Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 633

Guancheng Shahezi shook his head: "I still can't believe it."

It's just a shoulder and neck massage. I haven't done it before, so I'm not so exaggerated.

"Then Sekijo-san, just give it a try." Ogata Rizuki sat up with a serious tone, "Asakawa-san is really good."

Guancheng Shakazuko hesitated for two seconds, then nodded and agreed, "Try it."

your sister!If you want to try it, just ask others' opinions!

"It's late." Naoki Asakawa was drinking water, and he put down the water glass, "It's better for you to go back as soon as possible."

There is still a May in the closet. It is the business to coax the two girls away as soon as possible.

"Don't worry." Rizuki Ogata clenched her right hand with a serious expression, "Let Seki-san see how good you are."

If you are not so good, you just need to know it, you don't need to prove it to others.

"Although let the horse come here." Guan Cheng Sa Kazuko sat down by the bed, with her hands on her chest, with sharp eyes and full of fighting spirit, declared war on Asakawa Naoki, "I will never make a strange noise."

Naoki Asakawa raised his eyebrows lightly: "Then try it."

"come on."


Naoki Asakawa turned and walked behind Seki, like a pianist about to play a piece, flexed her fingers, then gently put her on Seki Kazuko's shoulders, and began to pinch.

"But so..."

Guan Chengsha Kazuko held his breath at first, and waited for it, but it didn't take long to relax, and he was quietly relieved, "It feels like a normal massage."

However, as time went by, Guan Chengsha Kazuko soon discovered that a strange feeling was quietly rising in his body.

(Wait, wait a minute.)

(What's the matter with this feeling?)

Kazuki Guancheng only feels that there is an indescribable pleasure surging in her body, as if the sea level rise caused by the melting of an iceberg is slowly accumulating in an unstoppable trend.

My throat is itchy.

There seems to be something to vent through the mouth.

Guan Chengsha Kazuko bit her lower lip, forcibly resisting this shameful strange pleasure, not letting herself make a sound of shame, but silence does not shield the five senses of the body, but makes the body more sensitive.

To the end.

With Naoki Asakawa gently pressing on the sensitive part of her neck, the girl in the white coat suddenly raised her head, and the red-faced soft vibrato finally could not be suppressed, and overflowed from her mouth.

"Um-uh -"

The dormitory suddenly became quiet.

Guan Chengsha and Zi quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, her pretty face flushed to the limit, almost bleeding.


Naoki Asakawa stopped silently, and the outcome was divided.

"Sekijo-san." Ogata Rizuki obviously couldn't understand the air in front of her, and made a knife. "You called it out."

Guan Chengsha and Zi opened her mouth, and a hazy mist soon rose in her eyes.


The girl in a white coat quickly got up and hurried to the door, just trying to find a corner where no one was ashamed to commit suicide.

"Sekijo-san." Rizuki Ogata asked from behind, "It's only been three minutes, don't you continue to massage?"

How can it continue!If you make such a shameful sound, you will never have the face to see people again!

Naoki Asakawa looked down at Ogata, "Hurry up and chase."

Chapter 461

Sending away the two girls, Asakawa closed the door and turned around to find that May has not come out of the closet.


Asakawa Naoki walked to the closet and shouted in a low voice.

Is it because it takes too long to fall asleep?

"I, I'm here."

The muffled voice of May came from the closet.

"Ogata and Sekijo have already left."

Naoki Asakawa stretched his hand to open the closet, and was speechless.

This stupid girl didn't know when she actually changed to a squatting posture. She squatted in the closet with her hands on her knees. Fortunately, her face was flushed. If her face was pale and her eyes were dull, she would definitely be shocked!

"Don't hide, come out quickly."


Wuyue promised, stretched out his right hand, and said, "My legs are a little numb... Asakawa-san, can you pull me?"

Naoki Asakawa sighed and grabbed May's right hand.

"Huh?" Asakawa Naoki was slightly surprised, "My hands are so hot."

It is said that the five equal parts, Sanjiu's hands are so cold, your hands are so hot, you can use the method of holding hands to judge your identity in the future!

Naoki Asakawa tried hard, but he couldn't pull it up.

I have to say that this meat bun has a lot of weight.

Taking a breath, Naoki Asakawa slammed his hands, finally successfully pulling May out of the closet, and then...


Accidentally using too much force, May triggers the skill "Meat Bun Crash", and bumps his head into Asakawa's arms.

The closet was right next to the bed, and Asakawa stepped back half a step. When he tripped on the bed, he lost his balance and fell back.

The mattress that was hit by the double tremble suddenly.

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