Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 539

Mr. Kirisu was even more panicked. Although he is already a high school teacher, he has never dealt with the police for so many years since he was a child, let alone looked at it with suspicion, "What, what?"

Naoki Asakawa stretched out his hand and took off the peaked cap on the head of Ma Dong. The long pink hair that was waist-length was like mercury flowing down his shoulders, and said in a low voice:

"Is there clothes under the trench coat?"

"Of course there is!" Kirisu Matsumoto bit her pink lips in shame, "what do you think I am...humiliation!!"

"Then take off the trench coat."


"Hurry up, the policeman is coming over."

Mr. Kirisu looked around from the corner of his eye, and saw the patrolling policeman approaching and hurriedly unbuttoned the trench coat.

Looking at the teacher uniform exposed inside, Naoki Asakawa was speechless:

"Wear uniforms on rest days?"

Xiao Zhendong took it for granted: "Go to school to invigorate the exam, of course you have to wear a uniform."

"What about spare casual clothes?"


Wearing uniforms when you go out and high school sweatshirts at home, your life is too simple!

Naoki Asakawa sighed, and took Mazuki's right hand.

"You, what are you doing?!"

Kirisu was taken aback and hurriedly tried to break free.

"do not move."

Asakawa Naoki whispered.

How could you be so obedient to bully you!I was held by my students in the crowd. Once I was seen by my acquaintances, it must be super bad!

"The police are here." Asakawa Naoki whispered, "Look ahead, don't panic, leave here first."

Kirisu Masuu raised his eyes and saw the policeman approaching here. He hurriedly held his breath, and subconsciously obeyed Asakawa's orders.

Naoki Asakawa led Xiao Ma Dong and walked forward without changing his face. When the two sides passed by, the patrolling policeman looked strangely at him, but after all he did not reach out to intercept him.

The two sides passed by without incident.


Kirisu Matsutake breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that Asakawa was still holding her hand, with a distraught scorching temperature in his hand, his pretty face condensed, and he bit his lower lip and said, "Hurry up and let me go."

"The situation is urgent just now, don't mind the teacher."

Asakawa Naoki released his right hand and said nonchalantly.


Kirisu Matsuya bit his lower lip and glared at him in embarrassment, "Only this time, not as an example."

Asakawa Naoki asked curiously:

"How about next time?"



The sound of frost condensation in the air sounded, and the temperature in the air dropped rapidly.

Kirisu Masuu didn't speak, he folded his hands on his chest, and stared at him with the terrifying eyes of [Death Gaze].

"Sorry, I'm overwhelmed." Asakawa Naoki lowered his head decisively, "Please forgive me."

"The movie is about to begin. Let's act quickly and try to complete the disguise before Sister Meichun."

Naoki Asakawa quickly changed the subject to avoid being frostbited by his gaze.

"Even if you say that..." Kirisu Masuu raised his hand and pulled the wind-blown hair behind his ear. "Even if you say that, how do you disguise it?"

"It's enough to change your image, reduce your sense of existence, and make yourself ordinary. There is no need for such maverick things as windbreakers and hats."

"What should I do?"

Mr. Kirisu stared at her eyebrows. She had no experience in disguising, otherwise she would not wear a trench coat and came over with a hat.

"It's very simple." Asakawa looked at Mafyuki in front of him, tapping his chin with his fingers, "Take your hair into a ponytail first."

Chapter 394

"You, what did you say?"

Kirisu's eyes widened, his expression was a little dazed, and he obviously thought he had auditory hallucinations.

"Teacher, tie your hair into a ponytail."

Naoki Asakawa spoke clearly and repeated what he had just said.


This time without the interference of the evening breeze, Kirisu Matsumoto heard Asakawa's words clearly, and Liu frowned slightly, "Why should I tie a double ponytail?"

The icy blue eyes looked sharp like a falcon, as if they were going to penetrate Naoki Asakawa's face, straight into his heart.

"The reason is simple." Naoki Asakawa didn't panic at all, even in the mood to eat a chocolate bar. "Have the teacher ever tied a double ponytail hairstyle before?"


"That's the truth." Naoki Asakawa said solemnly, "Sister Miharu certainly didn't think that she would tie a double ponytail with her teacher's character, so even if she accidentally ran into you, she would only suspect that she was mistaken."

Kirisu Masuu blinked his eyes, and suddenly realized that Asakawa Naoki's wrong reasoning was somewhat reasonable.

"Double ponytails...too naive."

Kirito shook his head, accepting that he couldn't.

Hey, I dare to say that the double ponytail is childish. This is the top of the list of cute hairstyles, second only to the black long straight. Hurry up and apologize to those girls who like to tie the double ponytail!

"Naive?" Naoki Asakawa disagrees. "There are a lot of girls with double ponytail hairstyles in school, right? Are those girls very naive?"

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