Tou no Madoushi

Episode 123 Pathway Consultation

It is time for a pathway consultation.

At this time, students who have moved closer to graduation are supposed to discuss their paths with faculty designated not only by their masters but also by the College.

Lin and Theo will also be handed out a paper about the schedule of the interview and the faculty in charge.

You're in charge, Grant.

I look at the paper that Theo has distributed and I flaunt his face.

"Haha. Don Mai."

"Chip. Lynn, who are you?

"Er, ah..."

Lynn looked at the paperwork and blued.

His faculty in charge was Largia.

Lynn nervously heads to the classroom to meet with Largia.

Yuven spoke to me on the way.

"Hey, Lynn."

"Ah, Yuven. What's the matter with you?

"I heard that. You're going to have to interview Dr. Largya."

"Ugh, yeah."

(How do you know...)

Come here for a second.

Yuven brought Lynn into the shadows.

"Isn't that sloppy? I can't believe you're the only one who can interview a former 700 tier teacher. I can't believe I've never even been to the 200th floor."

"No, even if they say it's cheating..."

"Fair enough. I want you to ask Dr. Largya more about me than that. How talented."

"No. But you just got mad at Dr. Largya the other day."

"You don't know. It's hard to tell at first sight, but it's in front of everyone, so maybe you missed the praise."

"Oh, wow."

(That's an amazing mental. That's all they said)

"I'm sure he's shy. Can't you tell the truth in person? Anyway, you might have some kind of sleeping talent for me. Ask me. Okay?"

Lynn was honestly at her best about herself and couldn't afford to be listening to Yuven's request, but when she pushed her hard, she couldn't resist.

I probably agree to ask about her as well.

Let's get started.

Lynn got nervous in front of Lariya.

exposed once again to his majestic demeanor.

No matter how much I said I fell, I was still a person who had previously reached 700 hierarchies.

Lynn felt like she had gotten smaller when she sat in front of him.

"What path are you going to follow in the future?"

"Uh, um..."

Lynn is deceptive.

"What. You don't have to shy away. It's your freedom if you just want to."

"Yes, sir"

"Or do you have enough ambition to say in front of me?

That's what Radziya laughs at.

Lynn decided never to talk.

"Well, I'm aiming for the top of the tower," The Sky Dweller. "

Largia smiles bitterly.

"You think you can be?

"I don't know that. I know it's hard. But I wanted to be a good magician somehow."


Largia shushes.

"Um, is it hard for me after all?"


Largia shut up.

Severe and awkward silence dominates the room.

"Um, let me hear your opinion without any abominations. How many levels can I reach? I'd like to hear your teacher's opinion. A teacher who went up to 700 levels would have some idea, wouldn't he?


Lariya becomes a meditative way to put her arms together and meditate on her eyes.

"Um..., Doctor?

Largya stood up like she had been played when Lynn spoke in horror.

"Fine. Let's see what you got. Come to the architectural magic class in an hour."

"In the classroom?

"It's almost time to submit your freedom assignment. Just right for measuring your talent. I'm going to have a free assignment in the classroom now."

"Yes, from now on?

Lynn was nervous about the sudden unfolding. Her mind became even more nervous.

Lynn headed to the classroom with the materials she needed to complete her work.

Largia was already waiting in the classroom.

"Excuse me. I kept you waiting."

"Never mind. Here we go."


But here, Lynn realized she didn't have an assistant.

"What's wrong?

"Excuse me. I forgot to ask for an assistant... I'll call you now."

Lynn thought about who to ask in her head.

Who will have free time now?

Both Theo and Yuven are in talks.

Would you ask Alma for it?

Will Sheila or Agulu be caught?

Worst case scenario, I'll have to ask Ketra or Shardiff.

"It's a waste of time. I'll be your assistant."

"What? Is there a teacher?

"Am I offended?

"Oh, no, no. Not like that."

Let's get started.

"... Yes"

Lynn starts getting ready in a totally frightening move.

"Then we will begin producing assignments. What I'm going to make is the giant Krusaol."

"Hmm. A giant. Do you have Medusa's arm?

