Feng Xiaotian is now the only pillar of Daosheng Sect.

Once he has an accident, the entire Yufantian will be finished.

No matter how you look at it, Feng Xiaotian can't take risks.

He can only stay in the rear, ready to meet the attack of the demon army at any time.

But if it's not Feng Xiaotian, who else could it be?

Could it be that Daosheng Sect really has a Mahayana cultivator hidden, and she didn't investigate it clearly before?

Seeing that Zhao Mingyue didn't speak, Wu Tian next to her took over and said.

"Daosheng Sect should have more than one Mahayana cultivator, and there are probably other Mahayana cultivators hidden."

Everyone nodded silently.

This is the most reasonable explanation.

But this is not good news for them.

Even if Daosheng Sect has a few more Mahayana cultivators, their strength is definitely far inferior to theirs.

But if the Mahayana cultivators attack everywhere, it will be difficult for them to deal with it.

Adjustments must be made.

Otherwise, the demon army on the periphery will be killed by the other side.

Without the cover of these billions of troops, can they rely on their thirteen Mahayana cultivators?

Can we occupy the entire Yufantian?

This is obviously not possible.

We must take countermeasures as soon as possible.

"Palace Master, what should we do now? Do we need to harass the army?"

Wu Tian asked Mo Yuetian anxiously.

Mo Yuetian stood in the air, thinking silently for a while, and then spoke.

"It is definitely not possible to harass the army. We need to clear all the creatures in Yufantian, so that we can transplant the tree with confidence."

"Transplanting the magic tree is our core goal. Only by completely transforming Yufantian into a demon domain can we gain a long-term foothold in this world."

Hearing Mo Yuetian's words, Wu Tian continued to ask.

"Then what should we do now? The army is so far away. Once something happens, we will not be able to support it in time."

They naturally understand the reason, but what should they do.

Transplanting the magic tree is indeed the most important thing.

Because only by transforming Yufantian into a demon domain can they continue to fight here.

Otherwise, there is no magic energy replenishment.

Not only can they not practice, but even after each battle, recovery is a big problem.

They can't rely on magic crystals to recover.

It is necessary to ensure a wide front to clear Yu Fantian's creatures to cover the subsequent transplantation of the magic tree.

It is also necessary to ensure the safety of the army. This is a very thorny problem.

Everyone looked at Mo Yuetian.

Mo Yuetian thought quietly for a long time and said helplessly.

"Let's act separately. The thirteen people will each cover a section."

"In this way, no matter where the Mahayana monks of Daosheng Sect attack from, we have people who can support them in time."

Hearing Mo Yuetian's arrangement, everyone nodded silently.

This is also a helpless way.

They originally wanted to gather together and rush forward once something happened.

No matter what means Daosheng Sect takes.

In the face of absolute strength, no tricks can be played.

But if they are separated, it is hard to say.

Even if the Mahayana demons are very fast, it takes a certain amount of time to support each other.

Mo Yuetian waved his hand and said.

"Let's do this first."

"Remember, once you find a Mahayana cultivator from the Daosheng Sect, you must find a way to hold him back no matter what, and the others should quickly go to support him."

"I think even if there are still Mahayana cultivators hidden in the Daosheng Sect, there won't be too many, maybe only this last one."

"As long as this Mahayana cultivator is killed, Feng Xiaotian will really be the only one left."

"Yes, Palace Master."

Then everyone continued to discuss their respective defense zones, and then turned into streams of light and flew away.

Only Mo Yuetian and Zhao Mingyue, who looked a little embarrassed, were left in the palace.

The information she provided seemed to have gone terribly wrong.

This made her already bad situation even more embarrassing.


Mo Yuetian glanced at Zhao Mingyue, then left with a wave of his sleeves.

If this woman hadn't been useful, he would have killed her with a palm just now.

In a mountain range somewhere in Luzhou.

Zhang Yuhe flew down, and then the sword light flashed, and soon he opened up a temporary cave.

He needed to rest first.

Now he was exposed.

After the demons knew that Daosheng Sect had one more Mahayana cultivator, they would certainly make corresponding adjustments.

He was waiting for the other party to make adjustments, and then he would determine his next actions based on the latest news.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuhe called up the chat channel and sent a message to Wang Guofeng.

"The demon army may make some adjustments recently. You should ask the Xiuxian Alliance to pay attention to the latest movements of the other party, and increase the reward of Skynet so that all players can take active actions."

"In addition, the thirteen demons may also appear recently. Once you find their traces, you must report them in time."

"Yes, senior, I will arrange it immediately."

After Wang Guofeng responded, he immediately arranged for someone to go offline and convey the latest instructions.

Although he didn't know why Zhang Yuhe was planning something.

But he just did it and it was done.

Chapter 96 Encountering the Demon Mahayana

Ten days later.

Zhang Yuhe sat cross-legged in the temporary cave, looking at the latest information sent by Wang Guofeng, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

According to the intelligence, the actions of the demons have not changed much.

Still moving forward along the wide front.

Even the speed of the demon army's advancement is slightly faster than before.

Now the demon army has completely left Mingzhou and entered Luzhou.

As for the Mingzhou territory, after the demon army passed through, it had already turned into a dead land.

No one was left alive, and no grass grew.

This is a life-and-death racial war.

The winner lives, and the loser dies.

And it is the entire interface, all living things die together.

The route of the demon army has not changed much.

The thirteen demon Mahayana that he asked Wang Guofeng to pay special attention to only suspected to have discovered one.

As for whether it is true, it is still hard to say.

According to the intelligence.

When a player just came online, he was in the lair of the demon army.

The result is naturally needless to say.

The player was instantly shot to death by the demons.

But before the player died, he seemed to see a demon Mahayana.

That is one of the portraits he provided.

It's just that the player's survival time online was too short.

He doubted whether this person had made a mistake.

"Forget it, no matter whether he made a mistake or not, I will just avoid that direction."

Zhang Yuhe stood up, walked out of the temporary cave, and turned into a stream of light and flew away.

After hiding for so long, it's time to go out and do something.

He flew quickly all the way and soon came to a valley.

Although he planned to go out and cause trouble for the demon army, Zhang Yuhe did not act rashly.

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