Tou no Madoushi

Episode 107: The Warcraft Hunt After School

A big ghost (oak) in armor walks through the yellow forest.

Bovine fangs, stubborn ears, fallen and indented eyes on a pig-like nose, and a giant that exceeds two metres in grace.

Was there a clash between the tribes, a return blood bath?

Lynn was peering at the oak from the shade of the tree.

(Light sword doesn't go through that armor)

The armor was made of metal.

Lynn rolls out the iron sphere by chanting 'The Magic of Substance Generation'.

Oak's ears moved pickly and acted reflexively evasive.

The iron ball broke a nearby tree without hitting the oak.


Oak stares in the direction in which the iron ball flew.

Lynn runs out.

"O tree spirits. Make way for me."

In response to Lynn's spell, the trees simultaneously make branches and trunks to pave the way for Lynn.

Lynn heard a tree blow up behind her as she ran.

The orcs are moving toward us as they wipe out the trees that hold back their huge bodies.

Lynn runs to where she lures the oak as she senses her footsteps getting closer and closer.

Orc let his anger advance and finally caught Lynn ahead of his eyes and nose.

Lynn went out of the bush into a wide area.

Orcs also leap to chase.

Grab Lynn in time and shake an axe.

"" Metallurgical Magic ". Strip the oak armor!

Lynn lets the ring shine and unfold the magic formation.

Where there was no shelter in the dense forest, the magic formation was depicted without precipitation, and the orc giant fell within its boundaries.

The iron breast of the oak is worn out and iron crumbs peel off.

Oak waved his axe down towards Lynn.

The axe eats into the ground and plunges into it.

There are no pieces of phosphorus there.

A sword of light pierces the oak's chest.

"Hmm. You managed to take him down."

Lynn leaves the trunk of Oki, which was cushioned as she wetted her forehead sweat.

He was instantly avoiding an oak axe with accelerated magic and having his body taken by a tree trunk.

"Thank you, Mr. Wooden Spirit"

When Lynn thanked her, the tree swayed the branches slightly to reply.

You're welcome, he seemed to say.

"Looks like you're doing well."

Illyweer hissed out of the shade.

Griffon comes out with me.

In some cases, he was lurking to cover.

(You've just won the fight against Nauze. Has it stopped working with this many enemies)

Illyweer can pull the wand in.

"Then collect the item"

Illyweer ordered the dwarf to pull only blood out of the oak.

"Oak blood can be used to strengthen swords"


"It's not just the oak. If you dip the blood of a giant warcraft into your sword or armor, it will be sharper and harder."

"Does Mr. Illyweer want a sharp sword or hard armor?

"No. What I want is Demon Stone"

"Demon Stone?

"Yes, the blood of the Giants can also be a material for smelting metal demon stones. It was a mystery for years about how orcs and orgasms procure weapons, but at one point it was observed that Dwarves (blacksmith-loving dwarves) were smelting iron demon stones from the blood of orcs. That's how we discovered how to smell demon stones from the blood of giants."

"Yes - there's a history of that..."

"Architectural magic requires massive amounts of demonic stones. There are a limited number of giants who appear in the woods during the year. This year, Dr. Radziya's classes will also be held to increase the demand for giant blood more than usual. So we're going to hunt it down and collect it as much as we can."

"I see."

(I was just wondering if you jumped out of the way, but you've been thinking a lot)

Lynn was impressed with Illyweer's surroundings.

"By the way, does being a demon stone ingredient mean that oak blood sells for a pretty high price?

All the demonic stones sold to the city of Alfrid were expensive.

Lynn asked expecting a sheath.

"The factory that smelts demon stones is on 300 levels, so considering the cost of transportation and hunting, it's not as profitable as a college demon instructor, unless you're a demon instructor on 200 or 300 levels."

(Hmm. I knew hunting in the woods wouldn't taste very good unless you were a high-ranking magician.)

"Enjoy hunting today purely for training and securing items. Target is five oaks."

Lynn and Illyweer stopped by the Association Branch at the entrance to the Warcraft Forest after exiting the tower.

I procure my hunting clothes and rings and ride the griffon again.

Griffon's mobility in the Warcraft Forest was a great one.

It offers panoramic views of the forest from the sky, and it can penetrate deep much faster than walking.

Lynn remembered earlier saying that Illyweer could go to the back of the woods sooner if he was alone.

"Lynn. Do you have any warcraft you want to hunt for?

"Right. I want to complete The Labyrinth of Medusa, so I want The Horn of Minotaur."

"Okay. Then let's head to the yellow zone."

Illyweer lowered the griffon just before entering the yellow zone.

That's right. She couldn't risk flying slowly over the yellow zone either.

"Isn't Mr. Illyweer a warcraft who wants to hunt something?

"Right. I want the unicorn horn, Hekatonkale's blood, Yotun's blood."

"Unicorn is a unicorn, isn't it? Says he has a silver tendency. I've read it in a book. What do you say Hekatonkail or Yotsun?

