Tou no Madoushi
Episode 77: Fleet Season
Lynn had one visit a month with her master, Yuin.
The objective is to discuss the choice of classes and the way forward.
First Yuin opened his mouth.
"Then let's start seeing each other soon. First of all, what are you up to in this tower?
"Yes. Master. I'm going to the top of the tower."
"Hmm. How could that be?
"Uh... to be a fine magician..."
"Not if you're a fine magician, like, 500 floors, right?
Lynn got stuck in words.
"Well, I thought so."
Yuin sighs.
"First of all, you have to get a minimum of knowledge about this tower."
"Um, master.
Why are we all risking our lives in the first place until we go to the top floor of the tower?
Especially the noble children. It would be an important trail from the parents.
I can't believe we're sending him to a place where he's in danger of dying, even though some degree of safety is guaranteed...
How the hell? "
"For money, honor, and power."
"To gold and honor...... power?
"Depending on their hierarchy, magicians who belong to more than a hundred floors are paid salaries.
And the higher the hierarchy you belong to, the more respected that magician will be throughout the world.
Especially if the wizard, who belongs to more than 500 floors, is considered a high-ranking wizard and receives unconditional praise from the public "
"I see.
I know a lot about money and honor.
But what is power?
What power does belonging to the upper level of the tower lead to?
"I get the power to make decisions about the world"
"About the world?
"Yes, this tower is responsible for the balance of power of the group of nations belonging to the continent of Retoggia.
You also know that the three powers of Wingard, Spyrna and Lados are antagonizing each other in the present continent of Retoggia. "
"The upper level of this tower is also dominated by nobles from those three countries.
"There is no such thing as a country that does not now use the Magic Master and his technology in war.
The number and quality of magicians enrolled in the country dictate the whereabouts of war.
And this tower is home to many of the world's most exorcists, but it also constantly develops the latest exorcisms and exports them to various parts of the world.
No country can even afford war without relying on this tower.
That means that whoever controls this tower will remain the ruler of the world.
The three powers thrived not because the three powers were superior.
Because this tower chose the Three Kingdoms. "
"The tower... choosing a country...? How the hell did that happen..."
"You have to understand it from the formation of this tower to understand it. Great. Let's start with that today."
Yuyne started talking.
on the formation and history of this tower.
"When the foundational theory of magic guidance had not yet been established and the world was overshadowed by the darkness of ignorance and obscurity, magic was abused, and the magician was considered an ominous man and subjected to unspeakable persecution.
Worried about the world, the Great Mage, Gaelias, took action to improve the protection and treatment of the Mage.
He establishes the basic theory of magic guidance to systematize magic, which until then had no cohesion, as knowledge, and opens the college to try to enlighten it.
That's not all.
He created a city for magicians and tried to manage magic and magicians under one institution.
In order to gather all the magical guides scattered around the world in one place, as well as escape any intervention or interference of state or power, he planned to build a tower of heavenly and soaring resistance that could contain any number of huge cities.
The city of the first Wizard built in the world instantly developed and became more prominent than any other region, both economically and militarily.
Regardless, the rulers of time have always managed to hold this tower in their hands by stretching their forefingers to make it ours.
But no nation or ruler could let this tower fall.
Gaelias foresaw an invasion of the tower by the state.
Having prevented the passage leading from the city to the city and from each hierarchy in this tower from being passed without a magician, he instructed the construction of a airship, so that an army of magicians could be dispatched anywhere on the continent of Retoggia, so that he could immediately attack a country that had taken hostile action against the tower.
Numerous nations have repeatedly invaded in an effort to keep the tower under control, but the tower's magicians have met Gaelias' expectations and have always repelled them. "
"I can't believe I'm taking on a nation and repelling it.
Is the military power of the tower that high?
"Oh, it's literally overwhelming.
It remains the same in modern times, when magical civilization was exported to all parts of the world.
With ten airships, more than hundreds of thousands of magicians, this tower of Guingards is the only place in the continent of Retoggia that can give you a glimpse.
Even the demonic knights of Wingard, the largest of the three powers, are about a thousand at best. "
"Not so..."
"A nation hostile to the tower will be a concern of decline and annihilation without one exception.
Eventually the nations make the inviolability of the tower an implicit understanding, and the tower begins to carry a kind of authority and sanctity.
The tower has also strengthened its influence over the great powers, so that the superior demon mentor in the tower can exert a strong influence in the international community.
One day the tower will be regarded as a sanctuary by the people, and the Wizard will be in awe by the people.
