Tou no Madoushi

Episode 120: The Architectural Magic of Illywia

Illyweer advanced in front of Largia as she drew attention throughout the classroom.

Despite this situation, I don't see any nervousness.

"Held. Can you be my assistant?

I wondered if Lynn should follow herself, too, and Illyweer turned around and called on Held.

"Of course it is. Princess."

Herd bows respectfully and follows after Illyweer.

"Even a princess wouldn't nominate you here. Lynn."

Aisha told me to make fun of him.

As Lynn smiled like she was in trouble, she felt a scrap of paper hit her back of her head.

I looked behind me and there was Yuven's disgruntled face.

(Idiot. Why didn't you tell me you would do it? Such a good place for a palm guy.)

(No. Even if they say so. Mr. Held is usually an amazing person...)

Lynn and Yuven had a conversation at the mouth puck.

Even as he does so, Illyweer begins to work on preparing for architectural magic.

She was just inspecting the foundation in the compression bottle.

(Hmm. In this material and at the foundation, the tower on the 30th floor is the limit, right? At least we need to build a tower over fifty floors to make it happen to Dr. Largya's glasses......)

Illyweer decides to create and change the foundations she made with Lynn.

"Held. Change the blueprint. Make this place shorter and change the material here...... and strengthen the foundation."


Herd instantly draws on Illyweer's intentions to add soil and cement.

The foundation was exuberantly elevated for the third floor.

Let the Spirit of the earth consolidate it, and let it also change the position of the dwarf and the mark of light accordingly.

Looking at a series of Illyweer tasks, Largia narrows her eyes.

(Hmm. That's Princess Xian, famous for rumors. There's just something to be said)

Largia pays more attention to her work than ever before.

I told you not to miss her magic.

"Hmm. That was harder to prepare below than I thought. Shall we start assembling?"

Illyweer gives a stirring instruction to assemble the building with Herd.

The building is assembled by sharing roles in the wind: Held to throw demon stones in, Illyweer to assemble demon stones into materials.

"Held. From 1st to 5th of the pillar..."


Held throws in the Demon Stone for the amount needed to generate the ordered material.

Illyweer carries them to the position defined by the path of light emitted from her ring.

Illyweer, who can be positioned in 3D with light magic, was able to arouse several demonic stones at the same time.

The demonic stone, positioned, turns into a pillar on the spot.

Install walls and ceilings as well without waiting for the columns to be ready, and work on the columns on the next floor.

Thus more and more buildings were assembled and went.

It starts with an elevator that penetrates the center of the tower and is instantly installed in the order of the inner room, frame, inner wall and outer wall.

The work proceeds to the gnawing and the tower is built in the blink of an eye.

(That's Mr. Illyweer. using all sorts of magic)

Lynn was fascinated by Illyweer's work as she fell in love from her seat.

After all, when I was working with myself, you were leveling yourself out, I thought.

(But I guess it's okay to assemble in such a hurry. Even though I changed the blueprint and modified the plan...... I can't do it anywhere...)

Lin showed that he was worried, and Held glanced at him when the building reached the fortieth floor.

I was just about to have him supporting the 30-40 floor skeleton with a mass cane.

"Princess. You shouldn't. Something went wrong."

"Hmm. What is it?

"A subtle inclination can be seen on the struts on the 28th floor. Hi, it looks like there's a crack in it."

"Is that a fatal flaw?

"No, I was wondering if it was a problem that had arisen because the steel pillars had not hardened enough. If we can substitute with other columns until the steel columns are consolidated......"

"Hmm. Then let's reinforce it with 'Matter Generating Magic' until it solidifies. I can't see it from here. Replace the support so you can reinforce it with substance generating magic."


I see Illyweer pointing the cane at the fulcrum instead and lowering the cane.

The two took turns working to flow.

The helds insert columns made of 'material-generating magic' as if the surgeon were embedding metal inside the human body, correcting subtle distortions in the building.

"Metallurgical magic" is applied again to the iron column containing the crack and solidified before removing the first aid added column.

The crisis was averted.

The two then continue to assemble the building with the breath of Ayumu.

Eventually the 60th floor tower was completed.

The building I was able to build was a stunning one with no place to lose.

Exquisite and stubborn you don't have to peek inside.

You can see the fairies are comfortable and full of magic from inside the building.

Finally, Illyweer finishes by putting the Spirit inside the building.

The Spirit seems comfortable resting in the building.

The applause rolls up.

The classroom was engulfed with excitement like seeing a famous doctor's sword.

Largia also admires letting go.

"Hmm. Excellent work. The building is more important than the outside."

"Thank you"

Illyweer pays tribute to the professor.

"Held, thanks to you, too."

"I just followed the princess's instructions."

The two appearances were however conceived as royalty and a prince loyal to it.

It seemed to imply their future.

I'm sure the prince will continue to support the princess in the future, and the princess will reward the work of the prince.

"Herd is still the only college student who can assist the princess."

Aisha said.

"Mr. Aisha, but you can't?

Lynn asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately, architectural magic doesn't rival Held. Sooner or later, Herd will be the princess's right arm."

"No, but it's great. That's Princess Illywia."

Largia didn't quite try to get her back to her seat after Illyweer's announcement was over for a while.

Keep praising her and keeping her on the spot.

No heart or his cheeks loose, and the grin floating in his wrinkled mouth is nasty.

