Tou no Madoushi

Episode 143: The Way to the Ruler

The wickedness of one young man was secretly done multiplied by the shade of the twilight forest.

While Dorias put the iron cage on the feet of a strange bird, Lynn turned her attention to the standing tower again.

Weird birds (ruffles) were indeed big.

Its mouth will swallow the statue's children whole, and its wings will envelop a huge sailboat floating in the vast ocean, hiding it from the horizon.

But compared to the size of the tower, the weird bird (Ruff) was also nothing but a dwarf.

How the hell can you do with that wing?

Lynn, we're ready.

Dorias, finished preparing the iron cage, has spoken to Lynn.

Lynn entered the cage with Dorias.

As the monster bird (Ruff) spreads his wings and flies away, he grabs the cage into which the two enter with his claws and carries them away to the sky.

Nothing but a mouthless warcraft lurking in the woods has admitted to the crimes of the two of them.

The cage carrying the two flew up to the night sky shaken by the guttering wind above.

The shake was so intense that Lynn stuck to the fence.

Don't let it fall off with some bounce.

In an instant, Ruff was about to reach a hundred levels of altitude.

"Almost a hundred tiers."


Dorias returned it like it was nothing.

"You break the rules, naturally."


"Is that okay? Graduate students are forbidden to enter the 100th floor."

"Lynn. You're an idiot."


"Humans are tiny creatures."

Dorias spread his hand and pointed to the ground.

There is a magnificent forest spread out there.

"If even a tiny person cares about the rules, he won't be able to do anything great."

Lynn was struck as if struck by lightning.

(I see. Hey this guy is out of standard)

Lynn felt like she figured out why Dorias was being glanced at by many of the magicians.

And maybe why the nobles hate me.

"You're not noble, are you?"

Dorias talks to me about it.

"Yeah. No."

"I knew it. You can smell it."

Dorias laughed happily when the prediction hit.


"Not a noble class means…, a civilian class"

"No, actually I'm from the slave class."

"Slave class..."

Dorias sees Lynn's outfit chilling with unexpected eyes.

"Hmm. Good luck with that."

Lynn looked toward the tower.

If we keep going like this, we'll reach the 200 hierarchy as soon as possible.

Dorias really seemed like he was going to dive into the 200 hierarchy.

Ruff approached the outer wall of the tower.

Start flying loosely along the outer wall, as if looking for an entrance.

"Um... are you really going to the 200 tier?

"Of course!"

"Why don't you just come this far and say something like this... but shouldn't you stop? If you find out, it's not free, is it?

"Why not?

"'Cause... isn't that against the rules"

"No, I'm not. It's not against the rules to go to the 200 hierarchy with a ruff."


"What is forbidden is to use the elevator to go above your hierarchy"

Lynn looked like she was stuck in a fox.

"We're all quite mistaken. What is forbidden is not to go above your hierarchy, but to go above your hierarchy with elevators and dimensional magic. There are many other restrictions on activity in the upper hierarchy…, but in any case, it is not forbidden to go above the hierarchy to which I belong in Luf, nor have the people who have tried it yet"

"What!? No, but... then..."

"Though there are many people who vocally insist on following the rules. In fact, the man in that hand is not that familiar with the rules. Well, there's no such thing as a human being covering all the rules. Even lawyers can't work without a law book. Even religious people can't preach without scripture. Even experts say there are many places to suffer from understanding this way, but only those with halfway knowledge assume that they fully understand and grasp the rules and ethics. And son, let the neighbors blow their shallow arguments and believe it. Furthermore, his son and neighbor do the same thing and misunderstandings become more and more widespread. This is how people who live in a civilized society become idiots after generations. You're going to fall into self-restraint by the rules you've made on your own. The more you follow the teachings that tell you to follow the rules, the dumber you get."

"But when you get to the 200 tier, which way are you going to break the rules?

"Of course!"

"No, you can't. Don't do that. If something emerges that openly defeats the rules, there will be injustice and abolition in society, and eventually there will be a serious negative impact…"

"Mr. Lynn. Rules are not to be followed. It's what we create."

"Create rules... Create?

"It's the so-called second-rate human mindset that thinks the rules are to be followed. Top-notch humans know that rules are what they create. I wonder by whom you think the rules are made."

