Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 622

Legal Lolita reached out and took it, and then gently tossed it, and the dice suddenly rolled on the table.

Among all the people, the most nervous is actually Guancheng Sa Kazuko.

The girl in the white coat opened her eyes wide, staring nervously at the rolling dice, silently analyzing in her heart.

(The distance between Ogata and Asakawa is a bit far away. If you want to get married, you must cast six points at once.)

(The one-sixth probability is already very low, much lower than a coin flip.)

(Hmph, God took the initiative, these two people really have no fate...)

At this time, the rolling dice finally stopped and rolled directly in front of Guancheng Sha and Zi, steadily facing upward at six o'clock.

(Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, why did you really throw six o'clock!)

A falling thunder slammed down, and the smile on Guan Chengshahezi's face suddenly stiffened.


Guan Chengsha and Zi lowered his head and slammed directly on the table.

"Huh, classmate Guancheng?" Guqiao Wennai looked in surprise, "Are you okay?"

"No, nothing."

Guan Chengsha Kazuko squeezed out a strong smile, biting her silver teeth and holding the dice tightly.

"So, am I married to Asakawa now?"

Rizu Ogata tilted her head, her eyes shimmering, "Are you ready to receive gifts?"

That's right, after getting married, you can get a gift of 100,000 yen from other players...Unfortunately, you can only pay according to the prescribed grid, otherwise Naoki Asakawa can continue to pay for the gold through marriage, divorce and remarriage.


A word made the air quiet again.

"Well, that, according to the game, it's correct." Gu Qiao Wennai coughed slightly, and said hesitatingly, "But the others haven't played yet, wait until everyone finishes casting the dice... classmate Guancheng , It's your turn."

Guan Cheng Shahezi gritted her silver teeth, picked up the dice that disappointed her, and tossed it casually.

"Three o'clock." Seki Sa Kazuko breathed a sigh of relief, "I would rather marry Ogata than marry Asakawa."

Turning over the card on the table, it is a [entry card], successfully entered a company and completed the transformation of the status of a college student to a social animal, with a monthly income of 200,000 yen.

"Student Guqiao." Guan Chengsha Kazuko handed the dice to Fumino Guqiao, "It's your turn."

"Thank you Guancheng."

Guqiao Wennai took the dice, suddenly a little flustered.

"What are you panicking about?"

Guqiaowen asks himself.

"Do you not want to trigger the marriage event, or..."

Gently pressing her pink lips, Fumina Gu Qiao throws out the dice in her hand with mixed emotions.

Everyone looked at the rolling dice.

"Hey, classmate Gu Qiao was also involved in the marriage incident." Guan Chengsha and Zi supported her chin with his right hand, vomiting, "Luck is bad."

What's wrong, don't you be happy to harvest a wave of gift money openly!

"It's just a game, any number of points is possible." Fumina Guqiao breathed a sigh of relief and handed the dice to May who was sitting next to him, "May, it's your turn."


Wuyue sits upright, because of the dull hair on the top of her head, she looks the tallest among several girls. At this moment, she took the dice, threw it away, and then opened her eyes wide.

"Huh?" Guan Chengsha Kazuko's surprised voice sounded, "Is it actually in the marriage grid again?"

"Get married, get married or something..."

May Qiao's face blushed, she looked at Asakawa Naoki, and then handed the dice to Sanjiu who was sitting at the end.

"Sanjiu, it's your turn."

Mikau took the dice and was a little nervous. He had known that he would not sit next to Naoki Asakawa. The last one tossed the dice was overwhelmingly stressed.

Taking a breath, Sanjiu threw the dice on the table.

Several girls looked around, the dice rolled for a moment, and soon stopped.

"One, two, three... married again?"

Guan Chengsha and Zi opened his eyes wide, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "Except for me, all four of you actually triggered the marriage event. Is this a coincidence?"

"But..." Guan Chengsa Kazuko looked at Asakawa, with a gloating expression on his face suddenly, "Asakawa-san, which one do you choose to marry?"


The four girls all looked at Naoki Asakawa.

"Who chooses to get married?"

Naoki Asakawa thought subconsciously.

Thumbelina Ogata...If you get married in the future, you will definitely be charged with loli for a lifetime. Maybe you will be intercepted and questioned by the police when you walk down the street.

Then there is Roubaoguai Wuyue, a girl with a big stomach, super edible, Roubao Terminator, can eat three kilograms of ramen at a meal, and after getting married, I always feel unable to support it.

My mother and Xiao Rin liked Guqiao’s words very much, but I guess they could not pass the inspection of the pig, deer and butterfly trio. Maybe one night they would be blocked in the alley and warned and beaten.

Finally, it was Sanjiu...The five sisters looked exactly the same, and it was very troublesome not to recognize who was who.

Asakawa thought, he looked at the girls at the table.

Except for Guan Cheng Sha and Zi, who are not concerned about themselves, the other girls are all a little uncomfortable.

Wuyue turned her head to look away with a guilty conscience, the dull hair on top of her head swayed slightly.

Sanjiu held the earphones on her chest, looked down at the table, her ear tips were slightly red.

Fumina Guhashi kept fiddle with the hair in his ear.

Rizuma Ogata... seems to be holding her chest in a daze.

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