Tou no Madoushi

Episode 133: Slam Street

On the day of the smuggling to the 200th floor, Lynn was preparing herself in the room at all costs, remembering her meeting with Yuven.

According to Yuven, the sudden 'Rafiyui's Book of Magic' began to take a footlight, also in the context of the fact that 'hidden dungeons' were found on the 200th floor.

"'Hidden Dungeons'?

"That's right. I set up a 'hidden dungeon' to keep something hidden, or space for warcraft and supplies, but they recently found a 'hidden dungeon' on the 210th floor."

Yuven explained against Lynn, who leans her neck toward words she can't hear.

"Thank you. It seems that the hidden dungeon was set up by Rafiyui, so I'm told you'll find the magic book."

"I see."

"It's only until the 200th floor that I can go with my handout, so I have to go on my own exploration from there to the 'hidden dungeons'. Be prepared for that as well. To be able to handle whatever happens."

After saying that, Yuven took Lynn's hands and brought her face closer together.

I'm staring at this one hot.

"Your combat power outweighs that of the Spyrna Magic Instructor. I'm counting on you. Really, please."

Her face when selling festivities this way was really cute, even though she knew it was bruised.

Lynn was careful to prepare as Yuven put it.

(Oops. I forgot it would happen)

Lynn realizes that The Contraindicated Magic Study has left it on her desk and tries to turn it into a drawer.

But along the way I changed my mind and didn't put it in the drawer, I sewed the book into the inside of my garment and put it on.

I don't know why, but I felt it would help if I took the book.

Lynn and Yuven snuck together after the city fell into the dark.

The two of them deliberately wore crude clothes, not wearing their usual robes to get into the slums.

"Yuven. Did you get the construction of the funds?


Yuven shows a bag full of gold coins to show.

She was selling the most expensive demon stone she had to work on the funds.

"You're the one who's okay? What did you tell Theo?

"I said it was an errand for a civilian rally."

"All right, I'm coming."

The two went to Slam Street to rendezvous with a specially hired magician.

Have them work on opening the Dimensional Magic Door immediately.

"Hey, haven't you?

I say it with frustration at the doors of different dimensions that Yuven can hardly open.

"Don't be impotent. It's a long way to go. There's still time to work out the magic."

The magician I hired said bitterly.

He is hiding his face with a mask and can't see his expression.

Not everyone seemed to be able to travel pah like Illyweer or Held.

"All right. We're opening it."

The two stood up and approached the door where the light opened by the man shined.

It goes through a path of different dimensions and reaches a hundred tiers of slums.

It was in a maze sandwiched by walls on both sides, but the sights of the slums were similar everywhere.

Trash piled up like mountains, buildings fractured and lonely everywhere, poor shops, drifting stench, dirty signs...... and signs of fairies were rare.

"You don't have a week to open it next, do you?

"Yes, thank you"

"All right. If we open it then, but we're not at the point of our commitment, we'll assume the contract's been broken."


"This is an advance. Take it."

Yuven threw three gold coins and gave them to me.

As soon as the man received the gold coin, he returned to his open dimensional magic and went back the way he had come.

The man who came after a while was still wearing a mask and hiding his face.

"Hi. Boy. Ma'am. It's okay to go to Slam Street on the 150th floor, right?

"Yeah. Nice to meet you."

The newly emerged man, like the earlier man, took a little time before opening the door to the 150th floor.

"Phew. So, we're going home at the same time in a week. 'Cause if you weren't at the place where the promise was made at that time, I'd assume the contract was broken."

"Yes, please"

The man who showed up after that also used dimensional magic in the same way to transport the Lins to Slam Street on the 200th floor.

(This is the 200 hierarchy...)

It was the city floating in the water where Lynn was transported.

Every building floats above the water, and every building is strewn with canals.

"What is this? You're floating in the water?

"Exactly. This is the 200 tier, the city of the canal 'Swinrill'. I can't even move without a ship here. If we lose the ship, it will be."

The man I hired shows me the back with his thumb.

There were people there who nodded and wore worn out clothes.


"Hey. We want to go to a hidden dungeon called Recently Found, do you know how to get there?

When Yuven asked, the man blocked it with his hands.

"Oops, that's it for the service. Don't collect information on your own after that. I can't even tell you how badly my identity is going to be identified."

The man spreads his palm.

Yuven puts gold coins on the palm of a man's hand.

