Of course you have to go and take a look first.

As for whether it can open the door of creation, that is a matter for later.

You have to at least watch it first to know.

If it hadn't been for this, Zhang Yuhe's evolution would not have ended.

They need to be there to observe the changes.


When Lord Yin Yang calculated the specific location of the Gate of Creation.

They had already rushed there.

Why wait until now?

Yuan Zun took a deep breath, and then spoke slowly.

"You have to go and take a look first."

"We have been to the location of the Source of Destruction many times."

"I've never noticed anything unusual before."

"This time, Taoist Fellow Galaxy evolves the world and inspires the phantom of the Gate of Creation to appear."

"Perhaps the real door of creation has manifested itself at this time."

Speaking of which.

Yuan Zun paused for a while.

Then he continued to speak.

"Even people like us still can't see the real door of creation."

"I believe."

"Fellow Daoist Galaxy can definitely inspire the Gate of Creation to manifest again."

"Because of the great power that created this world and the purpose of setting up the gate of creation."

"Maybe it's just to find a peerless talent like Taoist Fellow Galaxy."

"As long as the threshold set by the Almighty is reached."

"It can activate the door of creation."

Speaking of which.

Yuan Zun looked at Lord Void next to him, and then said calmly.

"Void, it's up to you to open the transmission channel."

"The source of destruction is very far away from here."

"If we had to rush there, it would probably take hundreds of thousands of years."

"With the help of the transmission channel you opened, we can also save a lot of time."

"Okay, I'll do it."

Lord Void doesn't talk nonsense either.

I saw him activating the power of rules and quickly swiping towards the void.

The peaceful void seemed to be split in half in an instant.

A wide passage slowly unfolded in front of everyone.

See this situation.

Zhang Yuhe couldn't help but frown slightly.

Because he finally saw it.

The teleportation channel created by the Lord of the Void cannot teleport too far.

At most, it can be teleported to one or two heavens away.

Although this is definitely much faster than a monk's normal flight.

But it's transmitted like this.

How many times do they have to teleport before they can reach the location of the Gate of Creation?

I'm afraid it's not necessary to send it nearly a million times in a row.

This is too much trouble.

Zhang Yuhe originally thought that.

The Void Lord also masters the rules of the void.

He should also be able to teleport over long distances like himself.

Now it seems.

Apparently not.

Maybe it's because of the difference in magical powers.

The teleportation channel opened by the Lord of the Void can teleport the distance.

It's not even enough to protect yourself.

A little bit.

Zhang Yuhe thought.

If you follow the Lord of the Void and teleport there like this.

Then how long will it take for them to see the Gate of Creation?

I'm afraid it will take tens of thousands of years?

It's too slow.

Just do it yourself.

Think of this.

Zhang Yuhe said calmly.

"I'll do it."

Without waiting for everyone to react.

I saw him making the same stroke with his right hand.

A huge vortex channel slowly appeared in the void.

The transmission channel is mysterious and deep, as if it spans time and space.

Able to teleport to endlessly distant places.

Seeing the void passage hanging high in the sky, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Through the vortex channel, everyone can clearly see that the opposite side is nothingness.

They responded quickly.

Yuan Zun shouted in shock.

"Is that the source of destruction and the true location of the Gate of Creation?"

"how can that be possible?"

Although they already knew it.

Zhang Yuhe also mastered the rules of the void and could also use teleportation powers.

But no one ever thought about it.

Zhang Yuhe's magical power of teleportation is so incredible.

It can actually cross the entire river of chaos and teleport to any location instantly.

This is really an exaggeration.

To know.

The location of the Gate of Creation is suspected to be the source of the Chaos River.

I don't know how far away it is from the Dao League station.

If they were flying at full power, it would probably take them hundreds of thousands of years.

Even the Void Lord needs to teleport millions of times in a row.

to finally arrive.

However, the transmission channel opened by Zhang Yuhe could directly locate the destination.

How outrageous is this?

Until this time.

Everyone finally understood.

Zhang Yuhe's magical powers are powerful and his understanding of the rules of the great road is deep.

I'm afraid it's still far beyond their imagination.

No wonder Zhang Yuhe had so many incredible achievements in the past.

And it can also activate the Gate of Creation.

Now it seems.

The talents and talents of a peerless person like Zhang Yuhe are really beyond their comprehension.

While everyone was still stunned.

Zhang Yuhe said with a smile.

"Seniors, let's go there together."

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