Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 561

your sister!It is democratic voting in name, but it is actually your own dictatorship!

Chapter 409 Five Rows Late At Night, Multiplayer Sports

"I support."

"I'm tired after walking for a day."

"It's been a long time since I took a hot spring."

"Time is too late, everyone will hurry back tomorrow morning."


It was democratic voting in name, but it was Yihua’s dictatorship. The remaining four fools had no objections and raised their hands to pass the proposal.

"What did Asakawa-kun say?"

Yihua put her hands behind her back and looked over with a smile.

Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers: "Do you know why the five permanent members are jokingly called the five gangsters?"

"Huh?" The dull hair on the top of Maye's head shook lightly, looking curiously, "Why?"

"Because they have a veto."

"Well, the five permanent members of the council happen to correspond to the five of us..." Yihua blinked, and suddenly stretched out her index finger, "So the one with the veto is us. What does it have to do with Asakawa?"

your sister!The face of the domineering hooligan was completely exposed, and it was completely shameless!

"Oh, I've come here, I always feel bad if I don't play a bit." Ichika grabbed Naoki Asakawa by the corner of his clothes, "Go, go, go."


Several people walked into the rain with umbrellas and soon found a hot spring hotel.

Because it was a temporary motive and did not book online in advance, the first hotel was full.

In May, a few people were a little disappointed, and quickly walked into the rain, holding their umbrellas, and set off for another hot spring hotel.

This time there are still rooms left, but...

"Sorry, we only have the last room left in our hotel."

The hotel front desk bowed and apologized.

"Huh, there is only the last room left?"

The five sisters glanced at each other, and then all looked at Asakawa Naoki.

Naoki Asakawa put his right hand in his pocket, his face calmly said: "You live, I'll go to the Internet cafe outside."

Internet cafes in Japan have extremely complete facilities. They have hot water for bathing, free drinks and comics, and they are in separate cubicles. People who miss the last train at night and don’t want to take a taxi home will usually choose to spend the night in the Internet cafe, even with some people. Living in Internet cafes for many years, they have become so-called'Internet cafe refugees'.

"No way."

Yihua directly vetoed it, her expression serious, "We take a hot spring and let Asakawa-kun sleep in an Internet cafe, that kind of thing is too much."

Do you think that under the guise of democratic voting, it is not too much to play dictatorship!

The five sisters bit their ears, whispered and discussed for a while, and soon reached an agreement.


Yihua stretched her voice slightly, and the corners of her lips rose up, "Let's live in a room at night."

Asakawa Naoki's face was expressionless, his eyes calm.

"Hey, why didn't Asakawa respond at all?" Yotsuba was greatly disappointed when he looked at it with wide eyes. "I thought Asakawa would blush."

Sleeping in a room with a boy, you should be blushing!

For example, May.

There was a red glow on the face of this idiot at the table next to the table, and he stubbornly said:

"No, no way. The rain keeps going. If you look for another hotel, maybe you won’t even have the last room..."

"If you dare to mess around at night, you will be at your own risk." Nino put his hands on his chest and warned in his eyes, "I have prepared anti-wolf spray and electric shock devices in my backpack.

Who will mess with you!The average mating time of humans is only a few minutes, not much different from Altman's transformation. For that mere few minutes, to catch up with himself for the rest of his life, those idiots are all stupid idiots!If you really need it, just go to the custom shop and make a bubble bath!

Naoki Asakawa crossed his fingers: "What about you sleepwalking at night?"

Yotsuba tilted his head: "None of us said sleepwalking."


Asakawa Naoki looked at Mikau silently.

Sanjiu had a sharp heart, and looked up.

Four eyes face each other.

The girl with the headset as the main body quickly puffed up her bun's face, apparently also remembering the incident that morning when she went to the wrong room in a daze and was coaxed and bullied by Asakawa Naoki:

"Guilty, cut your belly!!"


"Asakawa-kun, go to open a room." Yihua quietly handed her wallet over.

Naoki Asakawa said silently, "Why don't you go?"

Yihua whispered: "It's embarrassing to say that a girl takes the initiative to open a room."

Since you know shame, don't live in a room!

"Asakawa-san, hurry up." Yihua stretched out her fingers, her voice was charming and sweet, "Asakawa-kun is responsible for the outside affairs of the male lead, and the female lead."


Naoki Asakawa sighed, helplessly walked to the hotel reception.

"Please open a room for us."

"Huh?" The woman at the front desk stunned slightly, turned her head to look at the five fools behind Naoki Asakawa, her gaze suddenly became subtle.

(Anyway, he took five girls to open the house in one go?)

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