"Good luck, then. I'll be back in a week."

The man dived into his open dimensional magic and disappeared.

Lynn and Yuven somehow learn to feel isolated from the world.

"Well, what shall we do?"

"Let's just find a place to sleep"

The two put together the borough they had prepared beforehand and pretended to be vagabonds, looking for somewhere to hide until dawn.

Negijo of Marche Ancier, on the 250th floor.

Forta, who was reading the book even in the middle of the night, closed the book to the sound of knocking on the door.


When the door opens, the child's face peeks.

"A widget? What the hell is wrong with you? At this hour..."

"I found something interesting."

A widget offers a crystal.

There was a picture of Lynn and Yuven.


"These are the guys who cut Luciola's arm a thousand times. Looks like he's coming to the 200 tier."


"You're dumb guys. The snake path is a snake. You thought we wouldn't find you and you'd be able to get through the back route."

The widget smiles mean to the child's face.

"I can cook with them now. What do you want me to do? If I catch you and I owe Luciola..."

"Hmm. That's not too bad... let's see how it goes"

"That kid named Lynn. I'd like to observe a little closer."

Lynn and Yuven first revealed the night there when they broke into an empty house with no one.

The next morning, as I relax in a hard, uncomfortable bed, I hear a noisy noise.

"Hey, what is it? Noisy."

Yuven wakes up scrubbing her sleepy skin.

Someone is knocking on the window.

Lynn opened the window and looked out.

There was a warcraft, a bird man (Harpy).

He wears a taski with a balance print, which is a symbol of the association.

Lynn shall be giddy.

"Get out."

The Warcraft said away against Lynn.

"Uh, why?

"Fine. Go outside and head to the hall. If you can't get out, no questions asked."

No choice, Lynn and Yuven head into the hall.

Bird humans (harpies) tie their boundaries at home after Lynn and Yuven go outside to keep no one in.

Not only the two of us, but the same thing was being done here in the house.

It was like a big catch.

When I went to the square, there were about ten men in black robes.

They, for the most part, see people gathered and begin their speeches.

"A report came into the Magic Instructors Association last night that we saw a smuggler in this district. If a subordinate magician is breaking and breaking the code of his hierarchy, Yukiyashi. Our Association of Magic Instructors can never miss them. I'd like to ask residents to cooperate with our investigation."

They sent every inhabitant to come before themselves to examine the back of their hands.

Find out if there are any protective decorations in mind.

People obediently roll their sleeves and show their back of their hands.

Lynn and Yuven panicked.

Firmly on the back of both hands.

It is engraved with a pattern that is a testament to the College Magic Instructor.

For once, they have made simple decorations to hide, but they will nonetheless be found out before a thoughtful investigation by officials of the association.

"Isn't that a little nasty? They're looking for us."

Yuven speaks to Lynn in a hissohisso voice.

"How did you find out? Nobody was supposed to find you."

"Shouldn't you be hiding faster than that? If they find us..."

"I don't want to..."

I am watching to see if there are any people who have not turned to the examination since earlier who look around the audience and make suspicious movements.

"I'm gonna run away badly, and if I show you how to do it, you could be held up on the spot."

"Say that. If you stay still, you won't just get caught."

(Is there any... good way)

That's when I heard a whisper in Lynn's ear.

"Hey, you're Lynn."


"Don't turn around. Just answer yes or no without making any extra moves."

Lynn felt a wand on her back.

I can tell from that that the person whispering to me is a magician.

It also has considerably stronger powers than itself.

I made Lynn think that a bad lie about it would be counterproductive.

"Are you Lynn?

"... Yes"

"Right. I'll help you. Come."

The mysterious man tries to take Lynn by pulling her arm.

Lynn hastily pulled Yuven's arm.

"Hey. What the hell?"

The man, wearing a borough hooded robe and hiding his face, pulls the crowd apart and leaves the square.

"Someone escaped."

"Follow him!"

I heard the people at the association making noise from behind.

Blurring spreads to the audience.

The mysterious man fled into the alley.

"Put this on."

The mysterious man throws a rundown at the two of them and comes over.

"This is..."

"You guys are too conspicuous. If you emerge from the Dimensional Magic Door, you will see that you are a stranger to Slam Street humans. If you come in dressed like that without rooting, you're set to be reported. Wear it and you'll be able to swap into the inhabitants of Slam Street."

