Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 615

"That's good."

"It's not like." Asakawa said slowly, "I'm just looking at you."


Finally it's time to gather.

"Everyone, be quiet." The dean of the Academic Affairs Office stepped forward. "Come and queue up according to the class."

Under the teacher's greetings, the students who had been huddled together to keep warm, quickly gathered together and lined up according to the class. Then the instructors of each class took a list to confirm their identities from front to back.

Mr. Kirisu took the form and walked all the way from the front to the end.

"Teacher Bronzebeard, good morning." Asakawa Naoki greeted casually.

"Keep quiet." Kirisu's pretty face condensed slightly and couldn't help but come over, "Don't talk."

Now it is a school-level activity, and the distance between teachers and students must be kept, and the boundaries must not be crossed.

"Roger that."

Naoki Asakawa signed his name on the form, and then respectfully returned the pen to Ma Dong.

After signing in and confirming that all the students attending the forest school were present, everyone quickly lined up to board the Shinkansen train, ready to set off for Chiba Prefecture.

Chapter 448: Traveling with Xiao Zhendong

Asakawa Naoki followed the team onto the Shinkansen train.

In the invisible food chain of the class, at this time, when a small group in the “leading position” of the class sits down, other talents will be seated one after another. It can be said that it is quite realistic, but this kind of thing has nothing to do with Naoki Asakawa. The lone ranger who is free from all groups can find a corner to sit quietly, and no one will actively disturb him anyway.

"Everyone is here."

Mr. Kirisu breathed a sigh of relief, put away the sign-in form, and stepped onto the Shinkansen train last.

After getting in the car, Kirisu Matsumoto quickly found a very serious problem——

There are no seats left.

The Shinkansen is not a bus. Students travel and there is no chartered bus. Apart from all the teachers and students in the second grade of the school, there are of course other passengers.

Standing in the aisle, Mr. Kirisu looked around silently, and found that the carriage was full.

"Do you want to go to other cars?"

Kirito hesitated while biting his lower lip.

At this time, a familiar shout suddenly sounded.

"Teacher Zhendong."

Matsumoto Kiryu follows the prestige.

"There is still an empty seat here." Naoki Asakawa pointed his finger at the seat next to him without changing his face. "You can sit here."


Kirito hesitated for a while, walked silently to Asakawa Naoki, his voice was cold, and he whispered:

"Thank you Asakawa."

Urgently follow the power.

It is normal for teachers and students to sit together in such outing activities.

If I deliberately refuse, it will make people wonder.

"Teacher sit inside?"

Naoki Asakawa reached out and pointed to the seat by the window.

The seats on the Shinkansen are asymmetrical. There are five seats in each row, separated by aisles, with three consecutive seats on one side and double seats on the other.

As a wanderer on a lonely high wasteland, Naoki Asakawa would naturally not choose three consecutive seats to cause trouble for others. He sat alone in the corner of the double seat.

Unsurprisingly, no one chose to sit next to him.

The idiot May hesitated, but in order to keep her distance, she sat with the short-haired girl Ayano and successfully integrated into the girls group. It is gratifying.

Asakawa Naoki thought he wanted to sit in Chiba Prefecture by himself, but he didn't expect Xiaozhen to find a seat at the Winter Games.

Kirisu was about to agree, and suddenly his eyes condensed, remembering what happened in the cinema that night.

If you accidentally sit in the arms of Asakawa Naoki again...


Shinto Kiryu bit his lower lip silently, a blush flashed across Qiao's face, his eyes motioned.

"Sit inside."

Naoki Asakawa sighed, got up and sat down by the window.

Kirisu Matsumu reached out his hand to hold the skirt, bent over and sat down. He soon felt a warm heat coming from under his buttocks. He couldn't help but want to move his position. Seeing Asakawa Naoki looking at him, he endured it at the last minute, light Gently bit his lower lip, put the briefcase on his legs, and then cast a [death gaze] towards Naoki Asakawa without a trace.

Hey, you are too much!I didn't say a word, and I had to endure a sight kill. Don't eat this kind of grievance!

"Teacher, I have a question to ask."

Naoki Asakawa raised his right hand and said calmly.

"You..." Xiao Zhendong bit his lower lip. As a teacher, he couldn't refuse the students' questions. He could only come over quietly, "Ask."

Asakawa Naoki thought:

"Why did forest school choose to be in Chiba Prefecture?"

"Why?" Mr. Kirsu tilted his head, "This is a matter decided by the school board. Is there any problem?"

"There is no famous school in Chiba Prefecture." Naoki Asakawa unscrewed a bottle of green tea drink and took a sip. "It should be more appropriate to choose ancient capitals such as Kyoto and Nara for a combination of educational background and accommodation?"

Xiao Zhendong lightly condensed her eyebrows, she really hadn't thought about this question.

Asakawa Naoki slowly said:

"I heard someone say a reason."

"Do you know?" Kirisu Matsumoto subconsciously pulled up the blue silk in his ears, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

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