From the time the tower's magician began to take on the balance of the world, the magician became a new identity in line with the noble classes of the nations. "
"Not only does it gain definitive authority in this way, but it is the tower of the Wizard who has come to influence the nations of the world, but the rulers of the nations did not give up control of the tower.
The monarchs of the nation, who realized that conquest by force was impossible, plotted instead to approach the tower to strengthen ties and use its influence.
The monarchs and nobles of the state sent the qualities born in their own country into the tower and tried to move the tower conveniently to their own country by taking an influential position in the tower.
Nor was this attempt so easy to succeed.
For example, even if he was a high-ranking magician living on the upper floors, if he were to openly try to make convenience for a particular nation, he would have bought a bullet in the tower and, in some cases, in the worry of exile.
It is still the age of the Three Powers.
Essentially, the more the wizard who lives on the upper floor must act with the utmost priority about the tower, and if it is deemed to have moved for the nation over the tower, it will be condemned and, in some cases, punished.
However, some countries did not give up making pipes with towers.
While encountering resistance from forces seeking to maintain the independence and neutrality of the tower, he gradually produced a high-ranking nation-born magician, and by looking at the opportunity and offering economic and military assistance for the tower, he gradually sold favors to the tower and made pipes.
Gradually, the ties between the tower and the state became stronger, and the tower also sought conveniences, such as giving preferential magic aids to a nation with strong ties.
Gradually, the sending of the Magic Instructor to the Tower became a competition and began to form a framework of nations with strong ties to the Tower and those that did not.
Wingard Spyrna Lados is the current trinity that won this demon mentor feed-in competition.
Wingard Spyrna Rados actively embraced the tower's high-ranking demon mentor to his country as a senior nobleman, embracing the demonic guidance civilization in the form of subordination to the tower's influence.
A nation that embraces a demon-led civilization grows more and more, and military and economic friction begins to emerge with non-demon-led civilized nations.
Eventually a great war broke out between the nations on the side of the tower and the hostile side.
That war, which erupted under the hegemony of the continent of Retoggia, lasts for several years before ending in a great victory for the group of nations on the side of the tower.
Even at this time the state on the side of the tower developed, and the state hostile to the tower declined and perished.
Wingard Spyrna Rados pushed his way to the Great Powers, and the times ushered in the era of the Three Powers, under which the balance of forces would be maintained, under the Three Powers and their subordinate small States.
As a result of this war and the ensuing competition to attract and send demon leaders, the gap between demon-led and non-demon-led civilized nations is widening, and it remains the bracket of the current demon-led developed and demon-led backward nations.
And now that the force map in the tower turns out to be the force map of each country as it is, the competition for sending their own demon mentors to the top of the tower by each country is heating up more.
If we can send our own sons and daughters to the upper level of the tower even from the nobility, we will have increased influence and speaking power in our own country, in short, because it will lead to increased power, so we are taking a leap towards sending our children to the upper level of the tower.
This is why the nobles are so desperate for the top of the tower.
Incidentally, the custom of accepting high-ranking magicians into their own country and welcoming them as senior nobles is still alive. "
"What? Then..."
"Yes, a 'council' can only be attended by magicians enrolled on more than 500 floors.
The center and supreme decision-making body of the tower that binds magicians from all over the world by making them the upper organization of the Magic Instructors Association.
Whoever is on that council, whether born or raised, will be greeted with the treatment of senior aristocrats from all countries "
Lynn accidentally swallowed the saliva.
My hands are shaking.
(I can be a senior nobleman. As long as I reach the 500th floor, even me...)
"The nation, including the three powers, is taking a leap forward in trying to win the international competition that surrounds the best possible magicians.
Every country is sending magicians to this tower, risking the fate of the nation.
And the nobles are afraid. That civilians will reach the top of the tower and take their place.
For his noble brother, it is his mission to reach the upper echelons and become a high-ranking magician, betting on luck and national luck.
You know what I mean, Lynn?
Your quest for the summit of the tower means beating the competition with the nobles who carried the fate of the nation.
You go to the top of the tower alone, and that's like trying to win a war against the world by yourself. "
(Was it that big of a deal)
Lynn finally realized how big her thoughts were when she came here.
Along with that, I could also understand why Yuin suddenly softened his attitude.
He also wants to connect with one of the three powers, the royal family of Wingard, Ilywia.
"I don't know. Lynn, do you still want to go to the top of the tower?"
Yuyne gave this tower a mocking grin that she had just shown.
But this time, Lynn was never frightened either.
