The sharp arrow shot out along with Helian Manqiu's war horse. Helian Manqiu was barely able to use her injured arm to grab the saddle, while the other hand held a knife to break the arrows. However, she understood that it would be difficult to escape the pursuit of the other party.

"Hiss …"

With a sorrowful cry, the warhorse fell to the ground. Helian Manqiu did not hesitate to quickly leave the horse's back. She hid behind the back of the warhorse's corpse and shot out a few sleeve arrows.

"Helian Qingyu, do you still want to fight back with your life on the line? His Highness the Crown Prince has decreed that as long as you are willing to surrender, you will not be harmed in the slightest. "

Helian Manqiu coldly did not say anything as she bent over and retreated all the way up the hill. This was probably a stone mountain and it was hard for a horse to climb it. As long as she retreated to a certain height, it would be impossible for the horse opposite her to climb up.

However, she didn't know how long she would be able to last. She didn't know if she would be able to find a path up the mountain and escape from here.

Because she had used too much strength, large amounts of blood flowed out of her wound once more. However, she did not have the time and opportunity to deal with it. The only thing he could do was grit his teeth and tighten the cloth strip on his shoulder to prevent the loss of blood.

She quickly used the rocks to dodge and retreat. The enemy had at least a few hundred people. Even if they didn't ride their horses up the mountain to attack her, it would be very difficult for her to escape.

Retreating and retreating again, the terrain of the mountain was very complicated, most of the rocks were very convenient for escaping and hiding, and she could only hope that she could escape from the pursuers here, find a road and horses to escape.

The other party also dismounted from their warhorses and quickly ran up the mountain, surrounding her.

She turned and ran as fast as she could. She felt that the loss of blood and her escape had consumed a lot of her energy. They could not stay here, they could not stay there for even a moment, otherwise, they would fall into the hands of these vicious and inferior people.

"Swoosh …"

Helian Manqiu quickly dodged. Her back hit a rock, and a streak of sparks flew across the rock beneath her feet. A few sharp arrows fell on the rock.

She almost fainted. The pain made her clench her lips tightly. She didn't dare to look back, nor did she dare to stay behind. She quickly bent over and continued to run. She suddenly hoped that the sky would quickly turn dark so that the other party wouldn't be able to find her.

"Puff …"

A sharp arrow shot into her thigh. Thankfully, she managed to dodge in time. It only managed to injure her thigh's muscles, so it wasn't considered a serious injury.

He used the dagger to cut off the arrow shaft but didn't have time to bandage the wound. He tied the wound on his thigh with cloth so that the blood wouldn't bleed too much while he was running.

"Helian Qingyu, your leg is already injured. Where else can you run to? His Highness's words are like mountains. As long as you tie your hands and follow us back to pay our respects, I promise I won't hurt you in the slightest! "

A fresh and low ranking officer looked at Helian Manqiu with a bit of admiration. "This young general is quite courageous, but unfortunately, he is too young. If I were to spend a few years here, I would definitely be able to surpass Helian Mountain. "

"At this time, he has already defeated his father, Helian Shan." At this time, he has already defeated his father, Helian Shan. Even the Fifth Prince and General Fu Mengxiong had suffered a loss at his hands and lost to him. The King has decreed that he must not be harmed, and that he must be brought back alive and well to the King's Court. "

"Unfortunately, he is the son of Helian Shan. I'm afraid he won't serve the King."

"The king's punishment is not something we can concern ourselves with. Surround him and capture him alive; do not harm his life!"


Fresh and low officers surrounded and attacked from all directions. The hillside was filled with people chasing and killing Helian Manqiu.

Helian Manqiu slightly raised her head, wanting to send out a signal for help. After thinking for a moment, she finally pressed this idea. Duan Jidyan had obviously made other arrangements beforehand. Who knew if the Crown Prince had other arrangements? The soldiers of the military state could not be put in danger for the sake of her safety alone.

Silently approaching the edge of the cliff, he swung his hand and threw out the steel claw. He used the steel claw to quickly descend at the edge of the cliff, pulling a distance away from the inferior people behind him.

"General, Helian Qingyu jumped off the cliff."

The general was surprised. "What? Is he going to kill himself? "

"No, I don't know what method he used to get off the cliff."

Everyone approached the cliff face. Because of the distance, they couldn't clearly see what method Helian Manqiu used to descend from the cliff like monkeys. Every time they landed, they would jump down the cliff about ten meters. It was even lighter and more agile than an ape's.

They looked at that slender figure, worried that that young general would fall down the cliff at any time and break his bones.

Even without the steel chain claws, it would not be difficult for Helian Manqiu to descend from this not very steep cliff. If it wasn't for the fact that her left shoulder was injured, her left arm wouldn't be able to move as fast as it needed to be.

One of the training methods that the special forces received was to climb rocks and to cross all kinds of obstacles. The difficulty of climbing rocks by hand was much more difficult and dangerous than going down this cliff.

