Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 500

"Get up," Asakawa Naoki whispered, "I'm here."

"Yes, yes..."

Gu Qiao Wennai woke up, and was about to get up in a panic. Unfortunately, it was too late. The unknown girl chasing and screaming in the corridor had turned the corner and saw the two people hugging each other.

"Huh eh?" a young girl shouted in shock, "Someone actually made out in the corridor!"

Fumina Guqiao turned his head subconsciously, and two strange girls in first-grade uniforms came into view, with blushing pretty faces. They broke free from Asakawa's arms just now and shouted in shame:

"It's not affectionate, it's just a fall accidentally, don't talk nonsense, you two!"

"Yes, sorry."

The two first-year girls were taken aback, and hurriedly bowed and apologized: "Yes, I'm sorry, you two, please continue."

"How is it possible to continue!"


After apologizing, the two melon-eating girls hurriedly turned and fled.

"Shan, Asakawa, I'll give you the rice ball." Fumina Guhashi bit his lower lip, feeling his heart pounding and pounding, and his face was hot. He said with shame, "I'll give you the rice ball.

Naoki Asakawa reached out to take the rice ball, and exhorted:

"Walk carefully, don't fall down again."

Fumina Guqiao hurriedly turned around and left, instinctively fleeing the scene of the crime. "The same mistake will never be made a second time...Oh!"

I just boasted that the ancient bridge in Haikou slipped under the foot and almost fell flat. Fortunately, he helped the wall to stabilize his body, turned his head and looked at Asakawa Naoki, whose eyes were speechless, and left with tears in his eyes.

Naoki Asakawa took two rice balls, went to the vending machine to buy a bottle of drink, and then returned to the classroom to have lunch.

School can be over at 3:30 in the afternoon, two seaweed rice balls are enough to supplement the physical exertion in the afternoon.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was the second class in the afternoon, the Chinese class with the class next door.

The moment Naoki Asakawa walked into the classroom, he was keenly aware that someone was looking at him, and following his eyes, an old bridge came into view.

Without waiting for eye contact, Fumina Guhashi has panicked and looked away, feeling...seems more ashamed than noon?


Obviously just ate your two seaweed rice balls, how can you look like a girl who didn't wear a fat girl to school!

Naoki Asakawa sat down in the corner with doubts, and the whispers of the two boys behind him quickly came to his ears.

"Hey, have you heard of it?"

"Of course I heard that during the lunch break, His Royal Highness Guqiao was slammed by a boy in the corridor, damn bastard, don't let me know who he is! Otherwise, he must be killed!"

"That's all about the wall dong, I even dared to forcefully kiss His Royal Highness Guqiao, killing a hundred times will not solve the hate!"

"Be sure to catch that bad, and then use the stake torture invented by Count Dracula to deal with him!"

"Count me, organize an assassination + Asakawa Naoki."

"And me, the bastard who desecrates His Highness the Old Bridge can't bear it."

The corner of Asakawa Naoki's eyes fluttered slightly, he couldn't help turning his head, and asked in a low voice:

"Where did you hear the news?"

"You didn't know yet?"

The two boys and Naoki Asakawa are just ordinary classmates that are familiar with each other and call each other's names. However, once human beings have a common enemy, they will become extremely united. From this perspective, they want The best way to make human technology usher in an explosion again is to break out an alien war.

"During the lunch break, two first-year girls saw it in the corner. His Royal Highness Gu Qiao was forcibly kissed by a boy Bidong." The two boys gritted their teeth with grim expressions, "Now everyone knows!"

Know your sister!As the parties involved, I neither slammed across the ancient bridge, nor did I force a kiss on the ancient bridge. Where did you hear the campus rumors?

No wonder Gu Qiao's eyes were so flustered just now, he was clearly worried about being exposed and then being assassinated by a group!

"Hey, Asakawa, do you want to join in?" a boy asked in a low voice.

"Join what?"

"Of course it was the group to assassinate the sinner who dared to kiss His Royal Highness forcibly."

Asakawa Naoki: "...Count me."

Chapter 365: We Have A Traitor

"Sorry, Wen Naijiang."

The trio of Thorns Society defended Guqiao Wennai in the middle, gritted their teeth one by one, filled with righteous indignation.

"It's all our fault for letting you be bullied!"

"So you really misunderstood." Fumina Guqiao raised his hand to cover his face, lying on the table not daring to see people, the tips of his ears had turned pink, "I just accidentally slipped my feet, I haven't done that. What happened."

"But we have already asked those two first-year girls, and they all said that someone would call you back."

"I am not, I am not, that is a rumor!"

The campus rumors are also terrible. It was obvious that I was hugged by Asakawa by accidentally slipping my feet. I was forced to kiss by Bidong in one afternoon. By tomorrow morning, would I even have children?

The trio of Thorns was sitting in distress with a dangerous smile.

"Since it is a rumor, Wen Nai-chan should tell the boy's name, right?"

"Yes, tell us who that boy is."

"He saved Wen Nai-chan, so naturally we have to thank him."

"That one……"

Fumina Guqiao froze, his eyes drifting and said: "I don't know... I don't know which class of boys it is."

"It doesn't matter if you don't know it." The Fenfa Wanzitou girl smiled and said, "After school, we will accompany Wen Nai-chan to guard at the school gate. Wen Nai-chan doesn't know her name, so she won't even forget her looks, right?"

"It makes sense."

"Just do it."

The trio of Thorns looked at each other, and silently reached an assassination vote.

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