"But... if that's how we all make rules that are convenient to us and we stop following them, the world will be screwed."

"What, you don't have to worry about that. Because it comes out enough to sweep and throw away any second-rate person who is happy to follow the rules made by others. They never think of creating their own rules, they continue to follow the rules made by others without any doubt, and end their lives"


"There's always a handful of creative people who can make their own rules. In the end, most humans can't try to create their own rules, or come up with better rules than first-class human-created rules. For this reason, even as their second-class human beings boo their grievances, in the end they will follow the rules created by first-class human beings. This is how the world works."

"But then what happens if the rules made by top notch people are wrong and something goes wrong with society?

"Of course, all the burdens will be borne by second-rate humans. There must be rules in place to make that happen."


"Well, in the end, what I'm trying to say. If you don't want to be burdened with such irrational burdens, just be the person on the side who creates the rules. Do you understand?"

"But wouldn't it be impossible to make a law like that without being an upper-class person? How can the weak in the lower echelons..."

"Lynn. Don't let me down too much. You have no idea what I'm talking about."

Dorias said like she was sick of it.

"I'm not asking you to activate any state power by telling me to create rules. There's no such thing as state law. It doesn't activate unless it's something like that, and activating it doesn't help you out of the picture, on the contrary, it's actually better for people for the sake of the world, a proxy like the one that exists just to appease the tiger of Tenzi and the useless, the second-rate human being. Let me tell you about the laws of the state..."

Dorias gave him a disdainful grin to scorn.

"It's the same rule when you're dead."

Lynn was giddy.

Something hit the cage and rocked guttural.

It was like a bird flying in the sky.

"I'm not talking about the laws of the state and the same rules even if you're just dying because you seem so great. It's about living rules that are always working and changing."

"Alive...... rules?

"Mr. Lynn. Have you ever been in a war?"

"None. No, you don't."

"Well. That's too bad. The battlefield is good. Something's always changing. It's also very dynamic. From an early age, my father took me on a tour of the battlefield, where I was tapped into not missing the slightest change that occurred every day. The sounds of birds and beasts, the expressions of bosses and colleagues, and the smell of gunpowder. Because in the battlefield, there are no laws of the state or tough rules. If you don't make your own rules in response to daily changes, you're going crazy or dead right now. I was immature then. I was at my best to live. Because if it doesn't help, it'll soon be cut off. By my people, and by the battlefield. I think I survived a lot now. You should also take part in a war. [M] Because it changes the world view. Well, if you take a wrong step, you'll die. hahahaha"

"Ha ha..."

"Well, whatever. True rules can only come from struggle."


"Yes. A struggle. A changing battlefield, a monetary exchange, a swinging heart. Where the struggle takes place, new rules are always discovered, created and implemented there. We are the best people who find these sooner than people do, and we shred away every day from the competition to get them done. It merely adds rules to the already finished struggle, such as the laws of the state. Look at your own, or the little changes around you, the rules of life. If you can find it and manipulate it freely."

"If you can...?

"I think you can rule. Not even you."


"Though I don't know what you want to rule. But..."

Rufu's speed rose and the cage shook heavily.

I think I found an entrance.

"You're on the brink of a magician, too. That's about it."

"I can't believe I wanted to rule something..."

"Well, that's the thing. People are gradually taught about the small size of their hands after birth, of which they assume they are people who are powerless and unable to do anything, and who eventually stop even wanting to"

"Mr. Dorias."


"I think too much about you, I don't know what it is anymore."

Lynn was turning her eyes, as if she had been seasick by Dorias' values.

"Wahaha. I guess so. It would be amazing. You should try it tomorrow."

"No, no, they said, 'try it all'..."

"Hmm. Can't you get rid of the once stained civilian guts? Fine. Then let me show you. How to destroy the rules that bind you and create new rules!

Ruff approached the tower suddenly to attach it to the outer wall of the tower.

Vanessa, director of the 200 hierarchy of the Magic Instructors Association, was imprisoned by unspeakable anxiety.

(I wonder what. This anxiety like burning your chest. Capture my heart and don't let go. Something strange is approaching. I feel that way. But I don't know who I am. That adds extra anxiety. What the hell do you think I need to be anxious about?)