Helian Manqiu's figure quickly descended to the bottom of the cliff. As it happened, there was a pool of water near her feet. She quickly went over and opened the bandage on her shoulder.

She used this cliff to increase the distance between her and the enemy, winning the opportunity to rebandage her wound. However, she didn't dare to stay any longer. She hastily treated her wound and continued to run.

"General, look …"

"Bring your men down the mountain and surround them from the left and right. We will continue to chase them down and we cannot let Helian Qingyu escape. If the young general were to run away, I wonder what the Crown Prince will do? "

Hearing the general's words, everyone's face turned solemn, and a portion of them rushed down the mountain.

He raised his head and watched as the inferior man began to climb down the cliff. He lowered the rope and his speed was also extremely fast. Helian Manqiu did not dare to stop as she climbed and ran all the way up the mountain, trying to increase the distance between her and the people behind her.

She breathed heavily and reeked of blood. She gritted her teeth as she endured the pain from the wounds on her shoulders and thighs. She even used some medicine to temporarily numb the nerves so that her thighs wouldn't feel any pain while she ran.

"Howl …"

A long wolf howl came from not far away. Helian Manqiu supported her forehead with her hands; this was really good luck. Before the pursuers could shake off their pursuers, they had attracted the wolf again.

There were many wild wolves in the Northern Kingdom, especially in this bloody wilderness. There were even more wild wolves. The smell of blood was the best scent that could attract wild wolves. The wild wolves did not dare to approach the battlefield, but they would not let her off.

At this moment, she suddenly felt very nostalgic for the Wolf King. If that wolf was here, she didn't know if she could communicate with these wolves.

"Howl …"

The howls of the wolves drew closer and closer. Helian Manqiu understood that the hundreds of people gathered behind her would not dare to approach those wild wolves. Only she alone, covered in blood and wounded, was the true target of these wild wolves.

A cyan figure pounced over. Helian Manqiu slightly moved, and stabbed out with the dagger in her hand. The wolf, however, made a turn in the air and pounced in another direction.

Helian Manqiu had already predicted that the most important aspect of the survival technique in the wild was how to deal with the attacks of wild beasts. After going through countless strict training, training in the wilderness of the forest, he had long since memorized the attack routes and intentions of these beasts.

The first attack was just a test. Looking at the prey's reaction, stamina, ability to resist and so on, they would not use their full strength to attack, and most likely, it was not a real attack.

The flying knife at his wrist followed the trajectory of the wolf and flew into the wolf's abdomen. It stabbed into the wolf's heart. It would hit its target in a single strike and would not hold back. The thin silk thread on the knife's handle was pulled and the knife left the wolf's body, returning to Helian Manqiu's hand.

Without even turning his head around, he continued moving forward towards the peak of the mountain. If he found another cliff, not only would he be able to temporarily escape from the wild wolves, he would also be able to escape from the pursuers.

He staggered a bit and lowered his head to look at his thigh. Blood was constantly seeping out. Because of his extreme speed in running and climbing, the wound on his thigh was torn open. Blood kept seeping out from the wound.

Faintly, she saw a green figure flash past a rock not too far away. With a flash of its dark green eyes, it was unknown how many wolves had arrived in the vicinity.

With her back against a rock, she undid the bandages on her thighs and applied the medicine again. These wolves were more than enough for her to deal with, she didn't need to worry about those low level people who were even fiercer and fiercer by wolves.

A few wild wolves noticed that their prey was injured, so they leaned on the rocks to catch their breath.

Just now, their companion had been killed in a single exchange. This allowed them to understand the danger of this prey and to not dare to rashly launch an attack.

The faint smell of blood drifting in the air made these hungry wild wolves salivate. They constantly approached Helian Manqiu, hoping that their prey did not have much strength left.

The most frightening wild beast in the wilderness was not a tiger, nor was it a lion. It was a wild wolf.

Once these wild wolves appeared, there would be at least a dozen of them, and at most there would be more than a hundred. They would follow their prey all the way until they used up all their strength and energy, turning them into their food.

Because of the medicine, the wound on her leg didn't feel too painful. Helian Manqiu looked coldly at the wild wolves. She didn't expect that they weren't caught by the lowly people today, but were instead surrounded by wild wolves.

He turned around and continued moving forward. If he encountered a cliff, he would be able to escape from these wild wolves. However, this mountain was short and had no cliffs.

"Howl …"

The mournful howl of a wolf was followed by the death of two more wild wolves in the hands of Helian Manqiu. She panted rapidly and heavily, blood continuously seeping out from her shoulders and thighs.

"Helian Qingyu, surrender. Otherwise, you will become the food of a wild wolf!"

From far away, the voice of a low and fresh person persuading her to surrender could be heard. A green figure wandered among the rocks, but didn't dare to approach her easily.

"Howl …"

On a huge rock not far away, a huge black-green wolf appeared. Following this wolf howl, the five wolves simultaneously attacked Helian Manqiu from all directions.

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