Tower Ascension

Chapter 72 - Divine Realm Part 1

Peter silently recovered his health while traveling on the sword. He also received the news from Camellia. It seems both of them were taken to the Council as well. He didn't expect the vampires to make such a sudden move.

Of course, he knew they would make a move but this was still fast. He had almost no preparation whatsoever for this. And, more importantly, Anne's condition was worse. That's why he got this angry. If it wasn't for the Camellia, Anne would've died.

After all, Morgan was a Half-Supreme rank vampire. It would take more than a miracle to kill him. If it wasn't for his agility, he might not even be successful. He took a deep breath and clenched his fist. After facing Supreme, he finally understood the difference between him and supreme.

It was huge. Even if he reaches the twenty-fifth level, he isn't sure to take down the Supreme. He must at least reach the peak of the third floor. Thinking this, his face became solemn. He could go alone but if he does that, he will break the promise with the old man.

And, just like Nolan who protected him in this world, that old man was protecting him inside the tower. He was grateful to both of them and understands how weak he is. And, this world could be already overwhelmed by the people of the third floor?

This made him confused. The people who came out were from the top floors. So, why did humans still survive? It's not like those races could fight those gods and demons. This was very confusing. And, Camellia did mention these races were only helping humans to fight against the weakest people.

'Could it be the tower sets some restrictions to those people? It must be that otherwise, they could literally erase the world with the swipe of their hands.' Peter nodded his head as he thought about the case.

After all, he could feel the power of two supreme fightings from each other from his current position. The impacts were spreading out in the air and even reaching him. Now that his mind was cool, he was a little terrified.

If Nolan hadn't come, he was sure to die. His internal energy, mana and even spirit powers are emptied. At that moment, whether enter the tower or wait for the death, it was his condition. Fortunately, Nolan came in time.

"Mr. Peter, can I ask you something?" The man flying the sword spoke when he saw Peter opening his eyes.

"Yes," Peter nodded his head. After all, this man also saved his life.

"What kind of potion was that? How can it heal your body so quickly?" The man curiously asked. He has never seen something like this.

"Healing Potion! I encountered a monster a few days ago who had the power to create liquid to heal his own body. After I kill it, I gained its ability. But, I also need other things to produce this which are rare. That's why it hasn't gone for mass production like IE potions." Peter instantly made up a lie and told him.

After all, he knew he can't hide and stay silent. He must tell lie, and in a way that it can be believable. His lie was believable because it was his ability.

"Is your ability growth type?" The man asked with hesitation. Normally, people won't reveal this but one day it will get revealed either way. Camellia's ability was also growth type but it depends on different things for the ability to evolve.

Like her psychic ability only evolved when her brain couldn't act properly due to his death. Thus, it hampers her brain so much that it forced evolution. There are other people whose ability can be evolved based on a certain condition.

But, it is hard to meet such conditions. Because the reason why growth-type abilities are kept secret is that they don't know their ability can evolve. And until it truly evolves, they won't know anything.

"Yes, my ability is a growth-type ability." Peter nodded his head.

"Awesome!" The man in the sword turns around and gave him a thumbs up. After that, he turned the front and sped up. Peter looked at his back speechless and gathered his thoughts together. He took out a mana crystal on his hand started absorbing it.

While recovering his mana, he also recovered his internal energy but it made him weak. After all, internal energy also consumes stamina. He thought for a moment and spoke "Can we stop by at the restaurant?"

The man with the sword got a little confused but still nodded his head and spoke "By the way, my name is Torres."

Peter nodded his head in response and started recovering his internal energy and mana. After a few minutes, they stopped in a restaurant and picked a large size fried chicken bucket. The council was still far away.

So, Peter didn't hesitate to eat it on the way. Of course, he shared some with Torres. He didn't this guy to drool for the entire ride. After eating, he didn't recover his stamina instantly but due to his increased metabolism, he was recovering after half an hour.

And, just during this time, they reached the council building. The man directly flew to the floor. After Peter got off the sword and jumped on the roof, Torres's sword fades away.

He also jumped near Peter and took Peter to the building. Since they were on the top floor, they took the elevator to the few floors below and walked to a certain room. This floor was completely silent which made Peter a little suspicious.

Knock! Knock!

"Chairman, I have brought Peter Johnson." Torres knocked on the door and respectfully spoke.

"Send him in!" A hoarse voice rang from the door. Hearing this voice, Peter identified the chairman as a middle-aged man. He wasn't sure but when Torres opened the door, he was stunned.

The man sitting on the chair wasn't a middle-aged man. Rather, he was an old man, nearly seventy or eighty years old. He was completely bald and even had wrinkles around his eyes. He looked at Peter walking inside and smiled.

As Peter walked in, Torres closed the door. As he walked further, he saw Camellia sitting together with 

Anne but there was no one else.

"Mr. Peter, your ability is unique. Not only it is a growth type, but it also has unique features. If possible, we don't want to lose a capable person like you and it could be a blessing for humanity because of your awakening."

"But, all of that doesn't matter if you don't live. After all, only when you are alive, you can make changes. So, how about you sit down and we chat about this further?" The Chairman spoke as he pointed his hand at the chair in front of him.

Peter looked at his sister and found her state getting better. Then, he walked up to the chair and sat.

"Mr. Peter, how much do you know about Vampires, Werewolves, and Cultivators?" The Chairman asked as soon as he sat down.

"Basic information!" Peter answered but didn't dive in too deep.

"Okay, that's good! Since you know basic information, let's dive in deeper. After all, this is for the survival of you, your girlfriend, and your sister. So, do I have your attention?" The chairman sounded a little domineering as he puts his right leg on his left.

Peter nodded his head and the chairman starts his explanation.

"Soul Talents are the opportunities but also the restrictions for humanity. The highest rank is Supreme and we can't go above it no matter how much we try but this doesn't mean there is no realm above it. There is after all a whole new level which we call Divine Rank."

"We call it Divine Rank because there is literally one person at the level. And, from the facts we have gathered, he is from the cultivator's side and also the reason behind their arrogance. As you know, they are also humans but they don't share the cultivation technique with us."

"And, he is the reason behind it. Of course, there is nothing we can do about it. Being a Divine Rank, he can take down other races with ease but we have found that he can't come out for two more years. Do you know why you were able to kill that Half-Supreme Vampire but he wasn't able to kill you?"

"It's not because Nolan was there. In fact, Nolan was here before he sensed you in the danger. That's why he was able to appear in time but Theodore didn't. Because, from the information we have gathered, he was sprinting into Divine Realm or Vampire Emperor in their language."

"And, now thanks to you, he is stuck. Not just him, even other few vampires are trying to reach the Divine Realm. And, even from the Werewolf's side, some Supremes are trying to reach the Divine Realm. Do you remember the incident related to your parents?"

"Well, they didn't enter the forbidden land. It was those vampires finding a powerful demon's body in that land.. That's why they declared that area as a forbidden land and almost killed your parents."

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