Tower Ascension

Chapter 6 - Powerful Startup

[Fame Points- They are the treasures for climbers. After each passing each ten floors, the climber can buy anything they desire in a mysterious shop. From divine talent to unique skill, nothing is impossible to gain as long as Fame Points are enough.]

'Hmm! So, one is a bonus point for the climber while another is a precious currency. How does it feel more and more like a game to me?' Peter frowned as he clicked on the passive skills after reviewing them.

[Passive Skill- Greed

Rank- Legendary

Level- 1 (0.0%)

Description- Possessing the Stone Heart, you want everything. Your greed and envy of others' soul talent gave rise to the passive skill 'Greed'.

Effect 1: Due to immense greed, you can copy others one passive and one active skill.

(Note: You can discard the skill if you do not want it.)

Effect 2: As long as you activate greed, you can steal others' EXP.

(Note: You need to be close enough to steal it. The change in the distance changes the effect. And once you steal it, you can't return it.)

Effect 3: If you see someone practicing the same skill, you can steal their mastery.

(Note: It doesn't work if you can't clearly see each movement.)]

[Passive Skill- Dying Divine Breath

Rank- Legendary

Level- 1 (0.0%)

Description- Possessing the Mind of a Hero, you develop a strange mentality to fight till the death. But, no human being wants to die. A climber has the same idea. Due to your mentality to fight till the death and your experience of death while saving someone and being a true hero, your soul has successfully created this passive skill.

Effect 1: When HP gets less than 30%, all stats will be doubled.

(Note: With the current level, it only lasts for three minutes.)

Effect 2: When HP gets less than 50%, all skills mastery will be increased by five times.

(Note: The effect increases when HP decreases.)

[Effect 3: When backstabbed or betrayed, all the stats will increase by five times until the betrayer is dead.

(Note: There is no time limit but the side effects are disastrous.)]

[Passive Skill Note: Some skills might need to activate while some do not. It depends upon the skill itself.]

(Note: Weapons and Skills has a certain rank. Some are upgradable while some aren't. Ranking starts from Common, Rare, Mystic, Epic, and Legendary)]

'..... Seriously?' At this moment, Peter didn't know what to say. First, he was completely ignorant of these passive skills. Second, he didn't expect these skills to be so overpowered.

'But, these skills do possess many restrictions. I need to be cautious while using these skills. And, there is also the ranking. I see, these are legendary rank skills. And, it does make sense. I wonder if others also gets the legendary rank skill.' Peter thought for a moment and spoke "Inventory!"

The blue screen appeared with ten different boxes. At the same time, a note appeared on another screen.

[Inventory- It is the inbuilt function of the system that allows the Climber to store his necessities. Currently, Climber can store ten different items in ten different slots. Furthermore, each slot can contain ten same items. Living beings can't be stored but time is frozen inside.]

[Note: Wealth can be stored in an unlimited amount but in a single slot!]

'How nice! That's exactly what I need. So, that sword and sword technique must be inside these slots. I guess I should check them out.' Peter smiled as he raised his hand and touched the first icon. Suddenly, a while double-edged sword popped out in thin air. He caught the hilt of the sword. It was soft and firm.

"This seems to be made out of good material." Peter swings the sword and comments. Suddenly, a screen popped out.

[Item- Double-Edged Sword

Rank- Common

Description- It is a basic weapon given to a climber to proceed with his quests.

Effect: 1+ STR

Durability- Poor]

'By the way, what's in the second slot?' Peter clicked the second slot and a book appeared in his hand.

"Basic Sword Technique! It seems like a skill. So, what does it teaches me?" Peter thought for a moment and a panel appeared in front of him.

[Item- Basic Sword Skill Book

Rank- Common

Description- A book with a set of basic sword movements. Each movement has been refined and written in the book by the master swordsman.

Effect- No Mana Consumption but Mana enhances it

Durability- Based on Climber's Level]

Just when he finished reading the screen, another screen appeared.

[Would you like to consume one of two active skill slots with Basic Sword Skill?]

[Yes] [No]

Seeing the options, he thought 'One of two active skill slots! That means I can only learn two active skills. That must be the same for passive skills. But, it can't be like this. I mean, a person won't be satisfied with only two skills and can't fight properly.'

'Since other things are just like games, this must be the same. The slot will increase when I reach the corresponding level. I wonder if the system could respond. Should I check?'

Considering the possibility, Peter felt he must confirm it.

"System, which level is required to increase the skill slots?" Peter deep a serious stare and asked.

"Climber can increase skill slots by two at the level one. It stays same until level eleven where a climber can increase the skill slots by two once again." A robotic sound rang in his mind. But, it felt a lot similar to Hodder. If only it wasn't sounded like a robot.

'I see! As a result, it can only be raised after ten levels each time. I'm now at level zero. However, I only have two skill slots. It must be the tower's starting position, just like my data indicate. So, should I go for it or not? It might be the set of normal sword technique.'

'But Mana can improve it! As a result, the more the mana, the greater the skill's potential. As a result, it is only deemed a common rank based on its usage. After all, tremendous mastery of a skill is essential to create a powerful force from a common technique.'

'Currently, I am level zero. That means I can't use mana or have the strength to fight level one monster. So, I must learn this skill.'

After considering carefully, Peter finally clicks on 'yes'. Then, again another screen appears in front of him.

[Would you like to learn Basic Sword Skill?]

[Yes] [No]

[Disclaimer- Once it is learned, it can't be removed from the slot.]

'Damn! Just as I thought. It can't be removed once it's learned. That means this choice is very important. Although a large number of skills doesn't mean higher strength, it is still necessary to face a different unexpected situation.'

'That means I must consider skills that will allow me to survive in different situations. For the next passive skills, I must have a skill that improves my defense and help me fight against poison. Since poison is one of the easiest ways to kill someone.'

'People inside the tower might use and even monsters. So, I must be careful of everything.

'As for active skill slots, one for offense, one for defense, one for movement, and one for support. If I can improve Basic Sword Skill, it will be enough for me within level 10.....'

'Wait! What am I thinking? My priority should be the main inheritance.... Hmm! Technically, I would still need to follow this plan to get stronger. So, I didn't waste my time thinking over this.'

Finally, Peter clicks on 'yes'. Whoosh!

A slight wind made him alert but soon realized his brain had additional information. When he tried to access it, the information poured like rain. In an instant, he realized the entire Basic Sword Skill. Holding the iron sword in his hand, he stood in the stance of a swordsman.

With his right hand holding the sword and the sword pointing at air while his left hand behind his back.



He slightly bent his wrist and the sword moved down. It stopped near the waist where the sword was horizontally straight. The tip was facing the opposite side.



He slightly jerked his hand and the sword moved ahead. The tip pierced the air while moving straight and stopping when his arm was completely forward.



He slightly twists his wrist, moves his sword tip to the top. Then, he slightly moves the sword to the right and swings it to his bottom left. But he didn't stop there. He moves the sword straight up and swings it to his bottom right.

Right Slash! Left Slash!

There were only these four strikes in the Basic Sword Skill. Although he wasn't particularly interested in swords, he still practiced them in case he awakens the Soul Talent related to his sword.

At this young age, he was very optimistic about being a Hero or a Defender of the earth. That was the sole reason for giving birth to the Mind of Hero. At least, this is what he thinks.

But before he practiced further, he commands "Quest!"

[Regular Quest]

[Chain Quest]

[Floor Quest]

Peter clicks on three quests simultaneously which releases five more screens in front of him.


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