Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 530

"Sorry, I am not interested in middle school students."

"Stupid student!"

Xiao Meilang Aicheng suddenly tore the white rabbit's camouflage, showing her squalid fangs, "Believe it or not, I will screw your head off!"

"Has Aisumi-senpai forget something?" Asakawa reminded.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going back to the coffee shop?"

"...Say it earlier, idiot junior!"

Chapter 387 Teacher, Take Off Your Clothes

The sun is setting.

The evening breeze is refreshing.

Being delayed by the little devil-senpai for too much time, the plan of going to the video game city to play arcades can only be lost. Asakawa waved his hand, turned and walked towards the apartment.

Just walking near the apartment, I suddenly saw a pink Honda Fit slowly stopping in the parking space in front.

"This car is familiar..."

The window shook down.

One dressed in a suit, with pink hair reaching his waist, a serious and serious expression of familiar pretty face greeted his eyes.

"It's really Dong's car."

Obviously Kirisu did not see Asakawa. He lay on the steering wheel for a few seconds, then clenched a fist with his right hand and tapped his shoulder lightly, his face clearly tired.

Naoki Asakawa approached, raised his hand and said hello: "Teacher, good evening."


Mr. Kirito turned his head quickly and looked at it, his hair ran across the air with an arc of scent remaining, and his eyes opened slightly: "Why are you..."

"Don't ask, you just cut your hair." Asakawa said.

Kirisu Midu bit his lower lip, "I was asking why you are here?"

Naoki Asakawa put his right hand in his pocket, "Through the analysis of the elimination method, the teacher should park in this area, so he squatted in advance and waited for the rabbit..."

Tongsu Zhendong's pretty face condensed, and the blue frost suddenly condensed in the air.

"You actually believe it?" Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but complain, "I really want to sit back and wait. It's the best choice downstairs in the apartment."


Kirito squinted his eyes and used the skill [Death Gaze], the terrifying power made the bird resting on a nearby branch flutter and flee.

"Sorry, I'm overwhelmed." Asakawa Naoki bowed his head and apologized.


Kirito snorted softly and stepped out of the car, then the expression on his face suddenly stiffened, and his right hand subconsciously supported his waist.

"Uncomfortable waist?" Asakawa Naoki asked.


No matter if it's your facial expressions or your actions, you are clearly uncomfortable!

Mr. Kirisu turned his face away, paused for two seconds, and explained softly, "I was a little heavier at school yesterday to help move things, and I twisted my waist... It will be fine after two days of rest."

"So that's it." Asakawa nodded. "Is the teacher going to rest at home tomorrow weekend?"

"No." Mr. Kirisu exhaled, "If the students who fail the midterm exam tomorrow make up the exam, I will go to the school to supervise the exam."

"Can you sit down and rest while supervising the examination room?"

"Of course not."

"In other words, we have to stand for another day." Asakawa looked at the last afterglow on the horizon, "Teacher did not forget what we are going to do tomorrow night, right?"

Kirisu Matsumoto came over and said, "I can go to the movie theater alone, I don't need you to follow."

"What if Sister Michun is bullied?"


"A human being, once in the dark, desires will break out like a beast that has lost its cage. This is why there are so many keyboard men in the world." Asakawa said seriously, "Sister Miharu looks like a beast. I'm relatively dull. After watching the movie, I might be taken the opportunity to get drunk and then taken to the hotel. If this happens, does the teacher want someone to write a review?"

Mr. Kirito frowned his willow eyebrows slightly, and looked vigilantly: "...How come you are so skilled?"

Hey, your focus is wrong!What should be worried about now is your sister, not the unfamiliar problem!

This kind of routine has existed decades ago, don't you understand it at all!

Naoki Asakawa sighed, "In short, you probably won't even have time to rest for the whole day tomorrow. If your shoulders are uncomfortable, let me give you a massage."

Mr. Kirisu hesitated on his face and shook his head slightly after hesitating for two seconds: "Still..."

"Try it." Naoki Asakawa interrupted. "It doesn't matter if it doesn't work."


Kirito did not refuse this time, pursing her pink lips lightly, and walked forward.

Go back to the apartment.

Kirisu took the key from his backpack and opened the door.

Naoki Asakawa walked into the entrance, turned on the chandelier and put on slippers, and then opened the curtains for ventilation: "I'm hungry, I'll have dinner first."

On the way back, Naoki Asakawa stopped by the convenience store to buy some ingredients, and prepared to make a curry in the evening.

Mr. Kirisu bent over and took off his high heels, rubbed his heels, and exhaled softly, "I'll help."

"No." Naoki Asakawa turned his head and looked around, and said earnestly, "You can just wait and eat."

Kirisu Masuu: "..."

Curry is originally a lazy dish, it is super easy to make, and it is done without much effort.

"Come here to wash your hands and prepare to eat."

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