Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 604

"Sit down quickly," Naoki Asakawa ordered. "Hurry up, mother will be suspicious."


Guqiao Wennai had no choice but to sit down obediently.

Seeing Naoki Asakawa stretched his hand to her belly, Fumino Furuhashi's eyelashes couldn't help shaking: "Wait, wait a minute."


"Will your hands be cold?" Guqiao Wennai said pitifully, "I'm afraid of cold."

"Don't worry, it's getting hot."

"that's great!"

The girl's low whisper sounded softly, and Fumina Guhashi raised his hand to cover her pink lips in a panic, blushing and coming over, "Don't attack suddenly."

"keep quiet."

Fumino Furuhashi thought he would be quite ashamed, but when he really started rubbing his stomach, he realized that... Although he was still very ashamed, he was not as ashamed as he thought.

Why is this so?

Probably because when I gained weight last week, I asked Asakawa to touch his belly. After the first experience, he will naturally get used to it the second time... right?

In his wild thoughts, Guqiao Wennai quickly felt a warm stream of heat surging in his lower abdomen, and the depressing pain quickly dissipated like snow in the sun.

"It's amazing." Fumina Guqiao's eyes brightened quickly, "The effect is so good, it's no wonder mom likes to let dad rub his belly...cough cough."

Guqiao Wennai turned his head, and suddenly saw herself in the mirror, her cheeks flushed and she was charming.

Facing his four eyes in the mirror, a subtle sense of shame suddenly rushed into my heart, and Fumina Guqiao hurriedly said:

"But, okay, shall we go out soon?"

Naoki Asakawa sweated slightly on his forehead, "You go out first and I will wash my face."


Fumino Furuhashi quietly walked out of the bathroom, looked back, and saw Naoki Asakawa supporting the washstand, panting lightly, and quickly reacted-he rubbed his stomach for two or three minutes in total, even if he took the medicine. Come on, let alone rub your belly.

"So... Did Asakawa use abilities?"

Fumina Guhashi pressed her pink lips, and placed her right hand on her lower abdomen subconsciously.

I used to have stomach pains and I could only endure silently by myself. I didn't expect Asakawa to have the effect of human-shaped painkillers... In the future, for stomach pains, can I ask Asakawa?

"Sure enough, it has caused Asakawa's classmates again."


Familiar eyes looked again.

Fumina Guhashi subconsciously raised her head and saw Asakawa's mother standing at the door of the kitchen, looking at herself with a smile, her pretty face flushed suddenly, and she hurriedly lowered her head and walked to Xiao Lin's side.

If this continues, I really have to explain it unclearly!

Chapter 440

It was dinner time in a blink of an eye.

"Sister-sama, let's go serve food." Xiao Lin cried out, "you can eat!"


Fumino Furuhashi agreed and followed Xiao Rin into the kitchen. She was a little worried that Asakawa's mother would call her over and whisper, but she didn't have it at all. He just smiled and said:

"Watch your feet, don't fall."

"I see, auntie."

"Naoki." Asakawa's mother turned her head and looked at her. The smile on her face closed, and she waved the stainless steel spoon and said, "Don't stand in a daze, take the rice cooker over, and then serve the rice."

Hey, talking to Gu Qiao makes you look happy, talking to yourself makes your eyes look disgusting, the difference is too obvious!

Naoki Asakawa sighed, picked up the rice cooker, and walked out of the kitchen behind Furuhashi and Rin.

"I'm gonna start now!"

The dinner officially begins.

"Xiao Wennai, try this potato sirloin, this is my specialty."

"Thank you Auntie."

"And this tempura fried shrimp, which is also my favorite."

"Thank you Auntie."

"There's more..."

Fumina Furuhashi can't laugh or cry, there are too many signature dishes!

"Ah, idiot Nissan, don't give me the green pepper!"

"Children must eat more green peppers to grow taller."

"I'm fourteen years old, I'm not a kid, you are revenge on the ground!"

"Come on, eat another green pepper."

"Mom, Nissan bullied me again!"


The lights are bright.

The TV is broadcasting a variety show.

Naoki Asakawa and Rin are fighting, and there are crisp wind bells in the night. Fumino Furuhashi does not feel noisy, but is quite at ease. The reason why he likes cherry seeds is because of the lively warmth of the family Right?

"Xiao Wennai has a good appetite." A smiling voice rang in his ears.


Guqiao Wennai looked down, and was surprised to find that the rice in the bowl had been eaten at some point.

Oops, lousy, I'm going to impress my aunt as a foodie!

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