"Hey, what is this guy? Trust me. Are you okay?

"I don't know. But now there's no other way."

Lynn wore a borough and forced Yuven to wear it half as well.

"Ugh, what is this? Terrible smell."

"Okay. You're wearing it."

The mysterious man glows the ring and generates the magic formation.

It was dimensional magic.

"Now I'm gonna sprinkle the Guild Police Department."

I can hear the noise from behind.

The association's people seemed to be that close to coming.

The three jump into dimensional magic and are invited to a place where they may be connected.

It was like a warehouse where Lynn and Yuven were brought in.

It has been conveyed that waste materials and drum cans are everywhere, but they are all rusty and brown, and a place that has been thrown away.

The mysterious man sat on a pile of rubble.

Encourage both of you to do so.

"If we get this far, we'll be fine first. I have no fear of pursuing the people of the association."

"Thank you for your help. Um, what the hell..."

"I'm Nino. A disciple of Ewing."

"! Yuin's..."

"You're Lynn, aren't you? One of Ewing's disciples. I remember being on his list with pictures. You're still a college magician. Why are you coming to the 200 tiers?"

"We're here looking for an item."

"An item?

"This is Rafiyui's Book of Magic."

"" Rafiyui's Book of Magic "? With that said, we've been talking about it all these days."

"Um. Mr. Nino. Do you know anything about" Rafiyui's Book of Magic "?

"No. Raw hatred, but I don't know."

"Well, it's about sourcing a ship..."

"Now it's our turn to ask."

Nino said blocking Yuven from listening.

"Lynn. Yuin's Book of Magic. Do you know anything about The Contraindicated Magic Study?

"..." Contraindicated Magic Research "? No, I don't."

"Wouldn't that be true?

Nino stares at me with a scared face.

"Yeah, it's true."

Lynn clung to the edge of her clothes.

There's a Contraindicated Magic Study in there.

"Right. Don't you have one, too? Well, I guess so. There's no way Uynn will ever see you again."

Nino can pull in a tough face and nod.

"What is it? The contraindication magic study..."

"When Yuin was in the tower, the results of his research on contraindication magic were compiled. I was supposed to take it."

"Mr. Nino... I mean... does that mean Mr. Nino was Yuin's most apprentice?

"Oh, yeah. I became his hand and his leg, and I worked more faithfully than anyone else. Yuin said I was your best disciple. Hierarchically, I should have been the best of Ewing's disciples. He promised me. Yet all of a sudden, someone sniffed around about Yuin and all the injustice was revealed. Eat an acne and arrange a nomination for me. My life is a mess because of him. Hey Lynn, do you know anything about The Contraindicated Magic Study? Whatever. You think Yuin said something? Who were you going to give it to?"

"No. Nothing. Um, what the hell is Mr. Nino going to do with getting 'Contraindicated Magic Research'? By name, it doesn't seem like a very legitimate substitute."

"What do we do? I don't care what you do or what you do. That's mine. How much do you think I contributed to Ewing's research? How much time and effort do you think I put into working for him? I worked with most of his mastery. And yet I can't forgive you for giving the lab to someone other than me now. If I find the guy I have, I'll kill him, but I'll take him away."

Nino giraffed his eyes like a beast, stripping his teeth out to intimidate Lynn.

Yuven hides on Lynn's back completely frightened like that.

(I'm just fine, Koz. He looks pretty bad to me.)

Yuven ears at Lynn.

(You can't be okay. He's the one who helped Yune do the wrong thing.)

The fact that he was helping Yuin do evil will mean that he is now a bad man being nominated by the Church.

And the nomination arranger, if he was with him, also threatened to be considered an accomplice.

Though I think so with Lynn, I didn't feel good avoiding him openly.

Though he looks jealous and says he barely wears a magical item, he is nevertheless a 200 tier magic mentor.

I was suspicious if Lynn and Yuven would be enemies even if it took them a bunch.

And Nino was never going to give himself away for free.

Nino said, he also seemed to be worried about how he ended Lynn and Yuven.

He's been chewing on his nails for a while now, whining about something bumpy, devising.

"It's no use keeping these guys hidden. On the contrary, it just increases the risk. I wish there was some good way... Damn. I didn't know you guys didn't have any clues."

But he finally hit his knees as determined and pronounced the treatment on both of them.

