Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 629

Naoki Asakawa, Nino, and Sanjiu waited for a while before they saw the three idiots returning from the direction of the mountain.

"Nina, finally found you!"

Yotsuba ran over first, the green hair accessory on top of his head trembling in the evening breeze, "I'm not injured, I'm worried that you will roll down the cliff like a TV show."

"It's just getting lost, it's not so exaggerated!"

Nina put her hands on her chest and couldn't help but vomit, "On the contrary, it's the three of you, why did you get lost."

"It's May." Yihua walked forward with her mobile phone. "May said to go over there, and Yotsuba and I followed."

"I, I just said it's possible." Wu Yue Qiao blushed and lowered her head in shame. "You two have not noticed that you are going in the wrong direction."

Sure enough, all the daughters of the Nakano family are idiots. From Yihua to May, no one can distinguish the north, south, east and west.

"If you have anything to say, go back and speak slowly." Naoki Asakawa put away his phone, turned and walked into the school, "If you don't go to eat, the cafeteria will be closed soon."

"hurry up."

"I'm starving to death."

"Hurry up to eat in the cafeteria."

The five sisters hurriedly followed Naoki Asakawa and walked to the cafeteria together.

The cafeteria was empty, with only two or three big cats and kittens. Obviously most people had already had dinner, but fortunately, there was a window to eat.

Naoki Asakawa went to wash his hands first, then bought an evening set meal, took the plate and walked to the corner to sit down. After only two bites, the five fools of Nakano came over.

"Asakawa-san, would it be lonely to eat alone?" Yotsuba sat down with a clear voice, "Let's eat together."

Naoki Asakawa's expression remained unchanged, "Sorry, I am not lonely."

Yotsuba supported his chin with his right hand, and widened his eyes to look at it: "It's always tiring like this. Asakawa-san occasionally tries to rely on us."

Naoki Asakawa squinted, "Don't talk while eating."


A piece of fried chicken was suddenly handed to Asakawa Naoki's dinner plate.

When Naoki Asakawa looked up, he saw Yihua smile cheerfully, eyebrows curled, "Thanks to Asakawa-kun for finding Nino... the fried chicken is a thank you."

Wuyue raised her eyes and saw a grain of rice on the corner of her mouth. She hurriedly picked up a small sausage and said, "My little sausage."

"The sushi from the forest school cafeteria tastes good." Sanjiu picked up a piece of sushi.

"The taste of tonkatsu is also very good." Yotsuba sandwiched a pork chop fairly generously. "There is still not enough to eat."


The four sisters looked at Nino together.

"What do you see me doing?"

Nino bit her pink lips lightly, her expression changed, and he picked up a piece of eel and said, "...thank you today."

"Hey, it's eel." Yotsuba said in surprise, "It turned out to be Nino's favorite eel. I thought it was a green pepper."

May nodded: "I thought it was a green pepper."

"Who would take something like green pepper as a gift!" Nina patted the table, "You guys hurry up and eat!"


After having dinner noisily, Asakawa Naoki brought the plate to the recycling place and was about to turn back to the dormitory.

"Hey, wait a minute."

The girl's crisp shout suddenly sounded behind her back.

Naoki Asakawa stopped, turned his head and looked around, Nino with the black swallowtail hair accessory pinned on his temples stepped forward, and reached out:

"Give you."


"The wild fruits I picked in the mountains before, I have just washed them..." Nino urged, "Hurry up and take them. I have to go back to take a bath."

Naoki Asakawa reached out and took it. Since the five sisters had eaten it when they were young, there would be no problem.


Nino widened her eyes and looked at it.

"See what I do?"

"You haven't tasted it yet."

Asakawa Naoki reluctantly picked up a wild fruit and put it in his mouth.

"How is the taste?"

Naoki Asakawa told the truth, he would not violate his heart just because of a Nino, "It's a little sour."

"I'll try it." Nino took a wild fruit from Asakawa Naoki and threw it into his mouth, "Well, it's really sour... I don't feel as good as when I was a kid."

Nino raised her chin: "You will go back later and remember to eat them all."

"thanks for treatment."

Naoki Asakawa nodded and agreed. In other words, it was the fruit that Nino worked so hard to pick, and it was too wasteful to throw away.


Nino seemed to be quite satisfied with Asakawa's answer. He spun away briskly, his hair and skirt fluttering in the air, "I'm going back."


Seeing Nino leaving behind, Naoki Asakawa suddenly felt something was wrong.

After thinking for a moment, Asakawa Naoki quickly found the problem.

This Nino who always likes to fight against herself... hasn't shown a ferocious expression?


"Finally back." Back to the dormitory, Nino took out the charger and charged the phone. "You must prepare a power bank when you go out in the future. Take it with you at any time. It is too uncomfortable for the phone to run out of power. Living like years, I remember a word that describes this feeling...what is it called?"

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