"Section ... The third one!

After another brush with the Grim Reaper, Accardo spun the wheel out and shoved another bullet into it.

"It looks like this game is coming to an end soon. Did you still have fun, Aoi Mibu?

Accardo gave a devilish smile and threw the gun away again.

Aoi's hand was already a little out of his control, and he trembled and picked up the gun again and held it against his head.

"Three, already three bullets, how the hell did he put this damn bullet." Will I survive this time? Aoi

asked himself in his heart, cold sweat had wet his back, his lips were white, and he kept swallowing saliva. At this time, he no longer has the spirit of President Zensakikai, and he is now just an ordinary person who wants to live.


This time pulling the trigger almost exhausted all the strength in his body. Luckily he survived again.

Releasing the gun, propped his hands on the table, panting heavily, enjoying the joy and pleasure of the rest of his life. He felt like he had been cornered.

"No way, no way, just put it, just put it like this!!"

Infinite madness surged from the bottom of his heart, spinning the wheel out, pouring out the bullets, and placing them in a triangular shape. In this way, there is only one hole between each bullet. If the opponent does not die in the next shot, then it must be him dead, and the game will be won!

The gun was restored and thrown back.

"Shoot, shoot, die like this, just let the bullets in the gun break your head!" Shoot it, pull that damn trigger! At

this time, Aoi Shengchen's eyes were as wide as a fish, and his eyes were bloodshot. His hair was also scratched and messy, and the whole person looked like he had just played a game all night for three days and three nights. He looked both excited and weak, completely devoid of his previous demeanor and calmness.


Accardo laughed softly, no need to guess what he knew what Aoi Mitomi was thinking at this time. As he wished, he aimed the muzzle again at his head and pulled the trigger.

"Yes, yes, that's it, shoot!"


The gunshot that Aoi Mi was expecting did not come to mind, and when he realized this, the whole person directly collapsed on the ground and knelt down.

"How come? How is it possible and why is his luck so good? Is he out of a thousand? That gun was manipulated by him? No, if I've done it, I should have noticed it when I got the gun. He also doesn't have anything on his hands, so how the hell is it done? Was his luck so good? This is absolutely impossible! I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Apparently

unwilling to accept such a fact, Aoi knelt on the ground and grabbed his hair with both hands. From the original incredulous muttering to the final annoyed scratching and roaring.

But no matter how much he shouted, it was so, Accardo was not dead, it was time for him to shoot. And this time, he will surely die.

Just when Aoi was on the verge of collapse, a pair of shoes appeared in the line of sight looking at the floor. Looking up, Accardo was looking at him with a smile, holding the deadly pistol in his hand.

"Here, take it."

In the shock and fear of Aoi Mibu, the cold pistol was once again shoved into his hand.

"What are you waiting for, let's start!"

"I, I..."

Aoi snorted as he picked up his pistol and aimed the swarthy muzzle at his head. This time, as soon as he pulls the trigger, he will die!

"Just... So be it, die like that... In this case... The family will be fine

..." "As long as I die alone, I can't affect the family's business anymore..." Aoi

closed his eyes tightly, his eyelashes fluttering. The hand holding the gun was bruised and shaking uncontrollably. It was obviously just a simple action of pulling the trigger, but it was extremely difficult to do at this time.

"Quick, what are you waiting for? Pull the trigger, shoot quickly!

Accardo on the side looked at Aoi, who had not pulled the trigger for a long time, and suddenly roared out.

"No, no! I can't do it, I can't do it! "

Aoi was roared by Accardo, his body shook violently, liquid flowed out of his pants, and he was incontinent on the spot, tears came out uncontrollably, and he was scared to cry! As soon as the hand loosened, the gun also fell to the ground.

"Hey, what are you talking about? What can't be done? Is it hard to shoot? If you can't do it, let me help you!

Accardo looked in disgust at Mibu Aoi, whose face was distorted by excessive panic. Picking up the gun on the ground, he aimed it at his eyebrows, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"No... Don't..." Seeing

this scene, Aoi Mi Shengchen turned as pale as paper, and his limbs were together, wanting to quickly escape this place. But how could he escape quickly with this panicked appearance? Accardo had already aimed him at him and pulled the trigger on his head.

"Stop, Mingxu!"



At the moment of the shot, Accardo's arm was pressed, and the bullet that was supposed to open Aoi's head through his shoulder was shot. Blood could not stop flowing from the wound, and Aoi covered his wound with his hand, rolling on the ground, wailing in pain.

"What are you doing, Nyaari!"

Accardo looked at the culprit next to him who had just pressed his arm and said.

"Mingxu, this gamble is to let the other party shoot himself, you are murdering like this!"

Yali's face turned red and said.

"Murder? Oh, I'm telling you, Nyauri, I'm helping him to free himself!


"It was made clear before the gamble began, if he doesn't die today, his life will go according to his life plan, and his family's business will be under my name. You saved his life today, but you can use your clever brain to guess what his family will do to the culprit who left them with nothing!

"Would you like to show you what is written in his life plan?"

Accardo picked up a white paper on the table and shook it in front of Budari and said.

"I tell you, he survived today, but he will definitely live in endless humiliation and pain for the rest of his life. What do you think he will think when he remembers today's events in the future? Will he be grateful that you saved him? No, he'll hate you for not letting me give him a pain!

Accardo said, staring straight at Nyaari.

"But... But kill him like that? Is it so casual to take a person's life? Isn't that a little too unfair?

"Fair? Hahaha... Big joke! I tell you Nyaali, there is no such thing as fairness in this world! Isn't your dream of graduating as a winner here and then entering the upper class to change your life? Do you think it's fair to yourself like this? Why can others catch up with generations of hard work and three years of gambling on yours? Why, after others have worked hard for half their lives, they should be on an equal footing with you, a little girl who is not yet an adult? So that's fair?

"I can tell you, it's just that you think it's fair!" Every attempt comes with countless risks, just like losing your gamble. Every day in this world, there will be people who cause bankruptcies to die or even commit suicide because of various things, why are they obviously working hard and falling to such an end, is it fair to treat them like this?

"There is never fairness in this world, only the strong and the weak! The strong decide the fate of the weak, it's that simple! "

I, I..." Yali

was stunned for a moment, unable to speak.

"Oh, forget it, so be it. Maybe that's fate.

Accardo smiled, stopped tangling, and looked at Aoi Mibu, who was struggling on the ground.

"Drag this wound out for me."

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