Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 472

What do you say?

Don’t forget the good things you promised before!Short-term memory is so bad, are you an octopus?

Naoki Asakawa put his right hand in his pocket, looking at Mikau who was hiding behind the door, as if to guard against a scourge, and said speechlessly:

"Do you want to sleep together at night?"

"One, sleep together?"

Sanjiu opened his eyes wide, and the pretty face that had just calmed down the red tide was once again stained with clouds.

Actually want to sleep together?

It's too frivolous to say such excessive words to a girl!




How could that kind of thing promise you!The next room is Nino and Yotsuba, you will surely be heard doing something like that!Then there will be no face to see the sun tomorrow!

"Frivolous Asakawa!"

Sanjiu puffed up his bun's face, like a hamster with dozens of melon seeds stuffed in his mouth: "Guilty, cut your belly!"

Reach out and close the door after speaking.

"Don't shut it down."

Naoki Asakawa reached out his hand to block the door of the house and couldn't help but said, "You closed the door, where do I sleep at night?"

"Frivolous Asagawa, don't talk to me."

"Then I went to find May?"


Sanjiu was dumbfounded, with an incredibly shocked expression on his face, thinking that he had auditory hallucinations: "You, what did you say?"

"I said go to bed in May's room." Asakawa Naoki repeated what he had just said without changing his face.

Sanjiu: "..."

If you don't agree to let you in, you are going to bully May?

And even said it in front of you?

unacceptable!Unforgivable!Is this what people can tell!

"I'm leaving?"

Seeing Naoki Asakawa turned around to leave, Mikau bit his lower lip, grabbed Naoki Asakawa's wrist, and said angrily, "No going."

Your room is not allowed to enter, and you are not allowed to go to find May. Is it because you want to sleep in the corridor for one night!The weather is so cold, you will definitely get sick if you sleep in the corridor!


Suddenly there was a muffled sound of beating against the wall next door, and Nino's impatient voice sounded:

"It's almost twelve o'clock. Don't you two keep talking in the hallway. Go to bed quickly. Do you want to go to school tomorrow."

"I heard that, Nino is angry." Naoki Asakawa lowered his voice, "Don't let me in yet?"

Sanjiu bit her lower lip, her pretty face was hot, her eyes dizzy, like a prisoner about to be escorted to the execution ground, and she dragged the door away.

(No way.)

(Don’t let Flirtatious Qianchuan bully May, let him in first...)

(Decided, not going to bed at night, keep staring at the frivolous shallow river, so that he will not be allowed to do such nasty things.)

Thinking of the terrible big python accidentally seen in the bathroom before, Sanjiu instinctively held his breath.

(Boys or something, it's terrible!)

Naoki Asakawa walked into the room, and there was an indescribable faint fragrance in the air. I don’t know why girls’ rooms have such a smell. It is probably because cosmetics are used too much, and various aromatic molecules are floating in the air. For the sake of.

There are two more dolls on the bed than the last time. The other places have basically not changed. Asakawa Naoki retracted his gaze from the bed and looked at Mujiu:

"Aren't you going to bed?"

(Just, just saw the bed, right?)

(Are you so impatient to bully me!)

"I won't sleep anymore." Sanjiu covered his chest, his eyes wary.

"Why don't you sleep?"

"not sleepy."

"It's not a good habit to stay up late." Asakawa said disapprovingly, "it will be midnight soon, and I won't be able to get up tomorrow without going to bed."

Sanjiu couldn't help but vomit: "If you promise you to do that kind of thing, I won't really get out of bed tomorrow!"

Naoki Asakawa was at a loss: "What are you talking about?"

"Huh, frivolous Qianchuan."

Sanjiu bulged his bun face, leaned his back against the wall, and turned to look at the window, "You know it yourself."


Asakawa Naoki yawned. He was already asleep at this time. It is inevitable that a little tiredness hits at this moment. He looked at Mikau and said:

"You can go out."

"Huh?" Sanjiu turned his head and looked in surprise, "Go out, go out?"

(Don’t you want to do that kind of thing, why let me go out?)

"How can I sleep if you don't go out?"

Naoki Asakawa said with a puzzled expression, "Didn't you say to sleep with May at night and give me the room?"


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