Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 552

"To complete the obsession of the old woman, we must first find her family."

After a few people went down the mountain, Naoki Asakawa quickly found the monk in charge of managing related affairs in the temple. Without much effort, he asked the phone number of the old lady's relatives.

"Who called?" Asakawa asked Naoki.

The five sisters looked at each other, and then looked at Asakawa Naoki with super tacit understanding.

"Asakawa-kun is the best." Yihua put her hands together, her voice was sweet, "Please."

Naoki Asakawa sighed, silently took out his cell phone and dialed the phone.

After ten seconds, the call was lucky to get through.

"This is Ishihara's house, may I ask if you are...?"

A soft and weak voice rang on the phone.

"Ishihara?" Naoki Asakawa was taken aback, and he quickly realized that it should be the old lady's daughter who changed her surname, "Is it Miss Mito Chika?"

"Ah...yes, it's me."

Japanese law stipulates that husbands and wives must have the same surname after marriage. In today's society, the woman basically follows the man's surname after marriage. For example, if Naoki Asakawa is with the five sisters, he will become Kazuka Asakawa and Nino Asakawa. , Asakawa Sanjiu's name.

In addition, there are less than 10% of people who change the husband's surname to the woman's surname after marriage. This is generally because the woman's family has a lot of business and the man has become involved.

In fact, it is not only in Japan, but also in most European and American countries. This surname system can perfectly solve the problem of whether the child is the father or the mother.

There is no doubt that the old lady’s daughter should have been married during these few years, and then changed her surname from Mito to Ishihara.

"I take the liberty to call you, please forgive me..."

Naoki Asakawa politely apologized, and then explained in detail what happened to him and May.

No need to lie.

He was originally a stranger who had never met. Others must have been very vigilant, not to be honest and to strike straight.

"You, what did you say?" The woman on the other end of the phone was quite surprised, "Mom's ghost? This kind of thing..."

"Although it sounds incredible, we are telling the truth." Naoki Asakawa pondered for half a second, describing the details of the family portrait photo that appeared in his mind just now, "This is the obsession that your mother entrusted us to dream. "


The other end of the phone was silent.

In May, a few people stood on tiptoes and gathered around Naoki Asakawa, holding their breaths and listening.

After a while.

A low sob suddenly sounded.

"Yes, sorry..."

"After I got married, I went abroad to work with my husband. I haven't been back to see my mother for so long. I'm sorry..."

Chapter 403

"The clue has been sorted out."

Naoki Asakawa put away his mobile phone and looked at the five sisters of the Nakano family who were around him, "May and I are going to find photos, you guys..."

"What is Asakawa-kun talking about." Ichika became serious, "Of course I went together."

"That's right." Er Nai hugged her hands on her chest and snorted softly, "I won't let you and Wu Yue get along alone. I will definitely bully Wu Yue again."

Sanjiu pressed her pink lips, and her voice was flat and firm: "Go together."

"Go and set off." Yotsuba showed a bright smile full of vitality, "It's been a long time since we had an adventure trip together!"


The old lady’s daughter followed her husband to settle abroad for work. She just gave birth to a child recently and cannot come back in a short time. Therefore, the obsessive family photo can only be found by Naoki Asakawa and May.

But Mito's family is not in Tokyo, but in Kamakura. To get the old photo, you have to take a car to Kamakura.

Seeing that the five sisters had decided, Naoki Asakawa stopped saying, "Then go."

The group left the temple, arrived at Shinjuku Station by subway, then transferred to the JR Shinkansen and departed for Kamakura.

"Asakawa-kun, how long will it take to get to Kamakura?"

Sitting on the Shinkansen, Ichika asked softly.

"One hour and twenty minutes." Naoki Asakawa looked down at the phone, "If everything goes well, we will be back in the evening."

Nina was surprised: "So fast?"

"Didn't you watch the TV series that is currently on the air?" Naoki Asakawa said, "In order to save rent, the male protagonist takes the Shinkansen to work in Tokyo during the day and goes back to Kamakura to sleep in the car at night... These two places go to work. It’s actually very much."

"By the way, when I was young, my mother seemed to go to Kamakura to play." Sanjiu looked at the scenery passing by the window, lightly holding the blue silk around her ears with her white fingers, "There is a picture taken in front of the Buddha. It seems to be the Great Buddha of Kamakura."

Asakawa Naoki said in deep thought, "It should be."

Although Kamakura was the center of shogunate rule in the Edo period, its area is really small. When it comes to Buddha statues, it is obviously the Kamakura Buddha.

"Wait a minute." Wuyue's eyes suddenly brightened, and the dull hair on top of her head stood up. "After we arrive in Kamakura, why don't we go to the place where our mother took the picture and go again?"

The proposal was quickly approved by the four sisters.



"Of course I will go where my mother has been."


Hey, you guys are clear about the priority!Going to Kamakura is for looking for photos of obsessive family, not for tourism!


The five sisters all looked towards Asakawa Naoki.

"What do you guys see me doing?" Asakawa Naoki played with his phone, expressionless.

Yotsuba's eyes widened: "Why doesn't Asakawa-san speak?"

Naoki Asakawa couldn't help but vomit, "Is it useless to vote against it anyway?"

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