Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 446

"This Lizhu is an idiot, right?" Guan Chengsha Kazuko said with blank eyes and expressionlessly, "Or a robot with a lack of emotion!"

"All in all, this is evidence of your secret exchanges. It is also for this reason that your academic performance will drop sharply!"

"But I'm not dating Asakawa-san." Ogata-san was confused, and a question mark appeared above her head. "Sekiya-san, what have you been talking about since just now."

Guancheng Shahezi clenched his fists and couldn't help shouting: "It's Guancheng Shahezi, don't call other people's names wrong!"

"Thank you very much, sorry."

"I have been observing you secretly for many days. I often come to school together in the morning and go home together in the evening. From middle school to the present, he is the first boy to be close to you." Guan Chengsha and Zi pinched her waist with a serious expression.

"Wait, junior high school?" Naoki Asakawa, who was the background board next to him, couldn't help but said, "You have been a sneak camera mania since junior high school?"

"It's just, not there!" Seki Saikazuko's face blushed, and he stubbornly said, "Me, I and Ogata Rizu Junior High School are studying in the same middle school, that's all, sneak shots are a recent thing!"

Naoki Asakawa silently took out his cell phone: "Hey, police? I want to report..."

"Asakawa Naoki, what are you doing?" Guancheng Sa Kazuko looked panicked.

Naoki Asakawa said with no expression on his face, "Of course the perverted idiot who was followed by the sneak shots was the first to call the police."

"I'm a girl!" Guan Chengsha and Zi shouted through gritted teeth, "I'm not a perverted idiot!"

"Sorry, I was wrong."

"Huh..." Guan Chengsha Kazuko breathed a sigh of relief, and then grabbed Asakawa Naoki's wrist, "Then you hung up the phone!"

"I refuse." Naoki Asakawa said seriously, "The judge sent the sentence on the basis of the fact of the crime, which has nothing to do with gender."

"Sekijo-san." Rizuki Ogata reminded him next to him, "just apologize seriously at this time."

"Ten thousand, extremely sorry!" Guan Chengsha Kazuko finally reacted, putting his hands together above his head, bowing ninety degrees, "I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Naoki Asakawa put his mobile phone in his pocket, and said slowly: "Show sincerity when you apologize."

"Eh...?!" Seki Sa Kazuko took a half step back, covering her chest with her hands, and a blush rose rapidly on Qiao's face, incredulously said, "You actually made me show sincerity in front of Ogata Rizuki?"


"Don't answer so frankly, you'd better let Ogata avoid it!"

"Why avoid?" Naoki Asakawa stretched out his hand to adjust the tie on his chest, puzzled. "You violated Ogata's privacy and portrait rights. Of course, you want to apologize to both."

"It seems to be the reason..." Guan Chengsha and Zi looked blank, "Then, then we go to the Chemistry Department."

"It's troublesome, you have to go so far." Naoki Asakawa refused, "just here."

"Want to do that kind of thing in the hallway?"

The girl in the white coat covered her chest with her hands, her pretty face flushed, and she said in disbelief, "What should I do if someone sees it?!"

"Otherwise, what is the sincerity of apologizing?" Naoki Asakawa put his hands in his pockets and looked towards the playground. A four-leaf was running happily in the sun. "You just need to go faster and keep others from seeing it. "

"But, damn... I didn't expect you to be a demon. I must save Ogata Rizuki from your hands!"

Guan Chengsha and Zi raised her face with tears in her eyes, closed her eyes, shaking her fingers to unbutton her chest, she looked like a white swan that slaughtered her neck.

"What is this Sekishi doing?" Asakawa Naoki was inexplicably puzzled.

Under staring blankly, Guan Chengsha Kazuko quickly unfastened the first button, revealing the delicate clavicle below the snow-white neck. If the clavicle control saw it, it would be impossible to look away.

Naoki Asakawa had no interest in the collarbone, his gaze moved up, and fell on the face of Sa Kazuko Seki Sei. The white coat had hollow eyes and lost the high light, as if he was attacking a demon, but the brave who was accidentally caught and insulted was about to Broken expression.

Guan Chengsha and Zi looked up at the sky and continued to unbutton the second button of the school uniform. This time revealing the pale yellow Pikachu shirt inside. Pikachu's two red round faces bulged up, and his smile was so naive. He didn't expect to look like wearing clothes. She was very thin and she was unexpectedly good when she took off her clothes. Of course, it couldn't be compared with Ogata's out-of-spec.

"and many more--"

Naoki Asakawa suddenly reacted and said in shock, "What are you doing undressing?"

"Up to now, I still say such things..."

Guan Chengsha and Zibei bit their lower lip tightly, and their eyes were misty: "Of course it is showing that Oupai satisfies your perverted desire."

Hey, you actually want to show oppa in the corridors where people come and go?

Are you not just a sneak shot, but a moron girl who likes to expose her body!

"Did you misunderstand something?" Asakawa Naoki raised his hand to cover his forehead, only feeling a slight pain in his temple.

"There is no misunderstanding." Guan Chengsha Kazuko's eyes were full of tears, his face flushed, and his body was trembling. "Don't you boys often say that you have to show your sincerity when you apologize?"

your sister!If you are so stupid, you would believe that, just like Ogata Rishu, you have no male friends at all!

"Student Guancheng, you misunderstood."

Rizu Ogata tilted her head and said, "Asakawa said sincerity is to let you delete the photos on your phone."


Sekisha Kazuko was dumbfounded, and brilliance reappeared in his gloomy eyes. He looked at Asakawa Naoki and said with tears, "Really?"

"Otherwise?" Guan Chengsha Kazuko said blankly, "Forcing female students to undress at school, she will be expelled from school tomorrow! Even if you really want you to undress, you must go to a place like a sports warehouse! "

"I, I won't go."

Guan Cheng Sha Kazuko shook his head quickly. Seeing someone coming, the girl in the white coat quickly turned around and fastened her clothes again at lightning speed. If she took off her clothes at this speed just now, let alone revealing oppa, you were even fatter. It's exposed!

"I have deleted the photo..." Guan Cheng Sa Kazuko raised his phone for Naoki Asakawa to check, covering his chest with his left hand, "Don't think I will just give up like this."

"So what?" Naoki Asakawa raised his eyebrows lightly. "The Criminal Law clearly stipulates that repeat offenders must be punished severely."

Guan Chengsha and Ziqiao flushed, turned and ran: "I will be back!"


"Let's go." Asakawa looked back, "Go to the library."


Rizu Ogata grabbed her shoulder bag, stepped on her short legs, followed Asakawa, put on her shoes, and on the way to the library, this legal loli looked up from time to time, staring blankly at the sky.

"What do you keep looking at the sky for?"

Asakawa Naoki looked up at the sky. Today's weather is very good. The sky is clear blue, and the sky is as blue as washing. On the highest point of the blue sky, long trail clouds brought by several planes crisscross the sky.

"I'm seeing if anyone is parachuting." Ogata Rizuki replied.

I can't see it anymore!Civil aviation airliners are not equipped with parachutes at all, and ordinary people who have not received training don't even know how to look at parachutes!There really was an accident in the air, it is better to pray to God that the captain made an emergency landing, which is much higher than your success rate of parachuting to survive!

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