Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 457

Did the bastard Asakawa date other girls before?

Thinking of this, Nino suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

The bastard Asakawa refused to let himself explain, did he ever play with someone else's daughter, so he felt guilty?

"Uncle, goodbye."

Asakawa Naoki grabbed Nino, turned around and left.

"Who is the girl that the uncle said?" Nino bit her lower lip and looked fiercely. "Is it your ex-girlfriend?"

Asakawa Naoki shook his head and said, "Sorry, there is no such thing as [my ex-girlfriend] in the world."

The condition for the existence of ex-girlfriends is to have a girlfriend first, and he has never established such a relationship as a girlfriend with others, so naturally there will be no ex-girlfriends.

"That's... childhood sweetheart?"

Nino's brains turned quickly, and soon thought of a possibility: "You used to be neighbors with the uncle, and that girl is the uncle's daughter, right?"

"In a sense, it's true." Asakawa nodded.

Nino raised his eyebrows: "Oh, abnormal."

"Why am I perverted?"

"Does playing with the feelings of childhood sweethearts count as abnormal?"

It's just a neighbor's child. Because of the different genders, they have to be labeled as childhood sweethearts. Nowadays, childhood sweethearts are synonymous with defeated dogs!

In reality, childhood playmates who grew up together are very unlikely to be together when they grow up.

"Being with a girl in the fifth grade of elementary school is the real pervert, right?" Asakawa couldn't help shouting.

"Eh eh eh." Nino opened her eyes wide and looked in shock. "Fifth grade?"

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Naoki Asakawa said, "Uncle Suzuki's daughter is still in elementary school. If she associates with her, she will be caught by the police."

"Hey, why didn't you explain clearly earlier." Nina snorted softly, don't make a pretty face.

"I should ask you this sentence." Naoki Asakawa tilted his head, his tone wondering, "Why are you interested in Uncle Suzuki's daughter?"

"Of course..." Nino hesitated for a moment, exasperated into anger, "Of course you refused to explain clearly."

Asakawa Naoki took it for granted: "If you explain it clearly, there will be no more takoyaki."

Nino raised her pretty face: "Am I the kind of person who is greedy for petty and cheap?"

Asakawa Naoki: "Then do you eat it?"

Nino: ""

Naoki Asakawa originally planned to eat ramen tonight, but was delayed by Ninoichi. His plan to eat ramen could only be soaked in the soup. He bought a portion of taiyaki and three-color dumplings on the side of the road. After filling his stomach, he went with Ninomu Stand and walk.

"Go faster." Naoki Asakawa looked up at the slightly hazy sky, "it's going to rain."

"How do you know?" Nino learned Asakawa's movements, looking up at the sky, and likes to face Naoki Asakawa very much. "Although there is no moon and stars, it doesn't necessarily rain, maybe it's just cloudy."

"Do you want to make a bet?" Asakawa Naoki looked at Nino.

"What are you betting on?" Nina suddenly became alert.

"I bet on whether it will rain at night." Asakawa stretched out two fingers and said confidently, "I win if it rains, and lose if it rains."

"Hey, when you say it rains, it will rain. You think you are Zhuge Kongming who can call the wind and rain." Nino put his hands on his chest, but did not refuse, but said with bright eyes, "Let me talk about what the bet is. Don’t want to take the opportunity to make some dirty demands."

The benevolent sees the benevolence, the defiled sees the defilement. Hearing the bet, the first time he thinks of dirty things, I don't know who it is!

Naoki Asakawa groaned for half a second: "If you lose, put on a maid costume and be your own maid for the day."

"Huh?" Nina Liu raised her eyebrows, and was not angry. "When I was playing in your apartment, you really used me as a maid!"

"I refuse to answer this question." Naoki Asakawa put his right hand in his pocket and said slowly, "What about your bet?"

"My words..." Nina tilted her head to think hard for a moment, then hesitated, "I haven't figured it out yet, or else I want to tell you again?"

"No." Naoki Asakawa decisively refused, his eyes were disgusting, "If you let me undress and shout on the street that I am a pervert, can I still promise you?"

"Huh?" Nino's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand and tapped his forehead. "Why didn't I remember?"

your sister!If you really want to take off your clothes and run on the street, won't your conscience hurt?

Nina was still hesitating, and suddenly heard the conversation between two elementary school students next to him, his eyes lit up: "Ah, I thought of it."


"It's very simple." Nino put her hands on her chest, and the corners of her pink lips lifted up slightly. "If you lose, call me and Yihua and their sisters. Anyway, you are a month younger than us. This Is the stake okay?"

"Call sister?"

Naoki Asakawa looked up at the sky, with a hesitant expression on his face: "It feels like a generation shorter..."

"Bah, I still wear a maid outfit if I lose." Nino hummed lightly, with a triumphant smile on his face, "That's it!"

"Okay." Asakawa Naoki sighed and agreed.

"The gambling contract is established."

Nino raised his right hand and stretched it out in front of Naoki Asakawa, "Raise your hand."

"What are you doing?" Asakawa Naoki asked puzzled.

Nino raised her snowy chin, "Of course I took a high-five."



The gambling contract is established.

While talking, the tram slowly drove over.

Passers-by who lined up in silence began to get on the bus in an orderly manner.

"There are so many people, it's crowded to death."

After getting on the bus, Nino couldn't help but complain in a low voice. The morning and evening shifts in big cities are always extremely crowded, making people breathless.

However, the next moment, the complaint on Nina's face suddenly changed to panic and shame.

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