Tower Ascension

Chapter 39 - Soul Defender's License Part 1

Obscure Demons, as its name suggest was a group Peter found during his middle school. This group was filled with weird people with weird obsession. Obsession gives rise to belief and belief forces us to do something that might be good or bad for society.

And, Peter is not comfortable with that group. Especially now, because his current mind is no longer blinded by that belief. But, he can't argue the power of that group. Peter stands on his foot and leaves a note near Camellia, taking her phone.

After that, he asks the doctor to see his parents. It was hard. Seeing his parents on the bed in their condition, was really hard to see. He mustered his courage and walked inside the room. There was equipment that was attached to each other.

These equipment were maintaining their lives. He walked in front of them and said "Dad, Mom, I've returned."

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for putting you through this. I'm sorry for blinding myself."

A few drops of tears slides his eyes as he took a deep breath and said "But, I am going to fix it. Until you wake up, I will take care of Anne. That vampire, I am going to pierce his heart."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red. But, he didn't radiate killing intent. He knew killing intent wasn't just his thoughts. When combined with spirit power, it could be materialized. And, he didn't have much control over his spirit power.

He silently left the room. But, he was still wearing the hospital dress. So, he asked the doctor for help and wore a black t-shirt and jeans. After that, he walked out of the hospital. But before that, he took out his phone and called his brother-in-law.

"Hello, sis!" The voice rang on his phone.

"It's me, Daniel. Meet me in front of the hospital!" When Peter spoke, the voice froze for a moment. In just a few more seconds, Daniela arrived in front of him.

"Where is sis?" His voice was a little hoarse.

"She took care of us for so long. Obviously, she is tired." Peter didn't explain because hearing his words, Daniel instantly reached his room and take a look at his sister, and came back.

"What's your rank?" Peter asked as he looked at Daniel. This speed was truly fast. It's like he could move even faster.

"Gold Rank, just like my sister." Daniel was still uncomfortable with Peter, so he didn't talk much. He answered and turned around.

"Look, I know you hate me for putting your sister through all this. But, we have something else to do. Can you take me to the Soul Defender's Council?" Peter asked.

"Why would I give you a ride? You are now a soul defender as well. Just run!" Daniel pouted as he looked another way.

"We don't have time. I have somewhere else to go as well." Peter spoke as he raised his hand.

"No, I won't." Daniel stubbornly refused. He didn't like Peter and he doesn't want to give a ride to someone whom he doesn't like.

"It's for your sister's sake. The faster we get there, the faster she can be freed." Peter sighed as he gave him a final blow. As he expected, Daniel truly loves his sister. In an instant, he held Peter in the princess position and ran.

A minute later,

"Hu! Hu! Ugh!"

Peter breathed harder and walked to the side to puke. He glanced at Daniel with hatred in his eyes and said "You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Maybe!" Daniel didn't answer immediately rather giggled in his mind. He could have prevented this but he didn't. Normally, when a speedster runs he can generate powerful blows. That's why a speedster needs to control his own speed and the impact of his speed.

This means speedster can't give their best unless they are in a totally desolate place.

Peter adjusted himself and chose to ignore him. After that, he entered the tall building. He went to the counter where the lady was standing behind the desk.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A professional smile appeared on her lips as she spoke.

"I would like to get Soul Defender's license." Peter answer.

Hearing his words, she froze for a moment. Normally, teens are the one who asks for a Soul Defender's license since soul talent can only be awakened at the age of sixteen.

"Sir, can you display a small portion of your soul talent?" The lady didn't believe him but didn't get rude either. She was trained to be professional.

Peter nodded his head and lifted his index finger. The fire mana erupts out of his finger and transformed into the yellow flames. During his awakening, his soul transformed his body into exact same body he had within the tower.

That means he had everything that he had within the tower. He even has the system and the inventory. This is why he was going to Obscure Demons. Unlike other raid parties, they don't look at each other's backgrounds. So, he can easily improve while earning money in this world.

"Please follow me!" Although this was the first time she had seen someone of Peter's age get a license, she didn't make any unnecessary delay and invited him. Before leaving, she turned her head at Daniel who showed her the Soul Defender's license.

She nodded her head in return and left. Peter and Daniel followed her to an empty room.

The walls around this room were created with the most powerful concrete, steel, and even the scales of the dragon. There were many branches of Soul Defender's Council and one was in Isolon. It was in the center city.

"Before we start testing your abilities, can we scan your information?" The lady spoke as she walked near a computer at the back. Peter nodded his head. After that, a mechanical arm emerged from the ceiling and scanned Peter.

[Name- Peter Johnson

Age- 21

Soul Talent- Unawakened

History- Locked]

Normally, Soul Defender Council can look into his history but not this lady. She was after all a normal staff. Seeing his soul talent stats, she was shocked.

"Did you just awakened, sir?" The lady found it a little hard to believe when Peter nods his head. But, she had to accept it since the proof was in front of her. She took back his information and a big wall appeared in front of him.

"Sir, let me explain this procedure. Whenever a person awakens Soul Talent, two things change. One is the external power that a person awakens and another is his body. Even if it is not the body alternation, to hold the power of soul talent, one's body needs to be exercised."

Peter nodded his head as he understood this way earlier than her. After all, he was truly desperate to awaken the Soul Talent, he had every bit of information about it. Slowly, an altar with a black ball on the top emerged from the underground.

"Sir, the wall will help you measure your physical improvement and the ball will measure your soul talent's rank. First, please put your palm on the ball and release all of your soul talents." Hearing her command, Peter walks near it and puts his palm on the ball.

The mana inside his mana core released an intense amount of mana. The fire veins transformed the neutral mana into fire mana that erupts out of his palm. In an instant, the ball started vibrating. Suddenly, the ball released the silver gas.

Seeing the silver gas, it was clear that his rank was silver but the amount was indeed high. After all, this was mana, not the soul talent. Slowly, the silver gas formed five stars.

Seeing this, both the lady and Daniel froze. But, the lady changed her expression in an instant and smiled "Congratulation sir, although it is only Silver Rank, it is Five Star Silver Rank. That means you have the chance to face Gold Rank if you train your soul talent."

Peter nodded his head without any trace of happiness or sadness in his eyes. He had already expected his power level. And, it didn't matter since he could improve. Noticing his emotionless expression, the lady immediately take back the altar and spoke "Now, please punch the wall as hard as you can. This wall was created to block the power of Half-Supreme so don't worry about breaking it."

Although Peter didn't like showing off, he knew he must get better results. After all, he doesn't want to hunt lower-rank dungeon monsters which can neither help him in earning nor on improving his strength.

So, he decided to go all out. He had 45 points of internal energy. That means if he invests all of it at once, he can get nine times powerful dominating force. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and released all of his internal energy.

Soon, the internal energy inside him combined together and formed dominating force. Feeling so much dominating force flowing through his veins, an intoxicating feeling entered his mind. As soon as he opened his eyes, the lady and Daniel felt the aura rising from Peter.

It was like a wild beast. Both opened their mouth wide as Peter stepped his leg foot forward and crouched down a bit. He closed his fingers and pulled his hand.


For a second, the vacuum formed when he punched.


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