"How's it going today, Mei?"

"It's nice, it's as bright as the morning sun, and of course, it's even better to have you come and see me."

Mei sat in the chair, saw the man's arrival, and said with a smile.

"Hey, Mr. Count, you haven't come to see us for a long time, is our relationship already so weak?"

Before Accardo could speak, the door was pushed open, and a beautiful young woman in a fine dress walked in quickly.

"Good morning, Margaret, in fact, I came to see you half a month ago."

"Is it? But this has been a long time for me, why don't you ask me how I feel?

"I think the smile on your face says it all, and I don't need to ask anymore."

"Oh, that's exactly right, you know? I slept well last night and had a dream.

Margaret blinked playfully, giving the impression that she was hiding a big secret and was about to tell it.

"What dream?"

"Dream of spending Spring Eve with you!"

Margaret said this very naturally, without any shame.


Mary called out her unfettered granddaughter with some dissatisfaction.

"Oh, my dear grandmother, you can't stop me from knowing Mr. Count just because I've known him for many years. Besides, didn't you make sure we got to know each other?

"There is nothing you can do to stop it, I live with you, and Lord Count will always come to see us." Mr. Count is still so handsome and handsome, it is not unforgivable for me to think this way, right?

Margaret chirped like a lark, and the whole person exuded an upward vitality and infinite vitality.

Mary felt a little distressed about this, and after turning Margaret into a vampire, although she successfully broke up the absurd love, it seemed to bring her new trouble. Although she no longer has to worry about Margaret damaging the royal family's face.

"Count, can you come and accompany me? I may not be skilled enough with this body now..."

"Margaret don't use that childish excuse anymore, you and I know that these things are not a problem for you who are smart. But if you just want me to stay with you for a while, that's okay. "

Yes, hooray."


After a morning of tossing, the three of them got together for afternoon tea.

"Maybe I should have locked you up for the rest of my life."

Mary looked at the ever-energetic Margaret and gently rubbed her temples, only to feel the exhaustion that she had not felt for a long time hit again.

"Don't say that, my dear grandmother, believe me, without me, your life would be very boring."

"It's also much quieter."

"What are you going to do next?"

Accardo no longer wanted to see them continue like this, and asked.

"Maybe we can go to the horse race, I bet this lightning must be the champion!"

"What do you think, Mei?"

"That's a good idea, and the horse called Lightning seems to be yours, right?"

"Ah, it should be said that more than 30% of the champion horses in this country over the years are mine, and they can be regarded as part of my industry."

"So you've already made a lot of money?"

"Oh, sort of."


With a gunshot from the starter.

More than a dozen majestic steeds spread their hooves under the control of the riders and galloped wildly on the flat track.

"Lightning, come on, lightning!"

Margaret anxiously shouted from the stands to the horses on the runway.

To the outside world, Margaret is already a princess who "died young". Before going out, the two of them dressed up and simply changed their appearances so as not to be recognized by others.

But in terms of this exciting atmosphere on the field, no one should pay attention.

The Lightning supported by Margaret is a black steed number 7. At this time, it had fallen far behind and was left in the middle and back of the team.

"Lightning, come on, come on, overtake it!"

Watching the lightning being sandwiched by other racehorses and gradually falling into the downwind, Margaret shouted loudly without care, watching Margaret sweat slightly on the tip of her nose because of excitement, Accardo couldn't help but feel a little funny, but the atmosphere of the scene is indeed easy to drive people's emotions.

Accardo reached out and gently tugged at her, motioning for him to sit down.

"Don't worry, Lightning will definitely win."


"Of course, it's my horse, of course I know."

As a top racehorse, it runs much faster than people, and soon the race enters the second half.

Lightning looked at the opponent who was competing with it beside him, and suddenly raised a fighting spirit, and gradually accelerated his speed and rushed forward bravely.

In the blink of an eye, he overtook most of the horse races and soon came to No. 2.

The onlookers became more and more hot, shouting, cheering, yelling... Everyone is waiting to see if Lightning can turn the tide of war and achieve miracles.

At this time, Lightning's fighting spirit had been completely aroused, and it saw the fierce fighting intent in the eyes of its last opponent in front of it.

Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate....

Every muscle of its body is born for the field, and the blood has begun to boil. Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, it got closer and closer to the first place until it coincided with its figure.


"Oh my God, lightning, it's lightning that wins! This legendary racing horse has created a miracle! The

narrator roared loudly.

The next moment the audience fell into a sea of joy and boiling.


Margaret on the side hugged Accardo's neck excitedly and excitedly. Smelling the scent of her hair, Accardo could only let her hold it, and then saw that Mei was also looking towards them.


"Why didn't you stop it just now?"


"Are you playing the fool? You obviously saw it. "

Whew, I don't want to stop it."

Mei paused, her lips creeping and sighing, and then said.

"Huh? Why?

"You know, her love was broken up by me, and although it was for the dignity of the royal family, in the end, there was something that couldn't help her, not to mention that now she has become a vampire." Love or something can be described as ethereal. It's normal for her to like you, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

"What? What is your logic here? Do you think the two of us will get married?

"Of course not, but love isn't wrong with it? Let her love well when she can love, maybe in the passage of time, it will be impossible to have this heartbeat feeling.

"Even if you know that there is no result, you will not turn back?"

Accardo looked at Mei's somewhat complicated expression and muttered to himself.

"What's wrong? Is it that you can't understand this human emotion?

Mei looked at Accardo at this time and couldn't help but ask.

"No, maybe I've understood. But it is precisely because of these emotions that some people become extremely powerful! "

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