Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 661

The second night of the forest school passed quietly.

Chapter 479 The Little Golden Retriever Asking For Help

The third day.

7:20 in the morning.

Naoki Asakawa woke up to the sound of the alarm clock.

Turning off the alarm clock and glanced at the phone, there really was no wake-up message from Xiao Zhendong.

After getting up, washing his face, brushing his teeth, and packing his luggage, Shi Shiran Asakawa walked out of the dormitory, mixed into the male team, and walked towards the cafeteria.

Because at the wife’s forum last night, a few boys greeted Naoki Asakawa-boys’ friendship is actually very simple, as long as they have common interests and hobbies, we are friends as long as we like the wife.

"Asakawa, good morning."

As soon as she walked downstairs, the girl's clear and nice shout suddenly sounded.

Looking at the young girl with black swallowtail hair accessories on her temples in front of her, Naoki Asakawa half-squinted her eyes.

"One flower?"

"What!" The smile on Nino's face froze, and she bit her silver teeth with anger, "I'm Nino!"

You could recognize yourself at a glance before, but now you can’t recognize yourself?

It's just being nice to you, what's that suspicious attitude!

Naoki Asakawa looked up and down the girl in front of him, and suddenly asked, "What was the first sentence you said when you lost the night before?"

"Why did you come?"

Nina blurted out and debuted.

"It's really Nina."

Asakawa Naoki's eyes were surprised.

"The soul is light and shallow..." Nina clenched his powder fist, grind his teeth lightly with anger, "Too annoying! Stupid pig head!"

It's not enough to be gentle with you, do you have to be fierce to be happy?

It's just Asakawa, shouldn't it be a trembling M?

"Eh, wait..."

Nino blinked and suddenly felt it was possible.

Many boys have an M-shaking side, and an Asakawa cricket is certainly no exception, saying that from time to time they look forward to stepping on their feet with silk stockings.

That's right.

Just do it.

I am not a gentle person. It is too difficult to pretend to be'gentle as water'. It is because I am very awkward that I will let Gu Quan Asakawa doubt it?

Sure enough, he should still be treated with his usual attitude, slowly changing his image, so that this Asakawa can't escape from his palm, hehehehe...

Looking at Nino with a weird expression and smirking "hehe", Naoki Asakawa silently pulled away and turned away.

The last two days are very strange, maybe you have become a fool?

Sure enough, you should keep your distance.

To the cafeteria.

I just met Yihua and Four Leaves.

"It's Asakawa-kun." Yihua raised his right hand and said with a smile, "Good morning."

His movements were the same as usual, and his eyes didn't panic at all, and he couldn't tell that he had kissed others with his sister Yotsuba on his back last night.

"Ah, good morning."

Naoki Asakawa nodded lightly and turned to look at Yotsuba.

Yotsuba put on the super stupid green bunny ears again, and seeing Naoki Asakawa looking over, his face quickly showed a bright smile full of vitality.

"Asakawa-san, good morning."

As if one night passed, Yotsuba had forgotten the embarrassment of last night, I have to say that the memory of the fool is not very good.

"Asakawa, good morning."

Sanjiu was still wearing headphones, his face was calm, and his voice felt slightly cold.

As for May...I was eating meat buns, and there was no room to say hello.

Half a day passed in a hurry.

At noon, everyone in the forest school had a dinner together. During that time, they listened to the bad old man, the principal, for a while. After lunch, everyone returned to the dormitory, packed their backpacks and saluted and prepared to leave.

All in all, the three days and two nights of the forest school to strengthen academic ability and stay together, this is the end.


Just as Naoki Asakawa walked into the dormitory, the phone suddenly vibrated.

When I took out my cell phone, it turned out to be a message from the little golden retriever Guga Weihua.

"Perverted valet, I have encountered a terrible thing again!!!"

This little golden retriever sent out multiple question marks in a row, emphasizing that the situation was quite serious.

Naoki Asakawa responded calmly:

"Call senior."

"Study, senior..."

"Say I was wrong."

"It's too much! The footman is too much! Yuihua is angry!"

After a few seconds.

The phone vibrated again.

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