Tou no Madoushi

Episode 131: Rafiyui's Book of Magic

Lynn was fishing in the library for literature about The Rafiyui's Book of Magic.

I find the name of "Rafiyui" as I turn around the "Magic Instructor Register".

"Rafiyui... the Book of Magic... there it is. Here it is"

(Magic Instruction Book described in "Contraindicated Magic Studies". A demon mentor who thought Yuin might be a clue to the Black Dragon summons. What the hell is he like)

According to the Register of Magic Instructors, Rafiyui was already a deceased person.

It is now immersed approximately ten years ago.

Someone who specializes in metallurgical magic.

The highest point of arrival is 280 floors. The final grade is on the 210th floor...

Lynn asked "The Spirit of the Library" if there were any books written under his book name when he noted the contents of the Magic Instructor's Register.

"The Spirit of the Library Room" is a spirit living in one of the pillars that supports the building of the Library Room.

He has been there ever since this library was built to keep an eye on the books.

Lynn spoke in the words of the Spirit toward the face of the old man engraved on the pillar.

"Mr. Spirit. Search for books by author Rafiyui"


The Spirit said in a crouched voice.

"Can't you? Then search by word and period"

Lynn made a search for the word Rafiyui and the lifespan of Rafiyui.

"1528 hits. Do you want to represent all the lists?


The Spirit leaves the script and material names floating in the pillars.

The columns were filled with frightening amounts of letters.

Lynn takes out the blank scroll and sucks the letters out of it.

(Just newspapers and rosters. Do I have to hit it one at a time and go)

Lynn walked into the newsroom and fished for the material.

Lynn goes through the newspapers with Rafiyui's name in order from the old ones, but most of them are full of such descriptions as' How many floors did Rafiyui reach 'and' How many floors did Rafiyui go down ', and the article about Rafiyui's performance didn't come up very well.

As Lynn followed the period in turn, Dieneh, who came to help, called out.

"Lynn. That's a bad way to do it. If you're going to check the papers, it's quicker to find out when he was most active."

"Oh, well."

Lynn followed Diene's advice and changed the way she looked into it.

Look only at the arrival point at the end of the fiscal year to find out the year Rafiyui reached his highest reaching point, the 280th floor.

From there I narrowed it down to the period just before he would have gotten the most footlights and fished the article.

What I found out as I followed Rafiyui's article was that he was a magician with achievements in metallurgical magic, especially in the smelting of Mithril and Orihalcon.

High temperatures and pressures, which are not normally produced in space, are required for the smelting of misrils and orihalcons, and that is what temperatures and pressures are like in volcanoes.

For this reason it was inherently necessary to have massive mechanical equipment, but Rafiyui found the basic 'mass magic' and 'fairy magic', as well as the spells to do it in a special pan alone.

Mithrills and orihalkons smelted by Rafiyui were cheaper and of higher quality than objects made at other smelting facilities, he said.

"Rafiyui's Book of Magic", describing the secret of smelting, was lost with his death and has yet to be found.

For this reason, the magic of Rafiyui has become one of the lost technologies.

(Wow. I can't believe you smell misrills and orihalcons with just basic magic. Does even the person who invented this magic end up on the 200th floor level)

But I couldn't find any more material about him.

(Is this the limit in Alfrid's library? Can't you see I have to go to the 200th floor after all? Damn)

"Hey. Lynn. Is that all you got to copy?

Let me point you to the material Dieneh collected.

"Yeah. Thanks. I'm sorry. Let me help you."

"Fine. You're just out of time."

When Diene casts a spell on the newspaper, the moisture of the lost ink comes back to life.

Cover and photograph the paper.

After repeating the task for a while, Diene made the fairy remember the movement of carrying paper, causing the Spirit to cast a spell and automate the work.

In an instant, the material you are looking for is printed.

Lynn and Diene took a break until the work was completed.

"This guy made an awesome invention. I wonder why I could only get to the 200th floor."

"Probably in conflict with the vested interests of the nobility."

Diene said.

"With nobility?