"The inner beauty is true beauty, but that's exactly the right word for a princess."

"Thank you"

"I just want to take the time to discuss the theory of architectural magic with the princess. I wonder. Even for dinner tonight."

"Oh well. If I was born first."

Largia began to treat Illywia as one woman beyond merely praising her students.

Let Derek and I loosen our faces and start flattering.

That wasn't very pleasant to watch.

I am trying to use my position as a teacher to get closer to a young, beautiful, more stately female student than I am.

That's all I could see.

It was like the air on the spot was barely being saved because Illyweer was not light.

Lynn looked at it with a fright in her heart.

Aisha next door was pulling a little too.

Later, Largia continued to invite Illywia, but she returns to her seat without properly complaining about her old teacher's invitation.

"Now, is there anyone else who can come forward and try? We don't have time for this anymore. I think it will be the last time..."

Largya, with no heart or reduced tension, looks around at the students and inquires.

The students don't want to come forward for fear of being compared to Illyweer this time.

Right here.

Yuven thought now was his chance to sell himself into Illyweer.

When it was going to be done after me, Illyweer should have had to pay attention too.

"Yes, Doctor. Look at my work."

Yuven moved forward in a prestigious manner.

The classroom thumps in the name of an unexpected person.

Largia also looks surprised.

"Hmm. You're still a college magician. That's pretty brave of you."

Radziya regains her mind and looks at Yuven.

Yuven glances back with a kicking, serious face.

"Fine. Step forward."

"Yes. Lynn! Do the assistant."

"What? Me!?

"That's right. Come on. Come on."

Lynn follows Yuven in confusion.

(What are you thinking? The Yuven one. I can't believe I came forward at this time. If you're bad, you'll be ashamed of yourself. Do you even have any ideas?

If you weren't with me, I wouldn't be able to draw Master Illyweer's attention.

As Yuven aimed, Illyweer was paying attention from his seat to this one.

Yuven quickly retrieves the blueprints and begins giving instructions to Lynn.

"Use iron demon stones here. Let's make this a full passage."

"Hey, isn't this the foundation brittle? You should either increase the strength a little or lower the tower..."

Lynn points out design flaws.

Shut up. You listen to me in silence.

It is finally time to assemble after all the policies have been communicated.

Yuven stands on his cane nervously on his face.

(Wondering if you're okay)

Lynn looked worried about Yuven.

"Come on. Lynn. Demon Stone."

Lynn threw the iron demon stone into the compression bottle.

Yuven arouses the demonic stones, creates the iron columns, and assembles them.

The skeleton builds up as I look at it.

But I start leaning along the way.

"Hey, hey. The tower's leaning!

"There's a crack in the foundation. I knew I didn't have enough foundation."

"I'll fix it. Reinforce it with the" Substance Generation Magic "over there."


The two take turns supporting and embedding roles in a dangerous way.

Lynn makes columns out of substance generating magic and tries to embed them just like Held did.

But the size of the pillar did not fit the building.

I reject it because of the improperly embedded pillars and overload the building.

"Oh, that?

"Hey, idiot, what are you doing?"

In saying this, the cracks in the building become serious and irreversible.

Yuven's face blues.

(Oh, no. I can't fix this place any more)

Yuven nevertheless manages to reinforce the collapsed part until it is complete.

But the finished building was indescribably snoring.

Overall, it was leaning, and the roof was decomposed, and all parts of the tower were uneven inside, and there was no body of passage to the inside.

Yuven forcibly makes a smile and turns to Largia.

"Oh, it's done. What do you think?

"What do you think? What do you think?

Radziya said to grin.

"What the hell are you going to do with this to me? What do you want me to appreciate? This is the tower? Isn't it even suspicious if it's a building?"

Yuven was reprimanded by Largia as he closed his eyes.

My freaking body is shaking every time I'm exposed to his yelling voice.

"Thank you. You don't seem to have the gift of architectural magic. I don't think there's any point in taking any more of my classes."

That's all Largya says, goes in to unpack.

The chime rings.

"That's it for today's class. Next week shall be free assignment time. Be prepared for each one. Yeah, I saw that and that object.

It's like what you make cleans up. "

Radziya said so referring to the building Yuven had built.

Couscous and laughter occur in the classroom.

Yuven turned bright red from face to neck.

(Oh, so I'm not telling you)

Lynn sighs and cleans up Yuven's towering stuff.

"What the fuck is that fucking teacher?"

Yuven slammed the teacup to the table with cancer.

"I don't know if it's the former 700 floors, but it looks great! Now you're not the same wizard of Alfrid as us. Be great when you fall!

Lynn is sitting in the chair next to her in a laid-back manner.

This is a coffee shop all over the city of Alfrid.

After class, Yuven pulled me to go hunting with Illywia as usual, and brought me here with my body like a forced escort.

I've been dating Yuven's stupidity for about an hour now.

"Mostly we're paying to take classes. You can teach me nicer. Lynn, don't shut your mouth either."

"Erm. That was nasty, wasn't it? Against Mr. Illyweer."

"That's right. That erotic. I can't help but delude Master Illywia. Sexual harassment. Sexual harassment. He's already fired. Fired. I wish I could take that guy's class."

Listening to Yuven curse, Lynn became depressed because she helped her produce it, wondering if it had even fallen to her evaluation.

Next time, Episode 121: The Freedom Challenge

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