While Vanessa asked herself so, she realized she already had an answer.

(No, let's not delude ourselves. I know. The anxiety I have for 200 hierarchies long. That's decided. It's about the city. To this city......, is there any crisis about to come to Swinlill?

"Absolutely. You want me to give you a break. They say the bombing's finally just cleared up."

Vanessa was left alone in the secretary's room with no one.

At that time, someone knocked on the door of the room.

"Get in."

"Excuse me."

One of the officials of the Magic Instructors Association opens the door and comes in.

"What the hell is that? At this hour. Well, I work all the way up to this hour, too. Suddenly again."

"The representatives of the three Powers would like to meet the Secretary."

"The Three Powers? What are the representatives of the three kingdoms doing to me again?"

"It's about the new Swinlill port."

"About the port?

Swinlill is a city of waterways, so when it spread, new ports were always being created.

There was always fierce competition for the purchase and tendering of the land, as people could gather there as soon as the port was born and a new commercial area could be created.

"Yes, each of us has made a different request."

"Say it."

"Lados representatives argue that commercial zones and markets should be placed in ports. Spyrna's representatives argue that the port should be modified so that an arms factory and arsenal, as well as a military vessel, can enter it. Wingard representatives will find mansions and farms, palaces and zoos, museums and leisure facilities just outside the harbour."

"In short, are you telling us to give ourselves new rights? Absolutely. They would each have an equal distribution of rights in the ports of Swinlill. Are you saying that it's still not enough while keeping all this preferential treatment? Noblemen don't know where to stay."

"Competition among the three powers is becoming increasingly intense. They must be desperate to survive, too."

"Is that why you openly bring in collusive talk? It's frightening."

"How would you like it?"

"It's my job to summarize more than we've talked about.... but I'm not going to answer right now. The details of the commission will be discussed later with the respective representatives. Tell him so."

"Ha. Yes, I did."

Officials backed off with a gratuity.

(Absolutely. It's troublesome for the nobles to be selfish all they want. There is no such thing as a public mind. Nevertheless, it is unlikely that the three of us will ever continue to rise. Eventually, one of the three will fall and the situation will change. Is this who my anxiety is?

Vanessa meditated her eyes and inquired into her heart.

(No, it's not. Indeed, the balance between the three powers is reaching its limits. Eventually some sort of adjustment will be made with the big incident. But isn't it true that the problems of the three powers have always been in the corner of our minds? Now it's totally part of me. It's also something that I feel uneasy about again. But then what do you say it is? A more serious crisis than the international situation is about to visit this city? What the hell happened?

Suddenly, there was footage floating behind Vanessa's brain.

It was a predictive dream to see, awakening the eyes.

Sometimes herself had such unexpected omens.

It was always a strange force that led her and saved her.

(Big...... very big bird. Eagle? No, it's not. I don't even look like an eagle, but I'm not such a jerk. It's something more gigantic. I'll put him in an iron cage and bring him something. The contents of this iron cage. Is that who my anxiety is? Coming to this city? No, but......)

As Vanessa pondered it, another omen came again.

She was underwater.

The water and sky keep moving away.

(Deep...... in the water. Am I the one sinking? I see a serpent. Did this guy sink me?

As Vanessa tried to look around in the water, the footage broke off there.

When she realized she was being pulled back from the world of predictive dreams and back in front of her desk in the office.

(It was sinking in the water. What the hell are you implying? Is that my death? Or a leg loss?)

Vanessa knew enough to pull herself down from the Secretary's seat to know too many people wanted to replace her.

(Is that the serpent that sinks me in the water? Is that serpent trying to plunge me? Then the great eagle and iron cage I saw before that...)

Vanessa waited for the footage to come down again, but the predictive dream showed no sign of it at all.

"No. Though blurry allusions are given in various ways, I don't know what's at stake. Only vague tips are always given. And then you want me to make myself clear."

Vanessa closed her eyes and conceived for a little while before opening her eyes quietly, but with determination.

"I knew there was an imminent crisis. And then I'm gonna cut myself through and show it to you."

(I can't die yet, I can't get off the Secretary's seat!

Next time, Episode 144: Elegant Breakfast

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