Top Student Don't Need Superpowers

Top Students Don't Need Super Powers Chapter 94

Asking students to help them massage their ankles... It shouldn't be agreed from the beginning.

"Boom boom boom."

Suddenly the sound of footsteps appeared outside the classroom, making Asakawa Naoki and Kirisu Miafu hold their breath.

"Is there anyone in the classroom?"

A loud male middleman sounded, followed by the sound of reaching out and pushing the door.

Kirisu's pretty face changed slightly, and he quickly got up from the chair, and signaled to Asakawa Naoki: "Hurry up and squat behind me!"


Naoki Asakawa instantly understood the look in the soft cat teacher's eyes, and immediately squatted down, and it was all about studying. His untidy clothes and flushed face were easily misunderstood.

While talking, a male teacher wearing a sweatshirt pushed the door and walked in. Seeing Kirisu Masuu's expression was startled, and said in surprise: "Is it Mr. Kirisu?"

"it's me."

Kirito was expressionless and nodded slightly, because his ankle was still aching and his shoes were not put on, he subconsciously supported the table with both hands and leaned forward slightly.

Obviously it is a very ordinary posture that keeps the body balanced. When it falls in the eyes of Asakawa Naoki, there is suddenly an indescribable temptation!

Waist-length pink hair was scattered around the waist. Because I was leaning on the chair just now, my hair was a little messy. With a hint of a weak waist, my waist suddenly narrowed with my shoulders down. Yingying gripped it, as if it was not as wide as a piece of A4 paper, and continued to look down. When the hip was reached, the graceful arc suddenly bulged and turned into a pretty upright posture!

Look down.

Under the hip skirt is flesh-colored pantyhose, a standard suit for school female teachers.

The round and delicate thighs are tightly gathered together, and there is almost no gap in the middle. The end of the skirt is dark. Although you know that you can't see anything in pantyhose, it is still difficult to look away, like an abyss. There is a fatal temptation.

The abyss is false, and the fatal is true.

There is already a chill from the soft cat teacher, and if you look at it, you will die!

"Teacher Kirsu, why haven't you left?" the male teacher asked curiously.

Mr. Kirisu pressed her pink lips, and replied in his usual serious and nonchalant tone: "I walked here just now and suddenly remembered the topic I was studying, so I sat down and thought about it."

"That's it."

The male teacher who got the answer did not leave, and his voice suddenly became hesitant and squeezed: " there any time for Mr. Kirsu on the weekend?"

Kirisu Masuu did not answer, but just said, "Is there anything wrong?"

"I won two restaurant coupons yesterday." The male teacher said with expectation, "If Mr. Kirisu is free, shall we go to the restaurant for dinner together?"


"So I wanted to pursue Teacher Soft Cat."

"Obviously I am a physics teacher, but I dedicated my life to physics, striving for the progress of mankind."

"Wasting a lot of time and energy on courtship is the most unwise choice."

Naoki Asakawa complained in his heart while looking at Kirisu Masu, when he suddenly noticed that a ladybug had appeared on the soft cat teacher's buttocks somehow, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to pat, and the elastic and silky delicate touch suddenly appeared from his fingers. Nerves feed back into the brain at a rapid rate.


Kirisu's body trembled like an electric shock, and there was a sudden flush of blush on Qiao's face.

"Teacher Kirsu, are you okay?" The physics teacher was dumbfounded.

"No, nothing."

Kirisu Shinwon clenched his silver teeth, resisting the urge to turn back, and the winter cold that could freeze everything spread.

"Your complexion is not so good..."

"I'm fine." Kirisu Masuu tried hard to tighten his face to prevent himself from showing any flaws, frowned and gritted his teeth, "If it's all right, please leave."

"I, I know..."

The new physics teacher trance heard the sound of the heart breaking into eight petals.

As expected, Mr. Kirsu is an unsmiling cold beauty like the rumors. Not to mention the good feelings, even to the point where he frowns when talking to himself. In Mr. Kirsu's eyes, he is actually not as good as Paramecium, right?

"I'm sorry, I won't trouble you again!"

The physical education teacher bowed, turned and ran away in tears with a broken heart of love.

The classroom suddenly became quiet.

Kirito closed his eyes, grasped the legs of the table with both hands, and took a deep breath. The cold air that was deliberately suppressed just now burst out like a cold winter wind in the extreme north, freezing everything in an instant, and gritted his teeth every word: " Asakawa Naoki!!"

"Teacher Zhendong, listen to me to explain!"

Asakawa Naoki's cold sweat broke out from behind, and he hurriedly spoke, obviously just touching his butt, which felt 10,000 times more dangerous than touching a tiger's butt!

"A bug landed on your ass just now!" Asakawa raised his right hand to prove his innocence, "Look, this is it!"

Kirisu Masuyo squinted his eyes and looked at the bug on Naoki Asakawa's hand. His face was flushed and he didn't say a word.

Naoki Asakawa took a deep breath and said, "If you want to do strange things, when you are drunk..."

"To shut up!"

In the cold, there was a touch of shame and tenderness.


"Go back and copy the school rules five times."

"Hey, that kind of thing..."

"do you have any opinion?"


Kirisu Shindong stared in embarrassment: "You go quickly, don't let me see you."

"Your feet..."

"It's okay." Kirisu Matsuya tried to walk two steps. Although he would frown, he did regain his mobility.

"goodbye teacher."

Naoki Asakawa decisively threw the bug away, and quickly left the soft cat teacher who was about to explode like a volcano.

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