Helian Manqiu was well aware that if her master was willing to make a promise, he would definitely fulfill it.

With Gan Jianxuan's promise, the military and civilians of the more than ten prefectures of the military state would have no worries in the future.

This was also what she was most worried about. Otherwise, she wouldn't have taken the risk of provoking Jia Yue and secretly spread rumors. She first created the established facts, forcing Jia Jin Xuan to pay a huge price to pacify the people and pacify the soldiers.

The soldiers in the military state were all local born and raised. Their families and ancestors lived in this hot land for generations. This place was their roots and was their home.

Only by settling the hearts of the people could they calm the hearts of the soldiers. Helian Manqing's Air Force Department was also unable to do this.

It didn't matter who the person in front of him was, as long as he was willing to make such a promise, it meant that the General Keng Prefecture was considered as his territory.

"I've never seen you be so respectful to me before."

"My lord, this general knows his wrongs and humbly requests that my lord give me the chance to redeem myself. My lord, this general will not dare to disappoint you."

Helian Manqiu bowed deeply as she slowly straightened her body. As expected of the great general, Marquis of Heaven!

"The military region is under your command."

Gan Yuxuan said indifferently. He picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Helian Manqiu.

Helian Manqiu received it. She smiled and lowered her head to look at the drawing on the table. She did not say a word of thanks nor did she have an expression of fear.

Who would be so rude as to accept a cup of tea that he had personally poured? Even the princes and princes weren't qualified for him to personally pour them a cup of tea.

She lowered her head to look at the diagram carefully. The principle behind the catapult and crossbow was the same as when she was a craftsman, she was only lacking in pattern comparison. Tonight, there was a contrast between the diagrams. With a single glance, it was as clear as a fingertip, a place where all of them could no longer see clearly.

This age's catapult was a kind of siege weapon that could throw boulders into enemy walls and cities, causing destruction.

The catapult machine is mainly a manpower or animal power type, that is, a large number of soldiers or war horses to the same direction at the same time suddenly pull the pull rope, pull up the heavy arm of the projectile in a parabolic line.

Helian Manqiu reached out her hand to pick up a pen from Gan Xianxuan's desk. It was the same pen that she had given to Gan Zhixuan earlier. She gave this pen to Gan Zhixuan to try out.

"My lord, is this one useful?"

Gongzi Xuan nodded slightly. It was a simple task to carry them. There was a bamboo tube on the outside which was wrapped with cotton swabs. He poured the ink into the cotton swabs. The tip of the brush was made of sharpened cork, sealing off the exit of the bamboo tube. Behind the brush was also a bamboo block, sealing off the end of the tube.

The ink was poured into the cotton and sealed behind it. The ink seeped through the cotton into the cork. The cork was soaked in the ink and the words could be written.

The only trick was that the ink should not be too diluted or too concentrated. If too thin, the ink would drip from the tip of the brush. If too thick, the ink would not be able to seep through to the tip.

His writing speed was extremely fast. Those who could not write very well could also use this kind of pen to write very quickly. They did not need to worry that the words written would be too ugly.

"The general went back and sent his master a box of pens and ink."

Helian Manqiu said with a smile. She lowered her head and began to draw on another blank piece of paper. She understood the meaning of "I'm willing to give you the Profound Mysteries"; it's to test her face to see if she can really solve these difficult problems.

Previously, she had solved a few of the problems that Gan Yuxuan had put forward, namely the iron pagoda and the light cavalry, as well as a few other problems. This master probably suspected that there was an expert guiding her from behind, which was why he wanted her to answer these two questions tonight.

Did he want to use these two questions to pay such a heavy price?

Helian Manqiu drew a few strokes. The upper end of the arm of the catapult machine was made into a seat to place the stone bullet, and the tip of the arm had to be big and heavy. If a grenade belt was installed at the end of the arm, the arm could gradually become thinner from the thickness up, and the arm could become much lighter.

When the arm is fitted with a sling, the length of the sling is in fact an extension of the arm, so that the weight of the arm is not significantly increased. The weight of the projectile was reasonable. The longer the arm of the catapult, the longer the distance of the sweep through the air and the farther the projectile was projected.

She had only made a small adjustment to the arm of the catapult, but it was enough to double the catapult's range and greatly reduce its weight.

The arm of the catapult is made of metal, and other parts can be replaced with wood, the heaviest being the arm.

The weight of the arm was reduced by half, and the weight of the catapult by at least a third.

With just a single glance, Gan Yuxuan could tell how much of a change the catapult had made.

A miraculous change occurred right before his eyes. The youth before him had a faint smile on his face, and he had a focused expression on his face. When he was focusing his attention, he had a strange grace.

With a slight raise of her delicate eyebrows, the brilliance between her eyebrows lit up the entire room. Even the light dimmed down, leaving only her elegant and slender hands dancing lightly on the paper as she lowered her head to look at the diagrams.

Gan noticed that Helian Qingyu knew the construction of the catapult very well. Otherwise, he wouldn't have changed the catapult so easily, reducing the catapult's weight by a third and doubling its range.

A small grenade belt could allow the catapult to freely change direction without the use of movement, which was more than double the convenience and power. In the past, if a catapult wanted to throw it in different directions, it would have to move back and forth. It was extremely tiring.

The throwing direction could be changed without the use of a mobile catapult. The throwing speed could be increased by at least three times.

After having been modified by Helian Manqiu, the catapult must have been built as a sharp weapon to attack and attack the enemy.

"How many throwing machines has Master brought with him? I can order my men to modify them as soon as possible, and then make an even better four throwing machines to offer to Master."

Gan Yuxuan nodded slightly. He knew that Helian Manqiu was willing to work so hard for the sake of his previous promise.

"My lord, if you can provide me with the financial resources, I will make more throwing machines as soon as possible. I am sorry, but I do not have that many materials, so I can only make four throwing machines and give them to my lord."

"I'll give you anything you need for the documents to be listed, so you don't need to put in too much effort to make them. I will order people to make them, and you can just focus on your business in peace."

Helian Manqiu facepalmed. This was the best method. She also understood that Gan Xian Xuan was sending people to personally produce a test to see how powerful this new stone throwing machine was. Only then would he be able to produce a large number of them.

"My Lord, I should go back and think about it carefully. Perhaps I can improve after the trial production."


Most of the doubt in Gan Yuxuan's heart had disappeared. The diagram was given to Helian Manqiu at that time, and he had also modified it in person. It was only a quarter of an hour, but the new diagram and explanation were placed in front of him.

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