For them, it was also a huge blow.

But it won't break your muscles.

After all, they still have twelve Mahayana.

The advantage is still with me.

He believed that even if the Dao Sheng Sect and the immortals left behind one-time killing items, they would definitely not be too many.

As long as the demons take precautions seriously, they will definitely not let the other side seize the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Everyone continued to discuss some other details, and then dispersed.

They still have to protect the army and continue to advance.

A stream of light streaked across the sky and quickly fell towards a valley.

Zhang Yuhe's current figure.

With the flash of sword light, he quickly opened up a temporary cave.

He walked into the temporary cave and breathed a slow sigh of relief.

It was really dangerous just now.

Zhang Yuhe had no idea that the demon clan's defenses would be so tight.

As soon as he started to take action, he was caught up by a demon Mahayana.

If he hadn't chosen to take action decisively and explode with all his strength to kill the Mahayana demon.

It will inevitably be entangled.

As the subsequent demon clan rushed over, it was no longer possible for him to escape.

Zhang Yuhe sat cross-legged in the cave, meditating silently.

He was summarizing the battle just now.

On strength.

In a one-on-one situation, except for the two demons in the late Mahayana period.

He has no fear of others and can definitely beat them.

Even with a little effort, it is possible to kill the demon Mahayana.

The problem now is that there are too many demons.

As long as he is exposed, he will easily be beaten by the opponent.

This time, he arranged the teleportation array in advance.

Otherwise, it would have been difficult to escape just now.

Although the late Mahayana man chasing behind him didn't seem to be good at speed.

But it's not slower than him, and it can always hang behind him.

If he continues to distance himself, his situation will only become more and more dangerous.

Because he won't have any support, but the demons can split up and outflank him.

If he can't get rid of the opponent quickly, he will be trapped in a tight siege sooner or later.

"It seems that we need to be more cautious next time."

Zhang Yuhe said silently to himself.

Chapter 99 Being squatted

Zhang Yuhe sat cross-legged in the temporary cave, quietly reflecting.

Although he had just experienced a wave of danger, he had no intention of letting go.

This is just the beginning.

The demon army he killed was only a little over three million at most.

It's still very early.

He will not stop until tens of millions or hundreds of millions of demons are wiped out.

Otherwise, wouldn't his trip be in vain?

Three days later.

Zhang Yuhe once again approached the demon army.

Along the way, he successively deployed multiple teleportation arrays.

These teleportation arrays were his last means of escape, and he did not dare to be careless.

Looking at a large army of demons in the distance, they were advancing mightily.

Zhang Yuhe did not act recklessly. He circled around the demon army to observe.

After discovering that there were no Mahayana demons around, he decided to take action decisively.

The sky filled with flames instantly drowned the demon army.

Zhang Yuhe picked up the items on the ground and quickly turned into a stream of light and left.

After a while, a powerful aura appeared.

After discovering that a group of demons had lost contact, Wu Tian quickly rushed to the scene of the incident.

However, this time he didn't even see Zhang Yuhe's shadow.

In the next dozens of days, Zhang Yuhe took action continuously.

Although he encountered the demons Mahayana many times during this period.

But in the end they all escaped with the teleportation array.

In the Demon Palace.

A group of demons, Mahayana, are discussing something in a low voice.

They had underestimated Zhang Yuhe's determination before, and also underestimated Zhang Yuhe's methods.

I originally thought that as long as they defended tightly, Zhang Yuhe would not be able to find a chance to make a sneak attack.

But in fact.

Their so-called tight defense is like a sieve everywhere.

Zhang Yuhe stole one in the east and touched it in the west.

Groups of demonic armies were destroyed and disappeared under his attack.

During this period of time, tens of millions of demon armies have been wiped out by him.

Although the demon army numbers in the billions.

But I can’t stand him doing this.

If he continues to steal it like this, he will have to kill all of these billions of troops.

Mo Yuetian asked Zhao Mingyue who was standing next to him.

"Have you found out the details of that person?"

Zhao Mingyue shook his head and said.

"not yet."

"There are many people named Wang Guofeng, but the highest level of cultivation is only the realm of transformation into gods. None of them match the other person."

"Forget it if you can't find it out. Maybe it's an old monster that Dao Sheng Sect has hidden for many years."

So far, the demons still don't know Zhang Yuhe's background.

He was just talking nonsense at the time, and these people took it seriously.

If Wang Guofeng knew, a huge black pot was coming towards him.

I don’t know what I would think.

Everyone continued to discuss quietly.

To them, Zhang Yuhe's identity is not important.

The important thing is to find a way to deal with him completely.

Finally Mo Yuetian spoke.

"With this arrangement, even if tens of millions more troops are lost, this person will be completely wiped out."

After Mo Yuetian finished speaking, the others left one after another.

The next period of time.

Zhang Yuhe was still happily hunting the demon army.

And I don’t know why.

Recently, the hunting operation has been surprisingly smooth.

He hasn’t encountered a demon master for several days.

This made him secretly alert.

“Are those demon masters waiting for me somewhere?”

The smoother it is, the more dangerous he feels.

“How about stopping and resting for a while?”

“Harvest another wave, then go back and rest.”

Thinking of the recent surprisingly smooth, Zhang Yuhe decided to stop and observe.

Anyway, during this period, the number of demon army he destroyed has reached hundreds of millions.

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