Several girls turned their eyes, and looked at Asakawa Naoki.

"Sao Chuan, are you dating?"

Naoki Asakawa put down the exercise book in his hand, glanced at the neighboring table surrounded by a group of girls, and said slowly, "No."

"Is May-chan cute?"

A spectacle lady asked curiously.

May's head trembled, the temperature on his face rose again, and he wanted to find a seam to drill down.

"I don't know." Asakawa Naoki answered calmly.

"Eh, why don't you know? You two get along day and night, you should be super familiar with each other, right?"

"Foul, foul!" May closed her eyes and shouted in shame, "This kind of problem is deliberately induced!"

Asakawa Naoki is still calm and composed: "Because I have facial blindness."


Scientific research has proved that girls are creatures that can stimulate the pituitary gland through gossip to secrete dopamine and create excitement in the human body. If you want them to give up gossip, you only need to make them feel dull and tasteless.

Poker face.

Calm down.

It's like eating sugarcane. Everyone wants to take a bite when the juice is overflowing. After turning into a dry residue, no one cares about it.

Unfortunately, Naoki Asakawa underestimated the enthusiasm of these gossip girls.

After a short cold, someone soon continued to launch an offensive, "Asakawa-kun, I fell into the water together with classmate May. Which one do you save first?"

Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers and said ruthlessly, "No one will be saved."

"Eh, it's too much."

"You two can swim, you don't need me to save it."

"Then if there are only a few girls left in the world, we and May-chan, who would Asakawa choose?"

Naoki Asakawa didn't change his face: "I want it all."

"Good, shameless."

"Asakawa-kun is too greedy."

"At this time, it's good to choose May sauce firmly."

"May-chan is about to cry soon."


What is the ladder of human progress?


Books are only the carrier of knowledge, and knowledge is only a means of racial inheritance. Throughout human history, greed is the root of human progress. Those countries and races that are not greedy, live by, and settle in peace have long been wiped out in history. In the long river!

"Who, who is going to cry." Wu Yue finally couldn't control the overflowing shame, got up in a panic and fled, "I'm going to the bathroom!"

He ran all the way into the bathroom, and Wu Yue came to the mirror and looked at the blushing face in the mirror. She quickly bit her lower lip and turned her shame away.

(I knew it would be like this, so I won't lose a note... Now it's shameless to see people!)

In May, I turned on the faucet and washed my face with water to cool myself physically.

"Ah, that's right." The sluggish girl patted her forehead, "I remember, I haven't explained it to Asakawa."

In May, he took out his cell phone and edited the message.

"Asakawa-san, the slip of paper was thrown wrong. Tomorrow is not a date, but to go to the temple to incense my mother.

After hesitating for half a second, May added a rabbit with a tearful emoji bag sitting on the ground holding a carrot.


Looking at the news from May, Naoki Asakawa understood: "That's how it is."

No wonder an idiot with only meat buns in his eyes would suddenly offer a date invitation, which is really weird.

Naoki Asakawa didn’t know the identity of the quintuplets’ mother, but he had learned from Sanjiu that their mother died in elementary school. After the death of the Japanese, the resting place is usually in the cemetery of the temple, May Tomorrow should be going to visit my mother's grave. The reason for calling myself is probably to deepen my impression and see if I can see my mother in a dream.

"So the first note was not the one you wrote?" Asakawa Naoki quickly found the blind spot.

"Huh eh?" Wu Yue was taken aback, and said, "Well, that... I don't know what Asakawa-san is talking about, hahaha."

Learning how to act like a baby to you by Xiang Ayano, how can it be said!It will explode in place!

"Anyway, tomorrow afternoon, accompany me to the temple to incense my mother. Asakawa will not refuse, right?"

"no problem."

Asakawa Naoki quickly replied.

"Huh..." Wuyue breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you Asakawa, please come back for snacks."

"Forget the snacks, you should be back."

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