Zhang Yuhe pinched the magic formula, and the nine flying swords returned to him instantly.

He waved his hand and collected the items left by the five people after their death.

Touching corpses is a good habit that cannot be forgotten.

The only regret for him is that killing people does not cause any extra items.

It doesn't feel like a game at all.

A hundred years have passed, and Zhang Yuhe can hardly believe that he is now in a game.

Looking at the nine flying swords slowly rotating in front of him, a faint smile appeared on Zhang Yuhe's face.

"It is worthy of being the magical power of the immortal level. This Nine Heavens Hunyuan Sword Formation is really awesome."

After today's experiment, Zhang Yuhe finally had a certain understanding of his own strength.

With this Nine Heavens Hunyuan Sword Formation.

It's not an exaggeration to say that it is invincible at the same level.

The sword formation is an integrated attack and defense, defense is like Mount Tai, attack is like a raging fire, kill gods if gods stand in the way, kill Buddhas if Buddhas stand in the way.

Five incarnation monks were trapped in the sword formation, and they couldn't even hold on for a blink of an eye, and were swept into slag by the invisible sword energy.

Among them, the scarred man was in the late stage of incarnation, and his realm was the same as his.

Moreover, this scarred man, whether in terms of magic weapons or magical powers, can be regarded as a top existence in the same level.

However, facing Zhang Yuhe's Nine Heavens Hunyuan Sword Formation, such a tough guy still couldn't hold on even for a short while.

From Zhang Yuhe's conversion of the sword formation to the death of these five people, it was only a blink of an eye.

Because these five people died so quickly, Mingyue Fei didn't react.

When she saw that the helpers she brought were all turned into ashes, Mingyue Fei immediately felt bad.

Mingyue Fei controlled the God-Slaying Sword, slashed at Li Tian, ​​and quickly took off into the air, ready to run away.

As for her arrangements for Jingkong City for hundreds of years, they had long been forgotten.

Compared with the failure to open the channel, the harm caused by the loss of the incarnation was more unbearable for her.

And it doesn't necessarily mean failure. Isn't there still the Horned Demon Clan on the altar?

Let them fight the Horned Demon Clan on the altar.

Seeing Zhang Yuhe's powerful strength, Mingyue Fei had no idea at all.

Fighting Li Tian alone, she could still be strong, but if Zhang Yuhe was added.

Then there would be no chance to run away.

It was necessary to get away quickly before Zhang Yuhe came.

"Still want to run, stay here."

Seeing Zhang Yuhe get rid of all the opponents in the blink of an eye, Li Tian couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He really didn't expect that this junior brother who had just entered the sect for only a hundred years would be so strong.

But he didn't have time to think too much now, seeing Mingyue Fei preparing to run away.

Li Tian played a bead-shaped magic weapon.


The black bead instantly appeared above Mingyue Fei's head, fixing her in place and unable to move.

But Mingyue Fei also had many tricks.

She took out a bowl-shaped magic weapon, and as the magic power was injected, the bowl-shaped magic weapon quickly flew towards the black bead and covered the bead.

The black bead's restraining power on her dissipated instantly.

However, at this time, Li Tian had already attacked her again.

Li Tian waved his fist, and the fierce flame fist shadow, emitting a scorching breath, instantly enveloped Mingyue Fei.

At the same time, Li Tian shouted loudly to Zhang Yuhe in the distance.

"Junior Brother Zhang, quickly join forces to kill her."

Zhang Yuhe did not dare to neglect it, and his body turned into a stream of light and flew over there quickly.

Li Tian had said before that Mingyue Fei was very important, and killing her would affect the true body of the leader of the Demon God Cult.

In this case, what else can be said.

Just do it.

While Zhang Yuhe was flying quickly, he pinched the magic formula, and nine flying swords quickly fell around Mingyue Fei.

Seeing this, Mingyue Fei could not help but be very anxious.

Just now, the scarred man and others were trapped by the sword formation and soon died.

Although she was confident that she was much stronger than the five people, she did not dare to let herself fall into the sword formation.

Thinking of this, Mingyue Fei bit her silver teeth lightly, and a long sword as black as ink appeared in her hand.

"Magic weapon."

Seeing the black long sword in Mingyue Fei's hand, Li Tian was frightened.

But he did not retreat.

He knew that as long as Mingyue Fei was delayed for a while, and Zhang Yuhe's sword formation was set up.

Then the incarnation of Zhao Mingyue, the leader of the Demon God Cult, would be completely finished.

Mingyue Fei held the black long sword and quickly slashed at Li Tian. After the slash, a paleness appeared on her beautiful face.

Although the magic weapon is powerful, it costs a huge price every time it is activated.

But now she can't care so much.

She only hopes that this sword can slash Li Tian back, and then she can take the opportunity to escape.

However, Li Tian did not retreat. He summoned a yellowish-brown shield and quickly blocked it in front of him.


The black long sword, with endless demonic energy, instantly chopped on the shield.

Li Tian spat out blood and retreated hundreds of miles.

At this time, Zhang Yuhe had arrived, and the nine flying swords turned into a huge light curtain, covering Mingyue Fei.


Chapter 46 Mingyue Fei's Fall

Seeing the sword formation formed and the sword shadow light curtain encircling herself, Mingyue Fei couldn't help but be shocked.

She quickly took out a handkerchief-shaped Tongtian Lingbao and put it on her head.

As the magic power was injected, the handkerchief Lingbao emitted bursts of blue light.

The blue light enveloped her.

But Mingyue Fei was still worried, she took out a golden shield again.

The shield shone with golden light, forming a cover, which was turned upside down.

And her whole body was protected by the cover.

After releasing two defensive magic treasures in succession, Mingyue Fei was still a little worried.

But there was only so much she could do.

The mana of the cultivator was limited, and it was difficult to activate multiple magic treasures at the same time.

Mingyue Fei had been entangled with Li Tian for a long time before, and her mana had been consumed by most of it.

Activating two defensive magic treasures at the same time was already her maximum limit.

Seeing that the Nine Heavens Hunyuan Sword Formation had already circled Mingyue Fei, Zhang Yuhe had no idea of ​​sympathizing with her.

Thinking that this beautiful woman was just an incarnation of someone else, he even felt a little disgusted.

Zhang Yuhe pinched the magic formula in his hand continuously, and the Nine Heavens Hunyuan Sword Formation instantly lit up with a dazzling light.

In the middle of the sword formation, a large piece of invisible sword energy rose out of thin air, like a vast ocean of sword energy.


As Zhang Yuhe pinched the magic formula, the invisible sword energy in the sky quickly swept towards Mingyue Fei in the middle of the sword formation.

The light shield formed by the golden shield could not hold up first, and was soon shattered by the invisible sword energy.

Seeing that one of the defenses could not even hold up for a blink of an eye.

Mingyue Fei was completely desperate.

She used all her strength to activate the remaining handkerchief spirit treasure, and the blue light emitted by the spirit treasure seemed to be strengthened.

However, it was still useless.

The Nine Heavens Hunyuan Sword Formation activated a large amount of invisible sword energy, which kept sweeping towards Mingyue Fei.

The sword energy was higher and higher, and it continued endlessly.

Almost at the moment when the shield was broken, the handkerchief spirit treasure was also shattered.

Mingyue Fei screamed, and then was cut into ashes by the huge amount of invisible sword energy.

Zhang Yuhe stretched out his hand and put away an exquisite ring.

As for the handkerchief and shield spirit treasures, they had already been shattered by the sword energy.

However, he did not look down on items such as magic weapons and spirit treasures.

He can refine these things himself, and the quality may be even better.

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