Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Do Not Need Super Powers Chapter 83

"Nantou, it's time to get up at seven thirty."


The girl on the bed was silent.

"Nantou, get up for breakfast, and have your favorite saury."


"If I don't get up again, I will lift the quilt."


The girl on the bed still didn't have any reaction. If she was not breathing, she would frown, wondering if she had become a vegetative overnight.

If people are killed, they will die.

It is a pity that people may not wake up when they are shouted. There are some severe bedridden patients in the world. Once they enter the bedridden mode, they will lose their hearing. You will never wake up when you shout, which means "You never shout Wake up and pretend to be asleep'.

"There is no way." Asakawa sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand into it from the edge of the quilt. "I'm doing it."

The voice command is no longer valid. At this time, only manual wake-up mode can be used.


With the invasion of Asakawa Naoki, Nanjo, who was leaning on his side, quickly furrowed his slender eyebrows, and let out a low, sorrowful hum from his nose, echoing gently in the bright and sunny morning.

"Don't, don't touch me..."

Nanjo wanted to dodge, but his strength was too weak, so he was easily grasped by Asakawa Naoki.

"I don't want to get up after shouting so much. I think it is necessary to give you a gift." Asakawa Naoki quickly increased his strength.

The strange numbness caused the girl on the bed to curl up, her cheeks flushed with light crimson, and a few messy hairs fell on her face, looking extremely soft and helpless:

"Quick, stop quickly... not there..."

The blush on Nanjo's face grew more and more, his hands were unable to grasp the quilt, his breathing gradually became quicker, and he was now enduring the assault of depression.

"You said no, you just opened your eyes."


After a few seconds, the late-stage bedridden girl finally couldn't bear it, suddenly opened her eyes, her beautiful burgundy eyes were full of raging anger.


Nanjo kicked it over and gritted his silver teeth and shouted: "hentai! If you pinch my foot, you can go to the hospital!!"

After finally waking up the girl who lay in bed, and hurriedly ate breakfast, Nanjo was changing shoes at the entrance, while complaining: "Yes, damn, I'm going to be late."

"Change shoes quickly."

"It's all because you have to toss me in the morning."


An icy chill suddenly hit, making Asakawa Naoki's scalp slightly numb.

"This familiar sense of oppression..."

A cold sweat soon fell on Naoki Asakawa's head.

In the next moment, Nanjo Mao put on her shoes and reached out to hold the doorknob.



The door opened.

A beautiful woman in a suit and pink-haired shawl stood outside the door, like a goddess of ice and snow born in a foreign land, everything was freezing quickly wherever his cold eyes went.

Chapter 68 The Five Difficulties of Hell

"Wh, who?"

The frosty aura that resembled the Siberian cold current rushed towards his face, like the plot of a door-opener in the movie, which shocked Nanjo, stumbled on his feet, lost his balance and retreated.

Naoki Asakawa was still changing his shoes. In a hurry, he hugged Nanjo's slender waist, took the girl into his arms, and took a deep breath:

"Teacher Zhendong, listen to me to explain!"

"Huh, teacher?"

Nanjo leaned against Asakawa Naoki's arms, and looked at Kirisu Matsuya in surprise, "This beautiful woman is actually a teacher?"

Kirisu's popularity in the school is very high, but Nanjo is a first-year freshman, and he is usually very out-of-group. Many people don't know him.

"You said."

Mr. Kirisu put his right hand on his chest and spoke in a cold voice. The sharp gaze of a falcon was enough to make the sneaky person sweat.

"This is Nanjo." Naoki Asakawa said quickly. "My sister, a first-year freshman, came here to do homework yesterday evening."

I can’t talk about the painting book. Although Nanjo doesn’t care about it in front of him, he doesn’t want to expose his preferences in front of others at all, so I can only fool it by using tutoring.

If Kirisu Masuu is serious and responsible for learning, he will definitely understand it, right?


For some reason, Kirisu's eyes became colder.

(This kind of "washed on the gallows" eyes... is clearly more angry, right?)

Naoki Asakawa's brain was running fast, recalling the conversation with Nanjo just now, and quickly found the crux of the problem.

"The juggling Nanjo said just now is not the juggling you think..."

"Let go of your hand."

Kirisu's eyes turned and fell on Naoki Asakawa's right hand.

Naoki Asakawa lifted Nanjo up to his feet and looked at his sister who has a perverted hobby: "Nanjo, it's up to you to talk."

"Um..." Nanjo Qiao blushed, her eyes panicked, and she stubbornly said, "That, that..."

Ah, forget, apart from being fierce in front of your own people, you will be very scared when you see strangers.

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