Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 550

"and many more."

Naoki Asakawa looked at the eldest daughter Ichika who was squinting and smiling. The most popular person among the five sisters in school is Ichika.

So the best hairstyle for the five sisters is actually short hair?

"Hey, it's very ordinary. What are you so surprised for?" Nina put her hands on her chest, pretending to be disgusted, "Don't forget what our business is today."

Sanjiu stood at the back of the five sisters, pressing the earphones on her chest with her right hand, and had not spoken. Seeing Naoki Asakawa looking over, she quickly turned her pretty face off. I don’t know if it’s an illusion. A light crimson flashed quietly.

"Why are you all here?"

Looking at the quintuplets in front of him, Naoki Asakawa suddenly got a headache.

May, Yotsuba, and Sanjiu are enough, Ichika and Nino don't want to see them at all!

"Of course I was with May." Nino put his hands on his chest, staring wide-eyed, "Don't take the opportunity to bully May."

May's face was reddened, and he stubbornly said, "Nino, Asakawa-san did not bully me."

Yihua: "It's been a long time since I went to the temple to offer incense to my mother. It happened that everyone was here today, so we went together."

Yotsuba: "Let's worry about May, if we go together, there will be more people and more power."

your sister!It's not going to hunt in the mountains. In the face of the spiritual existence of ghosts, more people will not be powerful, it will only give away a few more people!

It is impossible to drive away. Knowing that May has encountered a ghost event, the other four fools will not leave May alone even if they are afraid.

Naoki Asakawa turned his head to look at the slowly approaching subway, and sighed, "Stop talking, just get on the train."


Get on the tram.

Naoki Asakawa, who was alone with quintuplets, quickly became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Asakawa-kun." A faint fragrance poured into the tip of his nose, Yihua approached and bit her ear softly, "We didn't shame you, right?"

Asakawa Naoki's face was expressionless: "I have good reason to doubt you, but I am deliberately drawing hatred."

"Kun Asakawa bullies people." Yihua bulged her cheeks, "I am clearly helping you save face."

It’s not clear whether the face is long or not, but those envious and hateful eyes are really real!

"Did you see my hand?" Asakawa Naoki stretched out his right hand.

Yihua blinked: "What's the matter?"

Naoki Asakawa gently moved his five fingers, and said seriously: "I recently got a very strange disease. Once I get angry, my right hand will not listen to control my actions, including but not limited to pinching cheeks, pinching ears, knocking forehead... Would you like to try it?"


The eldest daughter of the Nakano family really should not be underestimated. Not only was she not afraid, but she also agreed. She raised her hand to cover her mouth, her eyes bent into crescent moons, "But it's too shame on the tram."

Naoki Asakawa's voice was low: "Sorry, you have no choice."

Yihua raised her pretty face: "Then I will call for help?"



Suddenly someone poked Asakawa Naoki's back.

Asakawa turned his head and looked around, but didn't see who was poking him.

Withdrawing his gaze and continuing to chat with Yihua Tucao, he was suddenly poked in the waist.

your sister!

Just one time, there is actually a second time, are you addicted to playing Poke Poke?Now let you see what is called mud bodhisattva is also three-point angry!

When he felt a finger poking himself quietly again, Naoki Asakawa quickly reached out, grabbed the dark hand, turned his head and looked back, the pretty face flushed, and the panicked girl with headphones came into view.


I thought it was Nino secretly bullying herself, but I didn't expect it to be you, an honest-looking girl!

"Frivolous Qianchuan." San Jiu Qiao blushed and struggled quietly, "Let go."

"It's not loose." Asakawa asked with a look in his eyes, "What are you doing with me?"

Sanjiu puffed up his bun's face: "...Who told you to bully Yihua."

You got the wrong object!Obviously Yihua is bullying herself, you are turning black and white, and referring to the deer as a horse!I originally planned to let go of my hand, but now I will never agree to it!

"Sanjiu, are you okay?"

Nina looked in doubt and asked in a low voice.

"No, nothing."

Sanjiu's eyelashes trembled, and he shook his head quickly. I can't say that I was secretly holding hands by the frivolous Asakawa. Nino knew it would blow up, right?

Because it was the weekend, there were a lot of passengers on the train and the space was crowded. Asakawa Naoki and the five sisters of the Nakano family stood in the corner. Just be careful, small movements are hard to detect.

"Frivolous Asakawa!"

Sanjiu bulged his bun face, came over in embarrassment, and tried to use the'death gaze' to make Asakawa Naoki cry and awaken.

It is a pity that the power of the eyes is far worse than that of Kirisu, Naoki Asakawa can already be completely immune.

Seeing Sanjiu still dared to threaten himself fiercely, Asakawa raised his eyebrows lightly, and with a slight movement of his little finger, he scratched Sanjiu's palm.

San Jiu opened her eyes wide, and her pretty face flushed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You, you...guilty, cut your belly!"


No words all the way.

I quickly sat near the temple.

Naoki Asakawa got out of the car and walked into the temple along the stone steps paved with bluestone slabs.

May: "Go buy incense first."

Yotsuba: "That's right, give mom incense first."

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