Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Superpowers Chapter 675

"I fell down accidentally when I was playing just now." Without Naoki Asakawa's words, Yotsuba already lowered his head and explained in a low voice, "Don't worry, Asakawa-san, his knee just broke a little...Injuries during training are normal, so No problem at all."

Saying that there is no problem, don't limp when you walk!

To say that the five Nakano sisters have the most fulfilling campus life, it must be Yotsuba. Yihua is not a diligent person. If the room is really diligent, there will be no chaos in the room. Nino will hang out with friends after school. Sanjiu is a homecoming club and squatting at home. In May, he is obsessed with learning meat buns, and he doesn't hear things outside the window.

Only Yotsuba is the most popular, because of the super athletic ability and the character of the little angel that is universal to the world, people who encounter difficulties can't help but lend a hand, and are often invited to be foreign aids by various sports organizations.

Asakawa Naoki calmly said:

"Why are you alone?"

"They are still playing games. They wanted to send me to the health room, but I refused." Yotsuba blinked and said in a clear voice, "It's just a small injury. I can just go to the health room to clean it... Asakawa Don’t worry, students, go home first."

"Let's go."

Asakawa Naoki turned and took a step.

"Hey, the school gate is on the right, Asakawa is going in the wrong direction."

"Go to the health room together."


Yotsuba stepped up to follow.

After a short silence, Si Ye began to chatter.

"Yihua fell into bed again this morning, so angry, I feel that the procrastination is getting worse."

"Ninai didn't know what was going on in the past two days, and from time to time she smirked with comic books."

"Sanjiu has fallen in love with playing games recently, that's the very popular "Animal Crossing Friends Club"..."

"In May, I have to study until ten thirty every night..."

"Don't always talk about others." Naoki Asakawa raised his eyebrows lightly. "Talk about yourself."

"Huh?" Yotsuba tilted his head, "I have nothing to say."

"No, are you?" Asakawa was expressionless, "remember the English words sent to you this morning."

"Yes, I'm sorry! (>People<)"

(PS: Time to push the book! "Become a current person than Qigu Hachiman" is a story of passing through the big teacher and striving to evolve to the current person. Interested friends can go and collect it.)

Chapter 489

The health room is on the second floor.

Yotsuba limped to the front of the stairs, a frown flashed across his face, and took a quiet breath, as he was about to step upstairs, a hand was suddenly stretched out in front of her.


Yotsuba lifted his eyes and looked a little dazed, "Asakawa-san?"

"Give me your hand."

Asakawa Naoki stood on the stairs and said calmly.


Yotsuba nodded obediently, her pretty face flushed and grabbed Naoki Asakawa's right hand, letting Asakawa lead her upstairs.

(Asakawa-kun’s hands are so big...boys have more hands than girls.)

(It's also very warm. It must be very comfortable to hold in winter, right?)

Yotsuba soon came up with a picture of heavy snow flying and silver-clad clothes, and she and Asakawa tied their scarves and stood under the street lamp...

(Wait, wait, why is there such a weird BGM like "Snowflakes fluttering, North Wind Xiaoxiao"!)

In my wild thoughts, the warmth in my hands suddenly disappeared.


Yotsuba hurriedly raised his eyes, only to realize that he had reached the door of the health care room.


Naoki Asakawa raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

A lazy and sleepy voice soon sounded behind the door.

"Let's go in."

Naoki Asakawa reached out and pushed the door open.

Yotsuba lowered his head, hid behind Asakawa Naoki, and cautiously walked into the health room.

There was only one female doctor in a white coat in the health room on duty. Seeing Naoki Asakawa and Yotsuba walk in, with their right hand supporting their chin, she lazily said:

"What's the matter with the two classmates?"

"When she was playing basketball, she accidentally fell." Asakawa turned around and saw that Yotsuba was hiding behind him, refusing to see anyone, and reached out to pull the foolish girl in front of him, "Right knee. "

"Huh?" The female doctor straightened up a little, her eyes brightened, "So it's Si Ye Jiang."

Asakawa Naoki was slightly surprised.

So you two know each other?

Since we know each other, why hide behind and dare not see anyone!

It's just a knee injury, and it's not that you don't wear fat times, it's not shameful at all!

Seeing the doubt in Asakawa Naoki's eyes, the female doctor explained with a smile:

"Siyejiang often comes to the health room because of injuries, and she met after two visits."

your sister!It turned out to be a frequent visitor to the health room. As the saying goes, good swimmers drown in the water. If you squat at home like Sanjiu, you will definitely not get hurt!

"But this is the first time Yotsuba has brought a boy to the health room." The female doctor supported her chin with her right hand, and suddenly smiled playfully, raising her volume slightly, "Could it be a man..."

"It's not a boyfriend!" Yotsuba hurriedly waved his hands to deny, "It's just...just an ordinary friend!"

"Eh..." The female doctor stretched the tone, her smile on her face became more cheerful, "I mean male classmates, why is Yotsuba Chan so eager to deny that she is her boyfriend?"

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