Tou no Madoushi

Episode 114: Lord Edianel

A splendid noble mansion.

A dark, narrow chamber in it.

So Flora was working.

There are only ventilates indoors, and windows are not one of those that can be seen outside.

A human being with a cloth on his face lies on a table positioned in the center of the room.

Scissors, scalpels, syringes, etc. are placed around them.

That seemed like an operating room.

Flora had been working on filling this human torn belly since earlier.

The door opened and a woman came in.

"What do you think, Flora?"

"Mr. Edianel......"

"Oh, you haven't moved on at all. We need to hurry."

"Um. I'm not doing this anymore..."

"You can't? You're in trouble."

Edianel had a soft grin.

Flora was giddy.

Flora knew that Edianel was in a worse mood when he was giving this serene look.

"So you decide to get out of here?

"Um... my brother..."

"We can't let your brother go. If you're leaving, you can leave alone."

"Ugh, okay. Continue."

"Yes, you're a good boy, Flora."

Lynn had been recruiting members with Karo for the formation of the guild.

Quite a few people gathered as soon as they put it in the newspaper and advertised it.

Lynn realized Karo's words that she was influential.

One young man has asked Lynn to shake his hand with anticipation.

"I heard that. You think you'll fight aristocratic injustice? Good luck. I'm here for you."

The two discussed confirmation of the achievements and the future.

"You've got more people here than I thought."

"Yep. There was still no madness in my eyes. You have the qualities of a leader."

Karo told me to lie down.

"For this minute, you'll need a bigger box next."

"Right. We need to do something about that, too."

Only a few dozen or so people could be allowed in the place they are using right now.

People who couldn't get into the facility had to wait in line on the side of the road to register.

"The rest is organized."


"Yes. What we need when we aim for one goal in large numbers is organisation. Because even when people get together, they don't seem to be moving in pieces."

"I see."

"You need to define your position to create a pyramid-type organization and pay your salary. To this end, it is necessary to secure financial resources, to select human resources and to develop the Statute. I hope I can collect some money from Lord Lynn's course to secure financial resources..."

"Hmm. I'd like to try not to take course fees so that even the poor can take them..."

"No, but it is. I still wonder if it's completely free. Thank you will fade."

"I see. You have a point. Course fees may be required. However, based on the philosophy of the organization and activities, I would like to set the lowest possible price so that even those located in the lower echelons can receive it."

"Okay. Let Lord Lynn take care of pricing and securing financial resources for the course. The rest is the selection of talent and the development of the terms, but let me do that for you."

"Right. Thank you very much."

(As long as we hold down the HR of the organization, it will be here later. You will work for the future of the Civilians, Lord Lynn)

Karo chuckled inside to the sweetness beside Lynn.

"Whoa, is this already such a time? I have business to attend to."

Lynn said as she checked her watch.

"Yeah. I don't mind. Let's get this cleaned up."

Lynn got into the carriage with a little hindsight after that and the spot.

After taking over several times to make sure no one can trace it, we reach the warehouse outside the town.

Lynn had a hand in selling the silk of rainbow silkworms flowing on an informal route with Herd to the dark merchants.

"For shipping to a foreign country, we carry it from here in Alfld to the port. We have to be trustworthy, so we'll do it together."

"Yes, I understand."

Lin and the others load the boxed silk into the carriage and transport it to the elevator for personal use.

But it wasn't until the fiftieth floor that I could go with a private elevator.

It was necessary to use a giant tree elevator or a monitored elevator registered with the association to travel from the city to the city.

"What are you going to do from here?

"Use Dimensional Magic"

When Held shines a ring, a magic formation appears and the doors of different spaces open.

(No way. You're moving fifty stories of distance by dimensional magic?

"I'm dedicated to the maintenance of dimensional magic, so I was wondering if you could carry it out."


Lynn carries the load out with her carriage to the exclusive Wingard warehouse on the ground floor.

Moving in dimensional magic takes longer than moving in an elevator.

Lynn goes back and forth several times and it takes until sundown to pull down her luggage.

(Wow. Mr. Held's dimensional magic. I can't believe I can get through one carriage. vaster space than Luciola or Mr. Ilywia's dimensional magic)

When they carry everything, they now use a larger wagon and take it to the harbor.

Held was worn out and gutted because he maintained vast dimensional magic for a long time.

There is sweat on my forehead.

"Are you all right?

"Oh. But you're just tired."

