Tou no Madoushi

Episode 116: Stuck

"On what basis can the state punish people? Some say it's to deter crime, and some say it's to keep people away."

Lynn was taking a law class in Schenjes.

Even today he writes and explains the sheet book in a pale way.

He was always disgusting and seemed to distract himself from all the noise in the world.

From what I hear, he lives like a hiding place in the corner of the tower.

He seems to be blowing every time he wants to just retire.

When students came to their classes, they looked worried, even though they earned more money.

Nevertheless, he didn't seem to hate Lynn.

Rather, it was enough to care a lot for Lynn.

"Dr. Shenyes!

"Hmm? What?

Shenyes was stopped by Lynn as he tried to leave the room after class.

"I'd like to ask you a few questions, would you mind?

"Oh, I don't mind."

That's what Schenjes said after he looked at the watch and checked the time.

"What do people do when they are on the board of two rules?"

"Hmm. That's another abstract question. What are those rules?

"Hmm, erm..."

Lynn got stuck in words.

I couldn't possibly tell you that there was a plank between the civilian and the aristocratic, or that the slave-class child was suffering from his master's absurd orders.

"... is it hard to say? Well, that's good. It is not uncommon in real life or above the law to fall into such contradictions. If there is one concept, there is always one that conflicts with it. Freedom and equality. Me and the public. Civil and criminal. Employers and workers. Producers and consumers. The pursuit of happiness and public welfare. It always goes against the other side, according to one side. It's often debatable whether to prioritize either idea in a trial."

"That's right."

"But people can't seem to shy away from all positions to take any action. That's where the important thing is fair. The trial will ultimately result in a fair decision under the judge's conscience."

"I see."

"What to do when it's at the heart of the board, but that's how to behave from time to time"


"Yes. Behavior. Whether the act is reasonable in the light of general good sense. Format remains more important than reality, especially in law. In fact, even if it is based on private personal desire, it can be considered a legitimate act if you are following formal procedures or have an attitude based on a public request"

"Public request?

"Exactly. For security, for loyalty, for individual rights. For example, self-defense can result in innocence even if the target is killed."

"I see."

"You may want to keep the evidence. It would be quite different just to write down what happened in a note. It helps me to prove that my claims are correct even when I am put in a courtroom. It is important to show that we have tried not to violate the rules. Whatever you do, avoid reckless behavior."

"Ugh, I knew it would happen"

"Last hand after that...... no, let's not say this through my mouth"

"Let's just say this is a challenge. Like you think for yourself."

"Okay. Thank you very much."

Lynn just popped out of the classroom when she only asked what she wanted to hear from Shenyes.

Shenyes looks out for Lynn, who runs strangely down the hallway.

"What the hell is he? I hear strange things. Do you know anything about this?

Shenjes asked Diene.

After Lynn left the classroom with Butterflies, it was like a habit for both of us to discuss it.

Their topic was exclusively about Lynn.

"He acts as a civilian."

"Civilians? But he..."

"Yes. I am cordial with Princess Illywia. So you seem to be putting yourself in a bad position."

"I see. So now you're asking the question"

"Hi. He looks like a tachi in trouble. I hope it doesn't matter..."

"It's important. People are troublesome creatures. If you can't afford it, you'll be upset, but weirdly enough, when you can afford it, it won't do anything rocky."

"By the way, what I was about to say earlier. What the hell is that? Your wife's hand or something."

"Oh, is that it?"

Shenyes makes his melancholy face even more depressing.

"I can't tell you how much this is all about you. I have a position, too."

"Hmm. Is that something I can't say in my teacher's shoes? You'll be more and more concerned when it comes to"

Stop prying.

Schenjes begins the scheme of returning to shake off the pursuit of Diene.

Dieneh was the person you had to talk to carefully because he was good at getting into the other person's mind while he was well hit.

(You can't possibly say that in my position. I can't believe how breaking the rules isn't punishable)

Civilian rallies were showing stuck early.

The number of people attending rallies had fallen dramatically.

The people who were enthusiastic at first also went away as the tide drew.

They expected treatment to improve quickly.

What remained were the wealthy middle class people there, and the people who were the targets of Lynn's real desire to do the inequality correction just left.

Lynn finally understood why they couldn't graduate forever.

It was a more immediate life than the future that mattered to the poor.

Karo urged Lynn to make decisions and act.

"Lord Lynn. There are defectors out again. It could be an activity as it is. What are you going to do?

"Hmm. Why are they falling out? I think the best way to improve your treatment is to develop your powers as a magician."

"They're disappointed in you."


"Yeah, I suppose so. Lord Lynn. Aren't you passive on your activities here lately?

"What? Well, that's not true."

"Don't you just make statements urging restraint in the 'Supreme Magic People's Congress'?"


Karo set up the supreme decision-making body for the assembly, giving it the rudimentary name 'Supreme Magic People's Congress'.

It was stipulated in the Statute that the members of the assembly must comply with what was decided here.

Since Lynn is a representative of the assembly, she was once assigned the status of chairman of the meeting, but since the proceedings are decided by a majority vote, it must be followed that she decided by a majority in favour.

The conference was followed by radical statements that neither quit the violent revolution against the corruption of the nobility.

Lynn listened to everyone's opinions like a chancellor and, while accepting it by Eagle Deep, opposed the distraction.

Though the members of the Supreme Council of Demonic Instruction can also be pushed off by a majority vote, it took a form of reluctance on Lynn.

As a result, meetings always ended with grandeur and nothing to decide.

Everyone reluctantly took a hard attitude towards Lynn, but it was clear that Lynn was becoming isolated.

"Lord Lynn. As it is, your influence will diminish."

"What? Really?

"In fact, I'm losing my temper. This could affect your career."

"Oh, no. How do I..."

"Something needs to be done when this happens. Sensational behavior that interests people! Let's get together and decide! They shut down the club and the giant trees and elevators to appeal to public opinion for dissatisfaction with domination."

"No, you can't. Don't be so drastic."

"Then someone criticize the senior aristocrats. So if you put it in the paper, you can regain the interest and defense of the nobleman haters."

"So, but who..."

"What about Lord Edianel and the like? She's a bribe and a privileged nobleman."

"Hey, no, you can't"

Lynn was in a hurry.

As for Edianel, Lynn also made a gift with Herd the other day.

"Let's not do the Wingard aristocracy. It's not a good idea to buy Mr. Illyweer's unhappiness."


Karo raised the nobles of Spyrna and Lados, but they were all associates of Lynn's acquaintance.

When I looked at it this way, I could see that the nobles were connected to someone somewhere and had a strong union.

(Duh, what should I do? How do I do that)

Lynn finally realized she was getting into a nasty situation when she came here.

If you give it to someone, you have to betray someone.

"Then Lord Lynn. How about inviting Master Illywia to participate in the activities"

"What? To Mr. Illyweer?"

"That's right. If you emphasize your connection to her here, there should be people out there who will return again. Those who rendezvous from the noble class may also leave. You'll do it."

I'm approaching to say it should be caro.

"Ugh, okay."

(hey, it's kind of going in a direction I can't go back and forth...)

At the Supreme Magic People's Congress that day, Lynn promised to solicit Ilywia to his members.

Lynn was getting ready for Largia's class as Illyweer came down to Alfredo, as she caught up in a situation where she was no longer doing what she wanted.

Next time, Episode 117: In a Quiet Cave

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