"They are the best of the Giants. Mithrills are coming from Hekatonkail's blood. Orihalcon can be taken from Yotun's blood. Mithril and Orihalcon are each the finest metals."


"It's just that they live in the red zone, so it's rare to encounter them in the yellow zone"

(Hmm. I guess I can't get it somehow for Mr. Illyweer)

The two paused briefly after draining the blood of a detached oak.

Wait for Griffon to finish eating the bait (oak dead meat) before strolling through the woods again.

Illyweer didn't do anything like finding a warcraft or attacking it with no or fast speed, as Tidro had done.

I can speak the language of the Warcraft highly. She basically asked for help in exchange for a reward for the Warcraft she encountered.

I attacked and beat him if I tried to have a dialogue and it seemed impossible.

Killed him if he still seemed hostile to us after he defeated him.

Even the Warcraft seemed to know the strength of Illywia's magic, and if she did it like an oak or a chimera, she cooperated with her unless she was also an aggressive and so less intelligent Warcraft.

Particularly cooperative with her was the bird-and-beast warcraft.

They could fly. They cooperated in the form of foes.

Feeling the strength of Illywia's power, they definitely wanted to make a pact with Illywia.

I give her fruits and glows to distract me.

Even if Illyweer didn't agree, she motivated them to say something unexpected.

"Is that okay? Say such a thoughtful thing. You're not gonna sign a contract, are you?

Lynn asked worryingly.

"It's okay. I don't care if you don't even sign a contract. And..."

Illyweer looked pathetic.

"They forget. You'll forget my face, my name, my promise, after three days."

Illyweer left the battle to Lynn, concentrating on his opponents.

Lynn thought she was working herself out.

Her expedition swelled to dozens as she encountered the Warcraft.

The Warcraft search the woods to circle around Illyweer.

I'll let her know as soon as I find the Warcraft.

With her help, Lynn could easily strike unintentionally against the Warcraft.

The two instantly finished hunting five oaks that were norms.

Switch your goal to a rarer Warcraft.

Even now she was listening to the words spoken by bird-shaped warcraft (a great eagle 2 metres long).

"Hmm. Really? That's deafening information."

"Did you find any warcraft?

"Yeah, looks like a bunch of Wearwolves are nearby"

"Speaking of Wearwolves... you mean werewolves, right?"

"Yes, he is a handsome and aggressive troublesome warcraft who walks on all fours when traveling and attacks with his sword when fighting"

"Wearwolf's weakness is flames, right?"


Fu and Illyweer gave a look that was a bit protracted.

"Wearwolf fur is a luxury product that feels very good on the skin and has excellent cold protection. How wonderful it would be to wear clothes made of it."

"Okay. I'll fight. I'll take care of it."

Lynn eared earrings with 'Flam's Demon Stone' to increase the power of fairy magic.

Illyweer makes the tree spirits pave the way with spiritual magic.

She was also able to give orders to the Spirit of a tree a few hundred meters away. (A few meters is the limit in Phosphorus's strength)

In an instant, a path is made for Griffon to fly low.

The two rode on a griffon and rushed to where the Wearwolf herd was.

Proceed through the forest letting the birds and beasts in service lead the way.

At that time, Silf manipulated the wind direction to keep Griffon and the two footsteps and smells, as well as signs of magic, from noticing the target.

A quick move is a flavorful wear wolf, but it's just no match for Griffon's mobility.

Lynn and Illyweer were unnoticed by the Wearwolf herd and were able to approach them.

Ask them how they are hiding in the bush.

The Wearwolves were just about to eat their freshly hunted prey together.

Lynn spells fairy magic and manipulates oxygen around Wearwolf to ignite.

The flames envelop them.

Wearwolf begins to wolf over the sudden events and flee to pieces.

Lynn stares at and tracks the furriest looking warewolf, creating and driving flaming walls around her.

To avoid being poked behind the back by other wear wolves, Illyweer sprinkled a flame behind Lynn and let the birds and beasts chase him.

Surrounded by firewalls, Warewolf didn't know where to run away from. He was just nerdy.

Lynn attacked Warewolf's head with an iron ball.

The iron helmet he was wearing crumbles off.

Warewolf realizes the existence of a hunter who still targets himself while unconscious in this attack.

He's mad, he doesn't take the flame of fire as a thing, he runs toward Lynn.

A sword of light pierces the head of Wearwolf.

Lynn ordered the dwarf to peel off Wearwolf's fur and dedicate himself to Illyweer.

Illyweer lets him weave his feathers in an upbeat mood despite the fur he hasn't yet shed blood and fat.

"What do you say, Lynn? Does it look good?"

Lynn smiled bitterly.

"You don't have to be so happy with that stuff. Don't you have a lot of other fancy costumes?"

"I'm glad you got it."

Illyweer walks away through the woods singing her nose song.

Lynn had to think as she looked like her.

She at the tea party and her in college, her in the woods, which is the real Illyweer.

It seemed to Lynn that Ilywia was the most natural when she was in the woods.

Next time, Episode 108: Elves and Demon Fountains

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