"It's all that dimensional magic. I can't help it. Rest."

"Right. I'm sorry, but I'll let you. Can you hold the horse's reins?

The two took a carriage to the harbor.

Usually merchants who rush the road, no matter what, also move on and give way when they see a carriage marked with a royal mark.

"How much is it worth being here?"

Lynn said as she looked at the silk loaded on the carriage.

"Probably not a billion legs down"

"A billion..."

It was just part of the state budget.

Thinking of it makes my activities as a civilian more meticulous.

How can we truly shake the reign of nobility by fulfilling it?

There was an inexperienced merchant waiting in the harbor.

I don't know from that look who I am from any country.

The two hand over their luggage.

"I know you do, but even if you get caught..."

"Hehe. I'll make it easy on you. I can't tell you where I got it from or with which noblemen I've dated in the past. I can't let it slice."

The smuggler returned with a grin on his niggle and mouth against the held telling him to put the nail on.

"Right. I see. Go."

The ship departed within that day and left to the other side of the sea.

Held sees it and leaks a sigh of relief.

"Huh. You'll feel safe getting here."

Lynn is also relieved of tension and losing strength.

"You've managed to end it"

"Oh. That was really helpful today."

Held pounds Lynn's shoulder.

"Now you're a lotus student with me. Join the aristocracy. You can't betray me."

The next day, when Lynn was first in charge of a single stick of smuggling, Held was doing chores at the Illyweer mansion.

Herd was well on his way to taking over Duke's duties, and entering and leaving Illywia's mansion was routine.

"We have arranged for the next Royal Tea Party. Dear Ilyweer."

Held finishes the report.

"Yes, thank you very much."

Illyweer looks out the window with a careless reply.

She tried not to show any gaps in front of Duke, but she was often caught off guard this way in front of Held.

That was a sign of trust.

"We are supposed to meet with the Dean of the College in today's appointment. Get ready."

"Yep. I'll be there now"

"What's wrong? You look annoyed by something..."

Even as Herd asked worryingly, Illyweer kept an eye out for the view outside and remained silent.

"Are you talking about Lynn?

When Herd asks him that, Illyweer finally reacts and looks at Herd and starts to move his mouth carelessly.

"Hey. Held. What is Lynn thinking? Did you hear that? that he is acting as a civilian. If you think you took part in the Magic Guide competition, now play politics. He says he hasn't decided to join the Knights yet. Wouldn't he be coming under me?"

Illyweer sighed melancholy.

"Don't worry about that. We've already hit our hands."

"Is that true?

Illyweer's face brightens up like a puff.

"Yes, I am asking him to help me get more deeply involved with the Wingard royal family. As a civilian, we also attach a commitment to ending our moderate activities. If you keep taking him into the aristocracy, he should embrace his own destiny, too. Sooner or later, you'll be able to pull yourself away from the fire of activists, etc."


Illyweer stood up as thrilled and took Held's hand.

"Thank you. You're working really fast."

"No. About this much. As a princess, of course."

"That's not true. It's a great talent."

"Talent…. Are you talented?"

"Yeah. I was still right to choose you as Duke's cauldron. Duke wasn't really accommodating in this regard. Just sniffing around me like a hound..."

Illyweer said melancholy teasing her hair.

"Sometimes, princess. I'd like to ask you something."

Held said alternately.

"Hmm. What is it?"

"How many floors can I reach with this tower of magicians?"

"Right. You can go up to about 300 floors. to the Council with luck and appropriate assistance. Of course, I will continue to assist you, as I have done before."

"So what about Lynn?


Illyweer let his eyes swim a little.

"He's working very hard, but the 200th floor would still be the limit,"

Illyweer said, grinning like trouble.

"But that's why I'm letting you in the Knights. Oh, of course, that doesn't prevent or delay your career path."

Illyweer told Held to get in the mood.

Held grins with satisfaction.

"I'd be happy to hear that. I will continue to support you with Lynn."

Herd left the room.

As soon as you no longer have to worry about being seen in the face by Illyweer, you'll look tough.

(I would be forced to submit in return if I were to join the council, the source of Illywia's aid. That makes no sense. Is it something that I'll always be a toy to that woman? If you don't make it to the 500th floor on your own to be free)

Held looked full of ambition and determination.

(Eliminate all those in the way. And for that... I'll have you dancing at the most. phosphorus)

Next time, Episode 115: Plate Pinch

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