"As far as the article goes, there is a fusi that was in conflict with the Forged Alliance. They probably almost bought the smelting technology. Rafiyui also seemed to be a rather stubborn figure. You wanted to prevent technology from getting into the hands of the aristocrats, you didn't even let your disciples inherit the Book of Magic, you took secrets to the graveyard"

"Oh well."

"Oops. Looks like we're done copying it."

Diene said when she saw the fairy resting her hands and relaxing.

Diene gives the fairy magical water.

"Nevertheless. You're looking into a maniac wizard again. Some kind of challenge? Or are you going to start a new business with Theo again?

"Yeah. Kind of."

When Lynn said with her eyes down, Dieneh was not pursuing me deeply.

The next day, Lynn was on her way to an architectural magic class, where she met Juven just fine.

"Ah, Yuven. Good morning."

"Oh, dear."

Yuven was alone that day.


"Yeah, a friend of mine took a break from a cold."

"Well, why don't you come with me to class"

"Right. Sometimes it's not too bad to go with you."

Together they headed up to the classroom.

It was already at the end of the quarter and the classes were packing up.

Meet Kruga in a bowl in front of the classroom.

"Oh, Lynn."

"Ah, Mr. Kruga. Hello."

Lynn glanced at the woman wearing a water-colored robe next to Kruga.

The woman is wearing clothes with her shoulders and chest covered and her robe collapsed.

She had a slightly lotus-leaved impression.

She turns a meaningful grin on Lynn.

Lynn grinned back at the confusion.

Her name is Patruna.

It was Kruga's girlfriend.

Yuven gets grumpy when he sees her.

"Long time no see. How's it going these days?

Kruga talks to me casually.

"How are things... okay?"

"Wary. I haven't been able to put on an audition lately."

"No. I don't have a choice. Mr. Kruga's busy too."

Kruga had stopped coming down to Alfrid much lately.

Rumor has it that it's Setouchi now to see if he can get up to the 200th floor.

"How's Mr. Kruga doing? I heard you could be up on the 200th floor soon."

"Yeah, I'm gonna try to get up there by the end of the year."

"Good luck. We're here for you."

"Because his apprentice, who was in the 200 hierarchy under the influence of Eyne's exile, slipped out. I need to give this chance a hierarchy at best......, much worse. It was complicated for you."

"No, it's okay."

"Right. Whatever you do, just give him a break."

"Yeah, good luck with the hierarchy, Mr. Kruga. I'll do my best to graduate."

Lynn and Kruga have been bickering in front of the classroom for a while, but accidentally Patruna pulls Kruga's sleeve and starts to sweeten.

"Hey Kruga. We went to class early. Come on. I told you you'd take your time today."

"Wait. I'm talking to my junior now."

"Eh, that's not good. That's it. Let's go faster than that."

Patruna wraps her arm around Kruga's arm and gets sloppy.

"Damn. You really can't help it."

An elderly magician passes through the two sides and frowns.

What the hell are you going to do in the Holy Learning Hall, this is why the young people these days were so full of expressions.

Yuven became increasingly grumpy when it came to it.

She didn't even talk to me about the Kruga she had been admiring earlier, even about Patruna.

Sometimes she gets upset because Patruna can't pass the time and place, or because she's Kruga's girlfriend.

But more than that, what she doesn't like the least was that Patruna is a civilian class.

Her robe had a clasp that emitted dull golden light.

Of course Kruga and Patruna never get married.

It will end in a temporary relationship.

Still, Yuven seemed unbearable to see the two of them together.

"Wary. Lynn. I haven't seen her in a long time. I can't deal with him much."

"No. Don't worry. Well, let's go too, Yuven.

Lynn stares at Patruna and tries to pull her sleeve and take her to the classroom, but Yuven didn't quite try to move.

"Yuven. I know you want Mr. Kruga to mind, but Mr. Kruga's busy too."

When Lynn said that, Yuven turned that way like he was being mean, "Nothing. I don't want you to think about it," he said, walking ahead of Zunzun.

Lynn felt Patruna touching Lynn's chest as she tried to chase him with a sigh of relief.


There's some paper inside when I explore my chest pocket.

By the time Lynn looked back, Patruna was already in the classroom with Kruga.

Lynn took out the paper put in her chest pocket and checked the date, time and place it said there before entering the colloquial room located in the college.

