Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top students do not need superpowers Chapter 5

Looking down, falling on the girl's legs together, Asakawa Naoki carefully distinguished that the legs wrapped in black stockings were indeed less round and slender.

That's right.

It's really thinner.

Although there is only a very subtle point that is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish, in the eyes of Asakawa who is sensitive to data, it is indeed different from just now.

Hair style can be changed, temperament can be changed, fat and thin will not deviate in just a few minutes.

So, did I admit the wrong person?


The girl covered her skirt with her right hand, her powder cheeks bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a squirrel stuffed with a lot of chestnuts, unexpectedly a little cute: "Guilty...cut abdomen."

Chapter 4 Knowing People by Legs

"Let me refuse."

It's impossible to cut abdomen and apologize.

Naoki Asakawa retracted his gaze and suddenly said, "Are you not Nakano Mayuki?"


The girl with oblique bangs wearing the earphones stunned slightly, her bulging cheeks retracted, and a hint of curiosity flashed in her clear blue eyes: "This boy...can distinguish me from May?"

"Do not believe."

"Except for mom in the world, even dad can't tell us apart."

The girl blinked, raised her hand to pin a strand of hair behind her ear, and changed her words: "...I am May."

"you are not."



I just said no, and now I say yes again, girls are really unpredictable creatures. If they can be as simple and understandable as mathematics, the dream of world peace may be realized!

Naoki Asakawa remembered the interrogation methods commonly used by the police, changed his mind, and said, "...Who was the first samurai in history?"

"The source is the North!"


Originally, the girl just asked a question casually by'guilty, cut abdomen' just now, but she didn't expect her eyes to light up suddenly.

Why did you suddenly wake up?

Does this girl have a soft spot for cutting belly?

Naoki Asakawa continued to ask, "Who is the character above 10,000 yen?"

The light in the girl's eyes dimmed, and she turned her head away: "Fukuzawa Yukichi... fool."

(Suddenly lose interest...)

(Are you only interested in the first question?)

(Extract key words, history, abdomen, samurai, or origin for the kingdom?)

Naoki Asakawa's face remained unchanged, and he continued to ask: "Why did the samurai in the Edo period not allow cucumbers to eat?"

"Because the cross-section of the cucumber is exactly the same as the Tokugawa family's royal crest."

Seeing the girl's eyes lit up again, Naoki Asakawa had a vague guess in his heart, and then continued to verify.

"Who is the dog company?"

The girl didn't think about it, and there was a clear and cheerful voice in her voice, and she quickly replied:

"Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the fifth-generation general of the Tokugawa family, is a dog in the year of Bingxu. He loves dogs especially throughout his life. During his reign, the most issued decree was the protection of stray dogs. He left his last words before his death. Whether it is reasonable for the old man to show mercy to students, I only hope that he will live up to my ambition for a hundred years from now. This is where filial piety lies."

Dog Gongfang is the dog general, because Tokugawa Tsunayoshi loves dogs as his life and treats dogs as fathers. Dogs can bite people, but people can't beat dogs, so they are ridiculed.

Naoki Asakawa clearly saw that the eyes of the girl in front of him had burst into light, and there was a light flush of excitement on her cheeks, and her face clearly read, "Ask me, come ask me".

( the interesting thing history?)

"What was the cause of Shijo Emperor's death?"

"Mischief fell to death." The girl stretched out a finger, with a win-winner smile on her face, and she was different from the slightly withdrawn look just now. "He wanted to see the palace lady falling down, so he sprinkled talcum powder in the palace. , I accidentally stepped on it and hit my head and died."

The two asked and answered, and there was almost no pause in between. Asakawa Naoki was surprised to find that even if he deliberately asked some partial questions, the girl in front of him could still answer, and the amount of historical knowledge had exceeded the level of ordinary high school students. .

But... that's it.

Naoki Asakawa suddenly asked, "Your name."



The excited expression on the girl's face suddenly solidified.

"Hmm..." Asakawa stretched out a finger, pressed the bridge of his nose, and said thoughtfully, "Mikau? Nakano Sanjiu?"


The girl's powder cheeks bulged again at a speed visible to the naked eye: "...bully."

Why are you bullying?

You just wanted to lie to me saying that it was May!

When Naoki Asakawa got the news he wanted, he was surprised that there were twins so alike, and said, "Sorry, I made a mistake."

"Humph." Sanjiu snorted, turned to look away, and turned into a slightly silent girl with few words, "Guilty."

"I'm Naoki Asakawa." Naoki Asakawa ignored the second half of the sentence, "Mitsuki Nakano's classmate, are you...?"

The girl's cheeks gradually loosened and seemed to be calming down: "Nakano Sanjiu, from May..."

"Eh, Sanjiu? Asakawa-san?"

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