"Yes. Here."

Lynn takes the bronze arm out of her hat.

"Okay. We'll start with the frame."

Lynn takes out the blueprints and gives instructions to Largya.

Largia moved pale and as directed by Lynn.

The wooden frame to be assembled in the "compression bottle" was like a jungle gym made of matchsticks.

The human form gradually completes.

"Doctor. Is there a problem?

"No. No problem."

"Then go on and get the exterior done."

The work went unhindered for a while, but Fujiya stops her hand.

"? What's up?

"There's a crack in the flank area"

"Shh, is that a fatal flaw?

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Lynn stroked her chest down relieved.

"Then temporarily reinforce me with 'Material-generating magic'"

Speaking of which, Radziya silenced for a little while.

"What's wrong?

"... no, nothing"

Largya did not use 'material-generating magic' but instead fixed the position of the tree around the crack in 3D with 'phase magic'.

(Yes ~. This is how I use it in Phase Magic. I knew you knew there were only former 700 hierarchical magicians and you knew many different ways. But I wonder why you don't use 'substance generating magic')

Lynn wondered but decided not to ask.

Completing the work was now a prerequisite.

After that, the work proceeded without delay.

The Giant's model is completed.

Finally, Lynn melted "Bronze Arms" and poured it into the building, draining two drops of "Medusa's Blood".

Blood becomes the eyes of a giant.

When the spell was cast, the blue-eyed giant 'Creusaol' was completed on his blue skin.

Lynn is relieved that the work is progressing without anything.

It was always a nervous task, but I could still finish without mistake.

As for Lynn, it's the best I've ever done.

I thought it was thanks to Largia's support.

Again, it's completely different than not being helped by the experts on that path.

Looks like it's done.

"Yes. Um... what do you think"


Largia sat in her chair and began to smoke the pipe.

Close your eyes and shut up like you're looking for something to say.

Lynn waits nervously for a reputation from Largya.

"Let me see your grades."

Radziya began to speak mostly.


"And about your identity."

Lynn was gibberish for the first time in a long time when she was mentioned in her identity.

"I think I'm trying. In fact, it's a big deal to have advanced so fast without parental assistance."

Lynn brightens her face.


"But it's an honor student stop. He's just brilliant."


"The inhabitants of the sky can barely reach 500 levels."

"... I knew you needed more effort. If you strive like Mr. Tidro for example... or if you are as strong as Mr. Kruga..."

"No, that's not what I meant. Indeed, Tidro and Kruga are hard-working and actioning. But from my point of view, Tidro and Kruga are no different from you either. From what I can tell, what those two are doing also looks unusual. Why use Mithril to reinforce the tower..."

Largia gave an adult-like look sending a smiling glance at the clumsiness of the immature young man.

"I'm sure you started making airships a freelance challenge, but why did you turn them into giants?"

"That's... I don't think I can fly a ship right now..."

"Well that's the thing. You only have mediocre talent."

"Mediocre...... is it?

"Phew. At this time, even the hired magicians of the province have no place to build more than 100 floors. I wonder how many giants you've made in comparison. Compared to a building on the 100th floor, it's nothing more than a dwarf."


"Some people say irresponsibly that they can handle it with their efforts. Sometimes hard work doesn't help. To be a genius, qualities matter."

Largia looks at her own arm.

It was an arm full of wrinkles as if it had died out.

"The magical talent peaks in the mid-twenties, when beyond the thirties the magic fades with health, making freedom as unfavourable as it was until then, when beyond the forties it is no longer possible to learn new magic. In the end, the skill, taste and thinking skills acquired by teenagers refer to things. I mean, qualities."

"Where can I acquire the qualities?"

Lynn told me to eat down.

Largia smiled bitterly.

"I don't know. As much as I want you to tell me, too. Anyway, all I know is that you don't have talent."

Largia snorted the pipe and smoked.

Purple smoke is thrown out towards the ceiling.

"I was expected when I was younger, too. I was flabbergasted, and in the meantime, I mistook my strength and talent. Without acknowledging the decay of his own magic, he continued to aim up with cheating and inertia. Somewhere in my mind, I knew my limits. But I regretted admitting it."


