Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 519

"Why do you look like the end of the world is coming?"

Asakawa Naoki couldn't help but complain.

The state is worse than yesterday, the face is capitalized with "Nothing to Love"!

"No, nothing..."

Fumina Guqiao opened her pink lips and turned her head to look away with a smile.

Sure enough, there is a problem.

And it's worse than yesterday.

Could it be that the rumors of being forced to kiss by his own Bidong have escalated, and Gu Qiao has become pregnant with his child and is about to take maternity leave?

Naoki Asakawa silently took out his cell phone and sneaked into the chat room as a spy, and found that the rumors had not evolved to such an exaggerated level. Instead, they were quickly suppressed under the joint suppression of the three girls from the Thorns Society.

Then the most reasonable guess is...

"Losing weight is not something that can be done in a day." Asakawa said carefully, "Don't worry, take your time..."

"Ah, well, that...I, I know..."

Seeing this eye erratic and flustered, and obviously looking at him from left to right, Asakawa Naoki suddenly thought of another possibility.

"Wait..." Naoki Asakawa gently pulled the corner of his mouth, his tone hesitant, "Aren't you going to be heavy again?"

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Fumina Guqiao covered her ears with her hands and squatted guarding her head with tears, "Don't remind me of such a terrible nightmare!"

"I'm extremely sorry, I'm such a shameful rolling beast, I really shouldn't go out of the house!"

Asakawa Naoki: "..."

your sister!Did you really guess it by yourself!It stands to reason that you have controlled your diet yesterday, and even ran in the gym class. Why did your weight increase instead of decreasing?

"Are you wearing clothes?"

Naoki Asakawa thought of a possibility.

"It's not clothes." Fumina Guqiao raised her pretty face and said with tears in her eyes. "I only called it after taking a shower last night. I only have a towel on my body, which has nothing to do with clothes."

"Maybe I am awakened and drink cold water to gain weight..."

Fumina Guhashi hugged his knees with both hands, covered in black mist, and said to herself: "If this goes on, I will become a rolling beast in a while, ha ha ha ha..."


If this continues, this ancient bridge will be broken!It’s just weight, so what do you care about, you learn about May, the weight is already fifty kilograms, you should eat and drink when you should, from time to time a person secretly participates in the Big Stomach Challenge, never Keep your weight in mind!

Naoki Asakawa thought for a moment, then said solemnly: "As the saying goes, every piece of meat on his body has its story..."


Fumina Guqiao saw more hazy fog in his eyes.

"Weight will not increase for no reason. There must be a reason." Asakawa Naoki continued, "What we have to do now is to find the reason and then prescribe the right medicine."

Fumina Guqiao tears, looking forward to it: "What is the reason?"

"I don't know." Asakawa Naoki shook his head, "But I have a way..."

Unconsciously walked to school.

The weight of the mystery of Furuhashi has not been solved yet, and Naoki Asakawa realizes that he has a big deal first.

Chapter 379

"Sao Chuan, good morning."

When the class bell was about to ring, May stepped into the classroom as usual.

"Good morning."

Naoki Asakawa looked up, and soon discovered that today's meaty girl is in poor condition.

The dull hair on the head of May is like a crabapple flower that has been battered by wind and rain all night, hanging down, listless.

As the only existence of the five sisters with dull hair, this dull hair is not an ordinary upturned hair, but some kind of'strange thing' with mysterious power, which is extremely sensitive like a state barometer. May When I am happy, Mao Mao will stand up and sway gently, and when I am down, it will wilt and become listless, which can be said to be super effective.

"That one……"

Wuyue bit her lower lip, his expression hesitated, and he stopped talking, obviously there was something to say.

"Say if you have anything."

Naoki Asakawa retracted his gaze, continued to read the vocabulary book in his hand, and said calmly: "Hesitation is not your character."

"Actually it is……"

May Yue's gaze turned, and she looked at the short-haired girl who was sitting in front of her with ears pricked up and secretly eavesdropping, her pretty face turned red, and she picked up her phone and shook it carefully:

"Asakawa-san, use the phone to speak."

She doesn't dare to pass the note now. Last time she uploaded the note in get out of class, she was caught by the teacher. After class, she was surrounded by many girls and made fun of it. It was not easy to explain it clearly...what about the relationship, is there a delicious meat package?

of course not.

The most important thing in the world is mother first, sister second, meat bun and father tied for third. As for Asakawa Naoki, it can barely be regarded as... No, the fourth position is too high. You must go back in the middle. It is a variety of cuisines and dishes.

Asakawa Naoki took out his cell phone.


The phone shook slightly, and Naoki Asakawa's eyes narrowed slightly when he watched the news from May.

"I dreamed of that old grandma again last night..."

Needless to say, the grandmother in May's mouth must be the ghost of the old man she encountered during the grave sweeping that day.

Dreaming again?

Yesterday, it can be said that I dreamed of thinking day by day and dreaming night by night. If I dreamed again today, it will inevitably make people doubt. No wonder May will be listless, and she is not a occult fan, just like ordinary girls. The first reaction of the ghost is fear.

Naoki Asakawa raised his eyebrows lightly, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "What about the content of the dream?"

"I don't know, I almost forgot all of them." Wu Yue shook her head, her pretty face reddened, "I just remember that we were sweeping the tombs at the temple, and then Asakawa student carried me down the mountain, forgetting what happened in the middle..."

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