Helian Manqiu had heard the sound of such a bowstring before. After the five hundred stone strong bow was fully drawn, she let go of the bowstring and let go of the bowstring, making a sound as if she was fighting for her soul.

With a wave of his hand, he sent arrows flying towards Fu Mengxiong's arrows in an attempt to save the soldier.

One of the high-ranking officers next to her grabbed the reins of her warhorse and continued to gallop forward without looking back.

"Stop, stop!"

Helian Manqiu screamed as the officer jumped onto her horse. His powerful arms tightly embraced Helian Manqiu's slender waist. Like an iron hoop, he held Helian Manqiu tightly in his bosom. He urged his horse to gallop at full speed, not wanting to stop for even a second.

Behind him, the generals and soldiers used their own bodies to protect Helian Manqiu. Even if Fu Mengxiong were to shoot another arrow, he would not be able to harm Helian Manqiu.

Seeing those people from the military state fearlessly using their majestic and valiant bodies to protect their young general, Fu Mengtian's golden eyes slightly fluctuated as they flickered with a light that was deep and unfathomable, like that of a wild beast, causing one's heart to palpitate.

That young general was indeed well-loved and respected by the generals of the military region.

The sharp arrow shot out with an ear-piercing sound. The saber in the soldier's hand immediately fell to the ground. His hands were numb and numb, without even the slightest sensation. Dark red blood kept gushing out of his palm.

He could only maintain the posture of covering his chest with his arms. He raised his head and used a haughty expression, looking at Fu Mengtian, the number one warrior of the low and fresh clan.

The sharp arrow had pierced through his arm and directly pierced his chest. Helian Manqiu's sleeve arrow had only slightly obstructed the speed and strength of the arrow, but it was not of much use.

It pierced through his chest easily like piercing through a layer of paper. The only thing he could do was to try his best to turn his body and use his bones to hold the arrow in place of his body. It would not penetrate his body and would not cause any damage to the young general.

His body fell heavily to the ground. Dark red blood gushed out from his lips and chest like a spring. He closed his eyes. The sharp arrow was still inside his body, not injuring the young general.

A comforting smile appeared on his face. "Your father's death is worth it!"

It was his honor to die in the hands of the number one warrior of the low and fresh clan!

The fine horses of his comrades dodged his fall, and no one bent down to look at him. No one thought that he would survive the arrow of Fu Mengtian, as it whizzed past him like the wind.

Someone was holding his horse by the hand and galloping along. He heard the sound of their hooves gradually receding, and he saw darkness in front of him. It was so cold, and he was about to die.

Could he still feel the pain of being trampled to pieces by the poor men who would come after him, trampling his bones with their horses' hooves and turning him into mincemeat?

He really wanted to have the strength to lift up his blade and give himself a quick death. He didn't have to wait so bitterly and helplessly for the sound of the barbarian's iron hooves crushing his bones.

Laugh, laugh again, he wanted to laugh out loud, he wanted to say to Fu Mengxiong, look, you, the number one warrior of the Freshmen, shot an arrow with a five-hundred stone bow, and you only shot me, a soldier of the unknown military state, and you didn't even have the chance to kill me.

Fu Mengzhong, your archery skills aren't anything at all. I'm not dead yet!

He could not say a word. Blood kept gushing out of his mouth and wound. As the blood flowed out, he felt that it was getting colder and colder. Life was leaving his body and his consciousness was becoming a bit blurry.

"Tap, tap, tap …"

The rapid sound of the hooves approached him. He could hear the sound of the bones being crushed by the iron hooves of the war horses.

"Let's see if he's dead. He didn't try his best to save him."

A powerful voice echoed in his ears like a large bell, but he couldn't say a single word as he fainted.

"Young General, when you are safe, I will let you receive your punishment."

The high-ranking officer who was embracing Helian Manqiu whispered a few words behind her back. He firmly refused to let her go, leading her all the way. Helian Manqiu's eyes slightly moistened. Suddenly, she thought of Mo Bai.

The man who had loved her for so many years had once used his chest, which was not too majestic, to block the enemy's bullets for her. However, the soldiers of the military state and the ordinary soldiers were not her lovers.

Even though they knew they were going to die, they did not hesitate. They bravely charged forward just to protect her from getting hurt.

Helian Manqiu glanced back as her ruthless eyes stared at Fu Mengxiong who was running over from afar. She then looked at the soldier who was lying on the ground.

She did not even see the soldier's face clearly, nor did she know his name!

"Let me go. I can ride a horse myself."

"Young General, before you are safe, this lowly general will not leave your back."

Helian Manqiu was speechless. She knew that this high-ranking officer behind her could do as he said and would absolutely not leave her back. He wanted to use his thick back to block the attacks of the inferior people behind her.

The pursuers behind her were getting closer and closer. Helian Man's delicate eyebrows slightly raised. She coldly looked back at Fu Mengxiong's blurry face and gradually became clear.

"Men, stop fighting with me!"