"That's how I'm obsessed with running things, so I can't even make a calm decision. I didn't realize the importance of 'substance generating magic'. My powers will be inferior to yours when it comes to 'Material-generating Magic'. I knew it on the way. As much as I don't have the talent to reach 'inhabitants of the sky'. But I couldn't admit it, and I kept investing in it until I was in debt, and that's the saying, this Zama. Lost everything, bought it by the Magic Instructors Association, and now it's Alfrid's day of hiring and spending himself on teachers."

Largia drops the ashes accumulated on the pipe onto the floor.

Ashes, by the way, are cleaned up by fairies.

"In your generation, the qualities to reach 500 hierarchies will be as good as Ilywia and Theo."


"Refined with sensitivity by the English talent education of the Wingard royal family, Illyweer unfortunately blossoms its natural qualities. Born to the architect's father and merchant's mother, Theo acquires a legged imagination on the earth. About 500 of the students in my class this semester are likely to reach the hierarchy."

"No... There will be more promising people, won't there? For example…"

Lynn tried to give each and every one of them the name of the College Demon Instructor she was focusing on.

Let Radhya point out the strengths and weaknesses of each and every one of them.

They were all convincing explanations.

It was Largia who seemed as if she was looking at only certain students, but she seemed to look at the whole classroom unexpectedly.

"Oh, so what about Mr. Dorias?

After Lynn gave her a name, she realized Dorias wasn't in this class, but Largia seemed to be checking it out.

"Dorias is special. He is uncommonly aware of his talents and prowess for a boy of those years. Most people fail to identify their instrumentation and destroy themselves, but he correctly identifies his direction and challenges. He's a genius without a problem. You'll probably reach the 1,000 tier" Sky Dwellers, "about these three likely to reach the 500th floor."

"Three...... is that all?

"This tower is. I gather too many magicians than I have to. To find just a handful of geniuses. It used to be something you could eat if you served in a region without having to use it in a tower. But now there are magicians in the province. It is difficult for those who have no twat whatsoever to act as magicians in the provinces. Immediately, even this tower will be filled with magicians. The noble children who are now thierry hounded as the nova of anticipation. They'll all think about it too. That there is a mass of talent, a monster, in this world that can never be traced by effort or identity. And that's when you finally understand. That it's not my power that I've ever been able to get here, it's the power of my parents."

Largia exhaled deeply.

"Do you have some kind of magician's mouth, Tute?

"Eh. I was wondering if we could be the Knights of Wingard..."

"We should get on with that story. You know that's too much treatment, don't you?


"I watched you work in class... but I can't feel anything but seriousness. And you have no parents to assist you. [M] In the end, we won't be able to achieve exceptional results. I won't say anything bad. Leave this tower. When I was younger, I thought only of striving for the pinnacle. This tower is not the only thing in my life. If only someone had said the same thing to me sooner..."

That's it. Largia dropped her eyes on the tattoo clock.

"You spoke a little too much extra. That concludes the interview. Excuse me."

Largia stands up and heads towards the door.

"Oh, wait. Um, by the way, how's Yuven? Yuven's talent..."

I can't even talk about it.

Radziya said Pishari without turning around.

The door can be closed.

Lynn stood on the spot for a while.

Yuven and Theo were waiting when Lynn left the classroom.

"Hey. How was the interview?

"Lynn. You must have heard about me properly!

"Theo...... Yuven......"

Lynn voiced a little pity.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

Yuven peeks into my face worried.

She was unusual and gentle.

"Yeah. I... I'm fine."

"Yes. Good. So? What did you say about me?

Yuven has listened with his eyes shining in anticipation.

Lynn meditates on her eyes as she grinds.

"You... said you were very talented. Dr. Largya had a heartbeat, too. He said you would make a great magician... sorry. I have business to attend to."

That's all Lynn said, he ran out to escape the two of them.

"What's that guy?

"Come on."

The two strangely dropped off Lynn's hindsight.

Next time, Episode 124: Goodbye

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