"Chip. I can't help it. You guys have it. Leave it all."


"You guys have a lot of money for getting this far. After that, demon props. A cane, a ring, a shoe, a hat and other items. Then leave your jacket. I helped him. Instead. I'll give you a break."

"Huh? You want us to get naked?

Yuven protested.

"You're the one with the rundown I just gave you. So the guys at the association should be able to sprinkle it for now. Even this one lives on the run of a cuttlefish. I'm just gonna miss your life, so get out. Get out. Get out."

"I'm not kidding. We're going to need funds to explore the 200th floor. You can't do that."

"I know it's convenient for you guys. This is not it. Or something? So you're saying that money is more important than life?

Nino makes it look amazing.

Yuven sees it and hides on Lynn's back again.

"Yuven. Back off."

Lynn put up a cane and distance herself from Nino.

"Oh? Are you going to do it? With me."

Nino also stands up and sets up a cane.

"It's too late to apologize for anything more than putting up a cane. 'Substance production'"

Nino's produced iron spheres were more than twice the size of the iron spheres phosphorus always produced.

(Big. Probably 'acceleration magic' is more powerful over there too. You won't be enemies in a shootout. But......)

Lynn glows' Lucendo's Ring '.

The light of the ring lit up the dim indoors too much in every corner.

(Now I know. How to fight enemies stronger than yourself!

Nino changed his complexion when he saw the light of Lynn's emitted ring.

(!? The light of a powerful ring...... Can you give me as much as "Sword of Vespe"? My ring magic can't prevent it)

Nino sets up a system of defense with the iron sphere in front of him that he was going to shoot out cheaply.

Lynn multiplied that momentary ski, giving in and diving into Nino's blind spot.


Speeding up to Nino's nostalgia to narrow the intermission, Lynn plays Nino's wand for each iron ball.


Nino rolled into a pile of rubble and hid.

(Melee combat since entering the blind spot with accelerated magic. It's like a mercenary. You bastard, you're used to fighting pretty hard)

Nino regretted not being equipped and challenging the fight.

Lynn was pointing her wand toward a pile of rubble with Nino, but accidentally lowered her wand.

"Temee, what are you doing?"

"Mr. Nino. We're not here to fight. We're just here to look for the Rafiyui Book of Magic. I don't want any more useless fights. Will you shut up and miss us?


Nino gritted in front of pride and reality.

You can't fight with a demon mentor who's lower than you and back off awesome.

You'll need to be prepared to stab differently to fight Lynn with just the ring like this.

(Damn. At least if you have something decent just shoes)

Nino takes the tiger child's demon stone out of his pocket and grips it.

"Fair enough, Mr. Nino. You don't have to be mean that way. I have a great idea where I can fit in."

As soon as Yuven saw in their favor, he showed his bully nature and moved on.

"Mr. Nino wants to find, in short, The Contraindicated Magic Study, right? Then we'll work with Mr. Nino. We'll give Mr. Nino all the information we have on our information route. Instead, would you like to help us explore the last 200 levels?

"Don't be ridiculous. Why am I like you guys...? I'm not falling apart enough to hang out with a college magician."

"Oh. But you can't even take my fairy magic with your gear right now, can you?

When Yuven hears the earrings with the 'Demon Stone of Flam', flames appear on both sides of Nino, pinching them.

"Guh. You guys"

"Wouldn't it be hard to prevent flames just with 'substance generating magic'? Why don't you be honest with us?

Nino gave him a grinding look, but he came up with a satisfactory solution.

"Wait. That's right. Lynn. You said you were looking for Rafiyui's Book of Magic."

"? Yes"

"Earlier, Yuin said. He wants" Rafiyui's Book of Wizards ". Maybe I can get a lead on something. All right, I've made up my mind. Lynn, I'll follow your quest, too."

"What? So is Mr. Nino?

"I lost my wand. I need to get about a magic book. It doesn't fit the split. Even you guys can do enough to move the ship. If that's what you decide, we're on our way."

Nino stood up and went towards the exit of the building.

Lynn and Yuven looked behind him as they pokanned at Nino's speed of transformation.

"Hey. It's okay, Koz. I feel like I'm losing one of my head screws."

"Hmm. Well, it's hard for us to explore the 200th floor alone."

The two decided to explore with Nino, even though they felt a little dangerous.

Next time, Episode 134: Hidden Dungeons

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