Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 608

"Hey, you can just say left and right. Who knows what to say about nine o'clock." Nino turned his head and looked in the direction reminded by Asakawa.

"Have you seen the girl with a shawl and hair holding a notebook in her arms?"

"I saw..." Nina looked suspiciously, disgustingly said, "Is it the girl you have bullied and is looking for revenge?"

"Be careful when looking at people." Naoki Asakawa sighed and shook his head helplessly. "That girl is wearing an armband of a commissioner of discipline, and is a commissioner of discipline to picket the school."


"If you hit someone, you will be arrested for breaking school rules."

"The Commissioner for Discipline and Discipline doesn't have that much power, right!"

Nina couldn't help but vomit, and suddenly saw Sanjiu's figure, breathing paused slightly, then turned and left.

"Frivolous Qianchuan..." Sanjiu walked over, pressed the earphones on his chest, and looked in the direction of Nino's departure. "It was Nino just now?"


"What did Nina tell you?"

"Ask who am I waiting for." Naoki Asakawa put away his phone and stood up, "rest assured, I did not give you out."

"It's okay to tell Nino just to buy a game, right?" Sanjiu came over, "Anyway, Nino was there the day I washed my hair."

Naoki Asakawa thought for a while and said, "Then call Nino back again?"

"Don't... don't trouble Nino." Sanjiu puffed up her cheeks, "Hurry up."

Naoki Asakawa carried his schoolbag and followed Mikau: "Do you know where to buy it?"

"……do not know."

"Then you still take the lead to walk forward and go behind me."

Sanjiu bulged her cheeks and couldn't help but stretch out a slender index finger.


The two left the school, quickly walked to the nearby tram stop, waited a moment, and got on the tram.

Although it is not the morning and evening commuting peak, all schools are over now, elementary school students, middle school students, and high school students are mixed together, so naturally there are no seats.

Asakawa Naoki and Mikaku walked to the corner and stood silently.

"Let's go to the commercial street." Asakawa Naoki whispered. "It will take about fifteen minutes."

"Yeah." Sanjiu nodded slightly, "you have the final say."

When Naoki Asakawa had nothing to do, he took out his cell phone and flicked on Twitter. Sanjiu didn't play with his cell phone by himself, but came close to watch together.

A short video quickly came into view, and it was a well-known funny show.

Naoki Asakawa has never been interested in this kind of funny show, slide his finger to skip the content.


The arm was suddenly poked lightly.

Sanjiu raised her pretty face, his eyes motioned: "I want to see."

Naoki Asakawa sighed, silently scrolled down the previous tweet, and then clicked play. Of course, the sound did not turn on.

The video is not long, only two or three minutes, Naoki Asakawa glanced, and found that the content of the show was a comedy artist preparing to amuse Grandpa.

The threshold for Japanese comedians is much higher than that of ordinary idols. There are many poker-faced idols with poor acting skills. There are always people who fish in troubled waters, but comedians who can’t make the audience laugh even have no chance to fish in troubled waters. You can eat this bowl of rice. Said it needs talent.

The comedian in the video is a middle-aged uncle with an unshaven beard, but he doesn’t need a voice—the man didn’t talk about comics, which is cross talk, but has been doing various funny facial expressions, trying to sit opposite him. Grandpa laughed.


Sanjiu opened his eyes and looked at the funny artist on the phone, pursing her pink lips and holding his breath, successfully resisting the mental erosion of the funny artist.

Just when the video was about to end, the camera suddenly pointed at the old man.

The gully on his face, the old man with his mouth obviously deflated inward, suddenly sucked his mouth in, and the whole face disappeared suddenly and turned into a dry wrinkled orange.


Naoki Asakawa raised his eyebrows lightly, and there was no ups and downs in his heart. The first time he saw this old man on TV without dentures, Naoki Asakawa guessed the reversal in front of him, without the sudden shock. Sense, naturally there are no surprises at all.

"Only people who laugh very low will laugh, right?"

Asakawa Naoki raised his head and looked at Mikau, and was speechless.

"When did you laugh so low?"

Sanjiu bit her lower lip vigorously, her shoulders trembled lightly, her face showed a patience and a very hard-working expression, it was obvious that she was poked by the grimace of the grandfather just now.

Hey, don't laugh!This is on the tram, if you laugh, you will disturb others!Some elementary school students are already looking at me with strange eyes!

Naoki Asakawa looked serious and whispered: "Hold it back, don't laugh..."


Sanjiu's shoulders trembled and he hid one head into Asakawa's arms.

Chapter 443

"Hold it down and don't laugh..."


Seeing Mikau, who plunged into his arms, grabbed the corner of his clothes, and trembling shoulders, Naoki Asakawa sighed.

Let you hold back not to laugh, not let you hide in others' arms!When the laughter surges up, quickly think about the tragic experience of only zero scores on the exam, and you will be able to feel sad right away!

No way, I can't push Sanjiu mercilessly away.

Now someone looked sideways slightly, if Sanjiu didn't hold back the laughter, the next part of the road would have to be watched like a zoo orangutan.

After a while, Miki finally entered the'cooling off period', but still refused to get up, resting his head against Naoki Asakawa's chest, panting lightly.

"Woke up."

Asakawa Naoki whispered.


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