Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Do Not Need Super Powers Chapter 79

"The clouds in the sky are so beautiful~" Guqiao Wen Nao held the wrist of the left hand with his right hand, raised his arms above his head, stretched out a lazy waist, and looked up at the setting sun on the horizon. I really like spring, even the clouds are so cute, I really want to sleep on it."

"Is it cute?" Ogata Rizhu tilted her head. "The clouds are mainly composed of water and dust particles. The color changes because of the different wavelengths of sunlight. If you pounce on it, it will be wet and cold."

"Hey, doesn't Lizhu-chan think that white and soft cloud like cotton candy is super cute?"

"I don't think." Ogata Rizuki shook her head calmly.

Fumino Furuhashi stretched out a finger and pointed to the cherry blossom tree not far away: "Then seeing the drifting cherry blossoms, what would Riju-chan think of immediately?"

"Sakura Shingen Cake."

Risa Ogata pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and answered simply.



Fumina Guhashi opened his eyes wide, with his hands on the stone table, leaning forward, looking at legal loli, and muttering: "Riju-chan seems to be a little different today..."

"Where?" Ogata Rizhu slightly tilted her head.

"It's glasses." Fumino Furuhashi said quickly, "Rizo has a new pair of glasses today!"

Hey, your observation is too weak!The first time I saw Ogata Rizuma, I noticed that she had changed her glasses. Have you only found out now!

Hearing the words, Ogata Rizuma subconsciously glanced at Asakawa Naoki, holding the glasses with his right hand, then sorted the hair around his ears, looked away and said, "The glasses were accidentally broken last night, so I changed a new pair."

"You only said that you accidentally broke your glasses, but didn't you say what happened in the park last night?" Asakawa said silently in his heart, "You seem to be shy too."

"Ogata." Naoki Asakawa looked at Thumbelina, "I want to ask you something."

Rizu Ogata raised her small face, and said calmly, "What's the matter?"

"Do you usually have sore shoulders?"


"what is the reason?"


Hearing this, Ogata Rizu subconsciously raised her hand to support her chest, and the sphere full of infinite beauty suddenly shook like jelly. The girl turned her head and looked outside the pavilion: "...I won't tell you."


No need to hide it, your actions just now have explained everything!

Cheating!I am preconceived and always think that Sanjiu's shoulder pain is a sequelae caused by superpowers, but is it just a physical phenomenon caused by a heavy burden on the chest!

The five sisters of the Nakano family are even in five parts. I have accidentally used the perspective to see May. Although at the last moment, I knew the basic size, and I was used as a tool by Nino two days ago. , The soft pressure on the chest is particularly clear.

No wonder Mikau asked himself the cause of Ogata's shoulder soreness. Ogata's load was obviously more than Mikaku's.

"Speaking of which, Ogata's weight at the beginning of school was 40KG."

"In terms of Ogata's body shape, the weight is obviously a little overweight."

"So...Is all the extra weight above Oppi?"

Asakawa looked at the white clouds in the sky, the thoughts in his mind couldn't help but diverge.

"The ancients had the Cao Chong method of weighing the elephant, and today there is the method of weighing the bathtub European style!"

"The density of the human body has long been determined by the scientific community."

"First let Ogata sit in a bathtub filled with water, and calculate the difference between the displacement of the whole body when submerged and lying on his back. In order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement data, all the clothes on his body must be stripped off. Nothing left..."

"Hurry up and stop!"

Naoki Asakawa raised his hand to cover his forehead and deleted all the restricted images in his mind. If he thinks about it, he will become a moron!

Turning his head to see, Guqiao Wennai had already squatted in the corner, with his left hand covering his chest, and his right hand gently drawing a circle in the air, his painting style turned gray:

"How does shoulder pain feel... I really want to experience it..."


Fumina Guqiao didn't know that, he had set up a huge FLAG inadvertently.


On the way back.

Rizu Ogata went to the tram stop first, but there was a way along the way between Asakawa Naoki and Furubashi.

The twilight of spring always descends quickly before people don't react, and the setting sun is still swaying, and in a blink of an eye there is a vast twilight covering the earth, and the lights in the distance are dim.

A new moon rises in the sky, the moon is like water, shining thousands of miles.

"Asakawa worked so hard to accompany us to study so late, but I still caught a lot of suspects by mistake. I'm sorry." Fumina Guhashi held his hands on his chest and apologized in a low voice.

"Even Detective Sherlock Holmes made the professor escape. Mistakes are inevitable." Naoki Asakawa pondered for half a second and said casually, "In terms of the number of captured criminals, your progress today is very obvious."

The main reason is that the level of the ancient bridge is too low. Any game upgrade is very fast in the early stage, and the more difficult it is to upgrade later.

A fragrant wind blew her face, and the girl stood on tiptoe and leaned in front of Naoki Asakawa, her eyes sparkling under the stars.

"Wh, that said, I didn't disappoint Asakawa-san today?"

Fumina Guhashi held her hands in front of her chest, her eyes sparkling, and an expression of tension and expectation appeared on her face.

"Although I don't want to make you proud..." Naoki Asakawa paused for half a second, then under the gaze of the girl's expectation, a fleeting smile appeared on his face, "Good job."

Obviously, I get sleepy when I see math, but I never get down to sleep.

Obviously, I was so ashamed to be a sticker. When I did the wrong question, I wouldn't be evasive even if my eyes were in tears.

Compared to those who are muddled and living by the way, girls who really work hard and gritted their teeth, others have no qualifications to deny.

"Hehe. (*^▽^*)" Fumina Guhashi raised his hands above his head, with a bright and happy smile on his face, "Don't worry, Asakawa-san, I won't say it proudly."

"I can't rest assured." Naoki Asakawa said with vacant eyes, "If you have a tail, it's already up to the sky now!"

Chapter 65

"Old Bridge?"

The sound of footsteps around him suddenly disappeared, and Asakawa turned his head and looked around. The girl who was still smiling just now was looking up at the sky, startled.

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