"Master. I know exactly how difficult it is to go for the top of the tower. But I want to go as high as possible. [M]
How can I get to a higher place now? "
When Lynn said this, Yuin gave her a look that didn't seem interesting.
Unlike what Lynn's reaction thought, it seemed to clap out.
"Hum. Well, fine. I'll tell you what you need to get as high as you can to the tower."
Lynn finally thought she was going to get to the point, so she listened to Yuin by focusing and making sure she heard her whole body.
"How can we get as high as possible?
If you think about the roots of our magician's power, you'll get your own answers. "
"The Root of Power......"
"Even you, blunt, will be aware of it about time. That the source of the power of our Magic Instructor lies in the movement and transportation.
In the continent of Retoggia, where the intertwined terrain and warcraft and bandits inhibit the movement of people, only our magicians can move freely and transport large quantities of supplies with only a few pieces of equipment.
Slaves and civilians, bound by land and the law and without freedom of movement, as well as royal nobility, cannot fly across borders and move freely.
With the help of our magicians, they can finally move to remote areas or get goods produced in other countries.
The same way of thinking in the tower's offense.
Nothing starts unless you remember the magic to travel around the tower first.
Basic magic such as rings, masses, fairies and metallurgy is not enough for this.
You must also remember the magic of exploring dungeons and moving efficiently inside towers. "
"Oh well."
"When I say exploration of dungeons, I don't have the answer that I should generally learn which magic.
The interior of the tower is renovated year after year.
The necessary magic also changes with it.
For now, the magic of an acceleration system that travels at high speeds, the magic of a flight system that travels through the air, and the magic of a dimensional system that connects remote locations in a space of different dimensions are essential.
Other spiritual magic needed to travel efficiently through forests, rivers and marshes, warcraft magic without the help of warcraft, architectural magic to build bridges and ships, and battle-based magic.
I don't have a kiri if I give you what you need.
Well, what we need right now is magic to attack 100 hierarchies.
Not to be Elios' two dances, either.
I'm clear about that, so I'll send you a list. "
"Let's leave that all for today's meeting.
See you next month to report on your learning progress.
And report back to me about the Royal Tea Party.
'Cause it's my job to oversee you so you don't have to be rude in upstream society. "
"Um, Master"
Lynn summoned up Yuin, who tried to cut up the conversation and stand up.
"Hmm? What?"
"If you like. Would your master like to attend Mr. Illyweer's tea party, too? I would also try to get my master closer to Mr. Ilywia..."
Yuin looked uncomfortably at Giroli and Lynn.
(Oops. I guess I said something extra)
Lynn gave a sneering, melancholy grin.
I'm never on track, like I said. [M]
The noble pride was still difficult for Lynn to understand.
I was never thinking about selling favors to my master, I just thought it would be a lot of comfort if you came to my master... "
You don't have to take it away.
You may be mistaken about something, but it's not like I want to be at a tea party.
All you have to do is report to me about the Wingard nobles. "
Yuyne told me to laugh at Lynn's shallowness.
Lynn tilted her neck.
(Is that it? Doesn't the master want to be close to Mr. Illyweer?)
"I'll let you go if you don't have business anymore. You don't have to do anything extra to encourage learning."
Saying so, now it's time for Yuin to get up the chair.
Lynn felt a slight shake coming through the entire room.
"? What is it, this shake? Earthquake?"
"No, this is a shake that occurs when the airship arrives. It's fleet season."
"Fleet season?
"The airship belonging to the tower coincides with the seasonal winds of the continent of Retoggia and takes a year to cruise around the area. Typically at this time of year, it has become a lesson for all airships that are not in a combat posture to return. That's fleet season. And on that, there should be three big country integration students."
"Incorporated Students......"
At the airport on the fiftieth floor of the tower, the incoming airships were greeted by those of the Port Authority.
The airship lands safely and Zorro and the passengers descend from inside.
Among them was a group of Spyrna's integration students.
The Port Authority will welcome them.
Those in the administration spoke to the leader-like boy who walks at the head of it.
"Welcome to the Tower of the Wizard. We welcome you."
When the boy turns to the Immigration Service person, he sets up his cane and becomes an upright immobile posture, and begins to speak in an intimidating voice.
"Welcome and hard work. I am Radiat, the eldest son of the Berca family, a senior nobleman of Spyrna. Likewise, Spyrna, I'd like you to lead me to Kruga, the second son of the Mitlan family."
Next time, Episode 78: The Integration Students of the Three Powers
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