A lowly general said, and the horse slowed down.

"Don't stop, this is an order. Are you going to go against this general's order?"

Helian Manqiu's eyes were filled with hostility as she swept a fierce glance at her surroundings. All the generals lowered their heads. They did not dare to look straight at their young general with those eyes and dignity.

"Young General, someone must stop Fu Mengzhong from coming closer."

"Someone will go. Keep going. No one is allowed to be one step behind!"

"As you command."

Although everyone was hesitant and didn't know who could stop Fu Meng Xiong Tian, they did not doubt the words of their Young General in the slightest. They urged their horses to gallop as fast as they could towards the west.

They could faintly see an iron wall in front of them. They had finally encountered the Iron Pagoda!

In front of them was the indestructible Iron Pagoda, and behind them was the valiant elites of the light cavalry chasing after them. Everyone's gazes were on Helian Manqiu and they wanted to see if their young general had any other ingenious plans.

Suddenly, the sound of galloping horses rang out. Tao Zheng arrived at this time, and brazenly and fiercely attacked the Iron Pagoda. The crossbow arrows and the scythe were released at the same time. The javelins, crossbow arrows, and iron tribulations all shot straight at the Iron Pagoda.

Everyone's hearts slightly relaxed as they quickly took a detour to the side in preparation to go around the Iron Pagoda.

"Young General, how can Fu Mengxiong not be hospitable enough? Can't he keep Young General here?"

The sound was so close that it shook the ears. Fu Mengxiong led a group of personal guards and arrived a hundred steps behind the generals of the military region.

The danger was right in front of him!

The crossbow arrows were shot from the hands of the military state soldiers to prevent Fu Mengzhong and company from approaching.

At this critical moment, a team of unmarked men, equipped with light cavalry equipment, with a jumble of animal skins and messy armor, and a complicated assortment of horses, charged over from the side.

The soldiers of the military region stared vigilantly at the people who had appeared out of nowhere. Those who appeared in the territory of Fresh Subordinate Region were obviously those who were inferior to the barbarians and should be attacking them.

However, this group of people did not look like the regular army of the King of Humans, nor should they be under the command of the King of Humans.

Arrows flew one after another, shooting out like a violent storm. Those people who had just arrived suddenly launched a brazen attack at Fu Mengtian, piercing into the middle of the army. The leader of the group, with a piece of beast skin over his face, bravely rushed towards Fu Mengtian, daring to challenge him alone.

Helian Manqiu's eyes narrowed slightly. She turned her head and looked through her binoculars. She saw a slender man wearing a jumbled suit of armor and leather armor, holding a saber in his hand. His face was covered by a wolf's hide, making him look somewhat sinister and terrifying.

He had actually dared to use the saber in his hand to fight against Fu Mengtian head on.

Who could that man be?

"Who knows who that man with the wolf skin on his face is?"

Everyone shook their heads with bewildered expressions on their faces. They never thought that there would be someone willing to face up against the heavens and help them in this situation.

"Young General, it seems to be the Wolf King."

"Wolf King?"

Helian Manqiu puzzledly asked. Her gaze fell upon that person. She had never heard of this name before, but she seemed to have some impression of it.

"He's the one who calls himself the King of Fresh Substance, the Wolf King!"

"King Qinguang?"

Where did this strange beast king come from?

Na Ke raised his hand and rubbed his shoulder, "Rumor has it that he is the descendant of the King of Freshmen, and a descendant of the Yu Family. I don't know his name, but no one knows who he is. Because he was good at driving wolves, he was known as the Wolf King. He claims to be the prince of the freshness, a descendant of the freshness, and a true king of the freshness.

"Fewer than, I remember this surname, it should be the Royal family. Before this King of Freshness seized the throne, the Royal family was originally the ones that were Fewer than the Royal family."

"Yes, actually, the young general knows a lot about the affairs of the low and fresh clan."

In order to understand the low and fresh, Helian Manqiu spent a lot of time reading about the history of the low and fresh clans, as well as their customs and the topography of the Northern Kingdom.

"Fewer than the next generation, Wolf King. I remember now, it was him. Didn't he disappear a long time ago?"

"He has always been hiding in the Northern Kingdom, and recently disappeared for a period of time, but he has never given up. Unfortunately, he is also a rare hero of the low class. My king cherishes talents and has recruited him many times. He is willing to forgive his sins and give him a chance to serve, but he doesn't know what's good for him. "

"Wolf King, indeed a valiant warrior, it seems like Fu Mengxiong has an opponent."

Helian Manqiu, who was leaning against the high-ranking officer behind her, observed the fight between the Wolf King and Fu Mengtian through her binoculars with great interest. She wanted to see who among the two of them would be the number one warrior of the Freshmen.

Unfortunately, that person also didn't want to stay there any longer. After rushing for a while and seeing that the Military Region had fled far away, he also retreated.

These horses were extremely fast. Next to their war horses were many blue or black wolves, following their war horses as they galloped.

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