Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 681

The band-aids that I personally put on last night are symmetrical in position. You made the band-aids crooked!

"Even if I found out that I am not Yotsuba, why doesn't Asakawa suspect that it is Nino and Sankyu?" Ichika stretched out her slender fingers, poked Naoki Asakawa's chest lightly, puffed her cheeks, and said, "What do you say? Symmetry...Is it skeptical to be heard?"

Asakawa Naoki calmly said:

"If you are not sure, I will definitely not say."

It doesn't matter if you make a mistake, anyway, I'm talking about a magical girl, and I didn't name it and say Ichi...Except for May, Nino and Sanjiu are not guilty.

Yihua's eyes lit up, and the corners of her lips outlined a happy arc: "Asakawa-kun has been able to confirm me clearly from everyone?"

"not at all."

Naoki Asakawa was expressionless.

It's just a simple method of elimination.

Let’s rule out Yotsuba first. The Meat Bun Monster in May has been hiding from herself recently. Nino and Sanjiu have no reason to change their costumes. The most suspected person is you!

Yihua stretched out her index finger and tapped it gently on the crystal lips, smiling delicately: "Sister is very happy now..."

You are enough, only two or three months old, don't always think of yourself as a sister!

"So, I want to give Asakawa-kun some special rewards." The girl who likes to tease people smiled more happily, raised her pretty face and said, "...or meet Asakawa-kun's obsessive-compulsive disorder now?"


Naoki Asakawa took his schoolbag and turned around to leave.

If you talk about going up to the rooftops, you can say that in the corridors where people come and go, you are obviously making fun of people!

"Eh, wait a minute."

Ichihana reached out and held the corner of Asakawa's clothes, and said with a serious expression, "Asakawa-kun is free this weekend?"

"No time."

Yihua pretended not to hear: "Uncle Beard has helped to make an appointment for another movie. He is going to audition on Friday afternoon. As an agent, Asakawa-kun cannot be absent."

Chapter 493

Asakawa Naoki walked into the classroom, the next table with Mao Mao had already arrived first.

"Sao Chuan, good morning."

Wuyue raised her eyes, her voice was crisp and bright.

After eating three kilograms of ramen in one go yesterday evening, May has adjusted his mentality.

That is to let it go, not wanting so much.

It's not a feudal age where you must marry someone when you see your feet. In modern society, it's not a big deal to be kissed... right?

Just, treat it as artificial respiration that happened accidentally!

The most important task now is to study. Mom is a teacher, and as a daughter, how can she always be the back of the class crane? Everything else must be behind the study.

Finally, pay attention to safety, always be vigilant, and never let Asakawa bully herself again!

"Good morning."

Naoki Asakawa sat down on the stool, glanced up and down at his neighbouring table, and suddenly asked:

"How many meat buns did you bring today?"


May subconsciously answered.

Naoki Asakawa nodded slightly: "It's really May."

"What?" Wuyue puffed up her cheeks with dissatisfaction, and the dull hair on top of her head shook, "This is the classroom, how could it be other people."

Suspicious of my identity, the good mood of the day is gone!

Naoki Asakawa opened his schoolbag and took out the textbook, "I'm extremely sorry."

In May, when she greeted her generously and generously as before, she hadn't seen it for half a month, so she doubted the identity of Mao Neighbor.

May turned her head and muttered softly, "No sincerity."

Asakawa Naoki said seriously:

"I am willing to offer meat buns in exchange for Master May's forgiveness."

"Even if you say about meat buns?"


A day passed in a hurry.

It was school time again in a blink of an eye.

Naoki Asakawa closed his textbook and put the book in his bag, and was about to go to the library to read and study. Wu Yue suddenly looked over, covered his mouth with his hand, and whispered:

"That... Asakawa, go to my house to learn how to make photos in the afternoon, right?"

It is still too dangerous to go to Asakawa Naoki's apartment to learn PS.

Alone men and widows live in the same room, what if Asakawa suddenly wants to bully?

It's useless to shout at that time.

It's better to go to your own home, as long as there are other people around, you don't have to worry about being bullied.

"It's okay." Naoki Asakawa nodded gently, without any intention of bullying May, and stood up and said, "First go to the library to read and study, and then go to your home."

"Then let's go."

May relieved her heart and hurriedly packed her schoolbags to keep up.

Arrived at the library soon.

Nanjo was sitting behind the reading desk with his right hand on his chin, doing the work of a librarian. When he saw Naoki Asakawa coming in, his eyes lit up, but after seeing May, the expression on his face quickly faded.

"Nanjo." Mayue waved his hand, and said in a clear voice, "Good afternoon."

She knew this sister of Asakawa Naoki, and she would say hello when she saw it.

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