It's right here.

When Lynn looked around, she immediately found the person she was looking for, Patruna, waving.

She was alone.

There is no Kruga.

"Sorry to keep you waiting"

"Yeah. It's okay. Sorry about this one. Suddenly he called."

"So. What the hell can I do for you?


Patruna silently drifts her gaze in an unsightly direction.

Lynn wondered.

What the hell are you going to do, call it in from yourself and tell me nothing?

Lynn stroked Rayne's head and waited until she tried to speak out.

"I'm so sorry about Mr. Ewing."

"Yeah. Hi."


I can't talk anymore.

(Is it hard to say anything?

Thinking that far, Lynn realized that the people around her were looking at themselves in a far-flung fashion.

I hear whispers from nowhere.

"Hey. That"

"It's Lynn. I wonder who you are with. You look like a hundred tiers of demon mentors, though."

"It's Kruga's girlfriend. How the hell did you two..."

When Lynn looked at Chirali and the voice, they turned their gaze away pretending they hadn't seen it.

"Um. Mr. Patruna. Are you okay? Stay with me."

"? What?

Patruna tilted her neck like she said she wasn't sure.

"Well... I appeared before the association about the example of Yuin's expulsion. So now I'm getting a lot of rumors at the academy. I was wondering if Patruna would be annoyed to see you being very close to me..."

"Oh, that's okay. Never mind. Is that a college rumor?


"I used to get nervous about rumors like that when I was in college, too, but if you go to the 100 tiers, you'll see. He said he couldn't care less about people's eyes. There's no point in trivial rumors or reputation. You don't care either."

"Yeah. I don't care. I was just worried that I might be able to put Mr. Patruna on suspicion."

"You're sweet. Very different from Kruga."

Patruna sighed troubledly.

Lynn had a bad feeling somehow.

I wonder what the hell she's going to say to you.

While I'm doing this, I can hear voices from somewhere again.

"Oh, it's Lynn."

"Who's with you?

Lynn and Patruna get awkward somehow.

"Um. Would you like to go somewhere else?

"Right. Maybe we should go somewhere quieter to talk."

The two moved to a coffee shop with a private room.

"Actually. Kruga could really be on the 200th floor soon."

"Heh. Congratulations on that"

That said, Patruna looked complicated.

(Oh, well. Does Mr. Kruga go to the 200th floor mean he will have less time to meet Mr. Patruna)

Lynn put herself in her shoes and thought.

I miss seeing Kruga from her, but I honestly don't like the fact that she can't celebrate Kruga's promotion.

But I still don't like not seeing Kruga...

"It's a hard place to be, Mr. Patruna."

"Yes. Yes, it is. I wonder if you understand."

Patruna comes out on her own.

"Yeah. What does Mr. Kruga say about that?

"Nothing. It's always a joke, even when we're talking about it."


"Hey, what do you think? I wonder if he's going to keep breaking up with me."

"No, Mr. Kruga is a good man, and such a cold thing..."

(Oh, but that guy, he cuts light when he cuts quite a bit)

Lynn remembered Kruga's cold attitude when Elios died.

"Right. Mr. Kruga, maybe you're going to break up..."

"I'm sure you do. It must be."

She looks like she's going to cry.

"But I can't believe you're telling me not to go to the 200th floor, like you're pulling Kruga's leg, right?

"Ha. Right."

(But if you say so, which way are you two destined to break up...)

Nothing. Lynn thought it might be the same if we broke up now or later.

I wonder why people go after things that are out of their reach.

"Hey. Lynn."

Patruna suddenly grabs Lynn's hand and brings her face closer.

"Yes, sir"

"I wonder if there's any way I can get to the 200th floor."

"Yeah. Even if I ask you that..."

"You must be cordial with the Wingard royal lord Illywia, too, right? Something... any handwriting on that hand?

"Even if they say so. I've also been kept away from the Royal Tea Party recently about Yune..."

"... yes. I don't know what else to do."

Patruna laid her eyes down like she was disappointed.

Lynn was sorry about her, but there was nothing more she could do.

Next time, Episode 132: Go to the 200th Floor

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